Topic Review
Emerging Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diagnostics
COPD is a progressive lung disease described as accelerated lung aging. The aging, in addition to environmental exposures, increase inflammatory–oxidative stress and cellular senescence, resulting in irreversible lung disease progression from mild to severe emphysema.
  • 508
  • 10 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Emerging Technologies
According to G. Veletsianos, from a general point of view, an emerging technology is “a new tool with promising potential”. However, an emerging technology is generally defined according to the field in which it is analyzed. B.R. Martin describes an emerging technology as a technology the use of which will benefit many sectors of the economy and/or society. Other important characteristics of emerging technology, according to D. Rotolo, D. Hicks and B. R. Martin, include radical novelty, relatively fast growth, coherence, and prominent impact. Which refers to the crucial following contexts: aspect of future time, anticipation, uncertainty and Industry 4.0. the following definition of an emerging technology has been created by the author – „Emerging technology in Industry 4.0 is a technology the development of which, from today’s point of view, is uncertain and not obvious, but through complex anticipatory research, it is possible to identify its potential radical impact in selected areas, e.g., social, technological, economic, scientific.”
  • 8.4K
  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Emerging Thermo-Mechanical Energy Storage Technologies
Thermo-mechanical energy storage can be a cost-effective solution to provide flexibility and balance highly renewable energy systems. Thermo-Mechanical Energy Storage (TMES) can be directly compared with pumped hydro storage because they have similar discharge characteristics and capacity (order of 100 s of MW).
  • 1.5K
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Emgrand EC7
The Geely Emgrand or originally, the Emgrand EC7 is a compact car produced by the Emgrand division of the Chinese automaker Geely. After the discontinuation of the "Emgrand" brand, Emgrand EC7 was renamed to Geely Emgrand in 2014. The second generation Geely Emgrand was shown to public in 2014 Beijing Auto Show.
  • 1.4K
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Emission Quantification via Passive Infrared Optical Gas Imaging
Passive infrared optical gas imaging (IOGI) is sensitive to toxic or greenhouse gases of interest, offers non-invasive remote sensing, and provides the capability for spatially resolved measurements. It has been broadly applied to emission detection, localization, and visualization.
  • 607
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Emission Standard
Emission standards are the legal requirements governing air pollutants released into the atmosphere. Emission standards set quantitative limits on the permissible amount of specific air pollutants that may be released from specific sources over specific timeframes. They are generally designed to achieve air quality standards and to protect human life.
  • 1.3K
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Emissions, Decarbonization, and Alternative Fuels in Inland Navigation
In response to the pressing need for transportation decarbonization, the often overlooked domain of inland waterway transport and seeks to answer which alternative fuel or power source is the most promising for that sector. As the shipping industry significantly contributes to global carbon emissions, it has been shifting towards alternative fuels and decarbonization measures in the effort to reduce them, whereas the inland waterways, operating predominantly on diesel engines, have not achieved equivalent substantial progress. Liquified natural gas (LNG) initially emerged as a favored alternative fuel, but recent studies emphasize a shift towards “greener” solutions like batteries and hydrogen. Europe and Asia lead in these developments. This investigation uncovers critical gaps in research and development, particularly in the Northern European countries that have extensive inland waterway networks. It also calls for future studies to explore the performance of vessels that have adopted LNG compared to other emerging alternatives and emphasizes the importance of considering the time lag between technology development and research publication.
  • 267
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Emitted Radiated Interference of Video Monitoring Systems
Video monitoring systems (VMSs) operated throughout an extensive railway area are responsible for the safety of people and property transport processes. Emissions of radiated electromagnetic interference generated in an unintended manner by traction vehicles within a railway line lead to interference in the VMS operating process. Based on the knowledge of actual VMS operating process data, spectral characteristics and values of individual components of disturbing signals occurring in the emissions of radiated electromagnetic interference, it is possible to determine the parameters of damage intensities for the devices and elements of this system. Using that data enables determining the VMS reliability parameters within its operating system, for an extensive railway area. 
  • 332
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Emotion Recognition from Physiological Signals
In many treatments for medical and psychosomatic disorders, such as physical therapy and other relaxation techniques, there is often a lack of consistent feedback on how well a patient responds to the therapy. This lack of feedback often leads to high drop-out rates and irregular training, which hinders the therapy’s ability to constantly yield an improved physical or psychological state. Implementing affective engineering in real-life applications requires the ability to effectively recognize emotions using physiological measurements. Despite being a widely researched topic, there seems to be a lack of systems that translate results from data collected in a laboratory setting to higher technology readiness levels. 
  • 262
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Emotion Recognition Systems
Emotion recognition systems (ERS) are an emerging technology with immense potential, exemplifying the innovative utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) within the context of the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0). Given that personalization is a key feature of the fifth industrial revolution (IR 5.0), ERS has the potential to serve as an enabler for IR 5.0. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the relevance of this technology as work processes were adapted for social distancing and the use of face masks. Even in the post-pandemic era, many individuals continue to wear face masks. Therefore, ERS offers a technological solution to address communication challenges in a masked world. The existing body of knowledge on ERS primarily focuses on exploring modalities or modes for emotion recognition, system development, and the creation of applications utilizing emotion recognition functions.
  • 230
  • 14 Nov 2023
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