Topic Review
Natural Biodegradable Nano Polymers in Cardiac Tissue Engineering
As cardiac diseases, which mostly result in heart failure, are increasing rapidly worldwide, heart transplantation seems the only solution for saving lives. This practice is not always possible due to several reasons, such as scarcity of donors, rejection of organs from recipient bodies, or costly medical procedures. In the framework of nanotechnology, nanomaterials greatly contribute to the development of these cardiovascular scaffolds as they provide an easy regeneration of the tissues. Functional nanofibers can be used in the production of stem cells and in the regeneration of cells and tissues. The small size of nanomaterials, leads to changes in their chemical and physical characteristics that could alter their interaction and exposure to stem cells with cells and tissues.
  • 248
  • 20 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Effect of Carbon Surface on Solid Electrolyte Interphase
Due to their low cost, suitable working potential and high stability, carbon materials have become an irreplaceable anode material for alkali ion batteries, such as lithium ion batteries, sodium ion batteries and potassium ion batteries. During the initial charge, electrolyte is reduced to form a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on the carbon anode surface, which is an electron insulator but a good ion conductor. Thus, a stable surface passivation is obtained, preventing the decomposition of electrolyte in the following cycles. It has been widely accepted that SEI is essential for the long-term performance of batteries, such as calendar life and cycle life. Additionally, the initial coulombic efficiency, rate capability as well as safety of the batteries are dramatically influenced by the SEI. Extensive research efforts have been made to develop advanced SEI on carbon materials via optimization of electrolytes, including solutes, solvents and additives, etc. However, SEI is produced via the catalytic decomposition of electrolyte by the surface of electrode materials.
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  • 20 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Functionalities of Solid State Transformers
The ongoing energy transition has changed the architecture of electricity networks in ways that conventional power transformers are not able to cope with the new required functionalities. The solid state transformer (SST), which comprises state-of-the-art power electronics with galvanic isolation to interconnect two separate alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) power grids, is considered to be the dominant solution. 
  • 441
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Assessment of GHG Emissions from Thermochemical Reactions
The environmental assessment considers greenhouse gaseous (GHG) emissions as a comparative parameter for different thermochemical processes. Several approaches exist for measuring greenhouse gaseous emissions, mainly CO, CO2, N2O, and CH4, from thermochemical reactors. This text recommends monitoring equipment and techniques to monitor and eliminate greenhouse gaseous emissions in thermochemical reaction such as pyrolysis and gasification.
  • 339
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Vegetable Oils as Lubricants
Vegetable oils have been used as metalworking fluids (MWFs) for many years, particularly in small-scale metalworking operations and in industries where environmental regulations are strict. Before the development of modern MWFs, vegetable oils were one of the most common lubricants used for metalworking tools. The use of vegetable oils can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where olive oil was commonly used to lubricate metal tools and weapons. 
  • 3.1K
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Antimicrobial Technologies for Built Environment
Every year, more than 4 million people are at risk of dying due to acquiring a microbial infection. As per the COVID-19 pandemic, such infections alone increase the cost and burden to the healthcare system. Therefore, mitigating the risk of microbial infection in the built environment is one of the essential considerations in preparedness for future pandemic situations. This is especially important for a dense population within urban cities and for indoor environments with higher concentrations of indoor contaminants due to poorer ventilation. The widely diverse types of built environments in public areas with their varying purpose, design, and surfaces also mean that there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for every space. In order to improve the adoption and consideration of antimicrobial surfaces, the built environment industry and stakeholders could benefit from more in-depth and long-term evaluation of these antimicrobial technologies, which demonstrate their real-time impact on various built environment spaces.
  • 553
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Ship Autonomous Collision-Avoidance Strategies
Autonomous decision-making for ships to avoid collision is core to the autonomous navigation of intelligent ships. Related research has shown explosive growth. However, owing to the complex constraints of navigation environments, the Convention of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs), and the underactuated characteristics of ships, it is extremely challenging to design a decision-making algorithm for autonomous collision avoidance (CA) that is practically useful. Based on the investigation of many studies, decision-making algorithms can be attributed to three strategies: alteration of course alone, alteration of speed alone, and alteration of both course and speed. 
  • 382
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Fiber Metal Laminates
Composite materials such as Fibre Metal Laminates (FMLs) have attracted the interest of the aerospace and automotive industries due to their high strength to weight ratio, but to use them as structures it is necessary to master the manufacturing and wiring techniques of these materials. The process parameters used in multi-material machining, such as drilling and milling, tool geometry, tool coating, lubricants and coolants, must be well established to achieve a successful machining process in FLM materials. Failure of any of these parameters can cause irreparable damage to the material, wasting the process and making it less sustainable. Understanding the failure process is essential to improve the accuracy of the analysis, to supplement the information and to provide a deterrent to adjusting process parameters.
  • 700
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Identification of Optimal Binders for Torrefied Biomass Pellets
The pretreatment of biomass through torrefaction is an effective means of improving the fuel quality of woody biomass and its suitability for use in existing facilities burning thermal coal. Densification of torrefied biomass produces a fuel of similar energy density, moisture content, and fixed carbon content to low-grade coals. Additionally, if the torrefaction conditions are optimized, the produced torrefied pellet will be resistant to weathering and biological degradation, allowing for outdoor storage and transport in a manner similar to coal. In untreated biomass, lignin is the primary binding agent for biomass pellets and is activated by the heat and pressures of the pellet extrusion process. The thermal degradation of lignin during torrefaction reduces its binding ability, resulting in pellets of low durability not suitable for transportation. The use of a binding agent can increase the durability of torrefied pellets/briquettes through a number of different binding mechanisms depending on the binder used.
  • 1.0K
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Design for Additive Manufacturing in Construction
Design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) consists of two elements: (1) design for assembly (DfA) and (2) design for manufacture (DfM). DfMA indicates an overall transition from a sequential, conventional approach to a non-linear, iterative design technique.
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  • 19 Apr 2023
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