Topic Review
Electric Vehicles Charging/Discharging and Battery Degradation
The high penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) will burden the existing power delivery infrastructure if their charging and discharging are not adequately coordinated. The degradation of lithium-ion batteries occurs throughout their lives due to several chemicals and mechanical processes that reduce the cyclable lithium and other active materials. Battery degradation depends on many factors, such as the charging and discharging rates, depth of discharge (DOD), temperature, voltage, cycle number, and storage stage of charge.
  • 2.9K
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Image Watermarking
Most transactions and exchanges are conducted through the Internet thanks to technological tools, running the risk of the falsification and distortion of information. This is due to the massive demand for the virtual world and its easy access to anyone. Image watermarking has emerged as one of the most important areas for protecting content and enhancing durability and resistance to these kinds of attacks.
  • 478
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Dental Prosthetics or Implants
Dental implants or prosthetics are used to replace missing teeth and treat partially or fully damaged teeth. The dental implant success rate is more than 90% after ten years, ensuring long-term reliability. There are three primary types of dental implants: endosteal or endosseous, subperiosteal, and transosteal. Dental implants are a continuously growing market for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Modern science has allowed dentists to offer a wide variety of implants, such as crowns, screws, dental bridges, dentures, and braces. Implant reliability and proper design are essential for patient comfort and usage. The selection of suitable materials, depending on the patient’s oral health and implant objectives, is the primary criteria for proper implant design.
  • 968
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Uncertainty Modelling for Probabilistic Power System Stability Analysis
The increased penetration of system uncertainties related to renewable energy sources, new types of loads and their fluctuations, and deregulation of the electricity markets necessitates probabilistic power system analysis. The abovementioned factors significantly affect the power system stability, which requires computationally intensive simulation, including frequency, voltage, transient, and small disturbance stability. Altogether 40 uncertainty modelling (UM) techniques are collated with their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and application areas, particularly highlighting their accuracy and efficiency (as both are crucial for power system stability applications). 
  • 392
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Energy Situation of Pakistan
Pakistan has been facing energy crises as a result of its reliance on imported fossil fuels, circular debt, political instability, and absurd energy policies. However, the country has abundant renewable energy resources which, if harnessed, may help to effectively cope with ever-increasing energy demand. The economic situation of the country has remained severely stressed, and energy sector performance has been compromised over the years for various underlying reasons. The energy policy narrative in the early decades of the post-independence period focused on water resource management, whereas energy concerns were only realized in the late 1960s as demand grew. The first-ever energy and power planning study in Pakistan was conducted in 1967, and since then, various studies have been conducted to support the medium-term development plans of the government. These planning studies inspired further development, and in 1994, the first-ever electricity-focused power policy was announced by the government in response to industrial growth and subsequent electricity demand. However, this and subsequent policies were fossil-fuel-centric until 2006, when the government announced the first-ever renewable energy policy. This 2006 policy focused on increasing renewable energy penetration in the overall energy mix by setting specific targets. However, these targets have rarely been accomplished as a result of a lack of an effective planning paradigm, as most of studies have been conducted without sound demand forecasting and without considering renewable energy’s potential to meet growing demand. As such, planning efforts based on proven methodologies/modeling tools and the undertaking of demand forecasts and renewable energy assessments are inevitable for countries such as Pakistan.
  • 406
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Agricultural Drainage
Practicing agricultural drainage strategies is necessary to manage excess water in poorly drained irrigated farmlands to protect them from induced waterlogging and salinity problems. 
  • 858
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Three Phase Induction Motor Drive
An induction motor is generally used in industrial applications because it is reliable, robust, and low cost. Reliability is one of the essential parameters based on which the motor is selected, and the induction motor primarily comes into force. The well-founded induction motor gives good results under various operating states. Dynamic simulation plays a significant part in evaluating the model’s design process to eliminate design errors in typical construction types and when testing the motor drive system. The induction motor is modeled in a synchronously revolving rotor flux-oriented frame, which is used as a reference.
  • 2.0K
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Global Policy for Australian Construction Sector
There has been a call for the construction industry to become more energy efficient in its planning and activities, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to help combat climate change. The Australian Building Codes Board has implemented ‘Energy Efficiency’ standards through the National Construction Codes to direct the industry towards net zero emissions goals. However, the Board has maintained a focus on operational flows considerations despite this only being a part of the total expenditure in a building lifecycle. Embodied flows, the energy output, and emissions from harvesting, manufacturing, transporting, and manufacturing materials for a building have not been included as a part of the current standards despite their growing share in the outputs of construction. 
  • 456
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
3D Bioprinting Skin
3D bioprinting is considered to have a significant impact in the field of tissue engineering, as tissue-scaled large analogs can be fabricated with submicron fidelity. 3D bioprinted skin equivalents are highlighted as the new gold standard for alternative models to animal testing, as well as full-thickness wound healing. 
  • 437
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Valorisation of Carbon-Rich Wastes as Secondary Resources
Carbon-based materials have become an indispensable component in a myriad of domestic and industrial applications. Most of the carbon-based end-of-life products discussed end up in landfills. Where recycling is available, it usually involves the production of lower-value products. The allotropic nature of carbon has been analysed to identify novel materials that could be obtained from used products, which also transform into a secondary carbon resource. Thermal transformation of carbon-rich wastes is a promising and viable pathway for adding value to waste that would otherwise go to landfills. The valorisation routes of four different carbon-rich wastes by thermal transformation are reviewed in the study—automotive shredder residue (ASR), textile wastes, leather wastes, and spent coffee grounds (SCGs). Textile wastes were thermally transformed into carbon fibres and activated carbon, while ASRs were used as a reductant to produce silicon carbide (SiC) from waste glass. 
  • 554
  • 13 Jan 2023
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