Topic Review
Engineered Vasculature
Engineered vasculature refers to the creation or fabrication of artificial blood vessel networks within biological systems or tissue constructs by combining organ-specific cells and vasculature cells, scaffolds, and biologically active molecules to form functional tissues. Engineered vasculature is inspired by the structure and function of the natural vascular system that facilitates nutrients and oxygen exchange between cells and blood vessels. It has been used to study vascular pathophysiology, vasculature–organ interaction, and drug and cell trans-endothelium trafficking. In particular, it has been applied in cancer research to study angiogenesis, vascular remodeling, and metastasis. Moreover, engineered vascular conduits that are usually large vessels (>1 cm3) have been used for regenerative purposes, replacing large dysfunctional arteria.
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Desalination Pretreatment Technologies
Pretreatment of raw feed water is an essential step for proper functioning of a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination plant as it minimizes the risk of membrane fouling. Conventional pretreatment methods have drawbacks, such as the potential of biofouling, chemical consumption, and carryover. Non-conventional membrane-based pretreatment technologies have emerged as promising alternatives.
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Nanomaterials for Skin Cancer Photoimmunotherapy
Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, and its incidence continues to increase. It is divided into two main categories, melanoma and non-melanoma. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The relatively high mortality in melanoma and the existing recurrence rates, both for melanoma and non-melanoma, create the need for studying and developing new approaches for skin cancer management. Studies have focused on immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy, photothermal therapy, and photoimmunotherapy. Photoimmunotherapy has gained much attention due to its excellent potential outcomes. It combines the advantages of photodynamic and/or photothermal therapy with a systemic immune response, making it ideal for metastatic cancer. 
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Distribution Network Planning with DPG and ESS
Distributed Power Generation and Energy Storage Systems (DPG-ESSs) are crucial to securing a local energy source. Both entities could enhance the operation of Smart Grids (SGs) by reducing Power Loss (PL), maintaining the voltage profile, and increasing Renewable Energy (RE) as a clean alternative to fossil fuel. However, determining the optimum size and location of different methodologies of DPG-ESS in the SG is essential to obtaining the most benefits and avoiding any negative impacts such as Quality of Power (QoP) and voltage fluctuation issues.
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Direct Laser Deposition of Inconel 625
The direct laser deposition (DLD) process has seen rigorous research in the past two decades due to its ability to directly manufacture products followed by minimal machining. The process input variables play a vital role in determining the properties achieved in the products manufactured by the DLD method. Inconel 625, a nickel-based superalloy with exceptional mechanical performance and corrosion resistance, has been used in critical applications within the aerospace, process, and marine industry.
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Dual-Motor Coupling Drive System for Electric Vehicles
The driving range of electric vehicles (EVs) is still an important factor restricting their development. Although the rising battery energy density has reached a bottleneck, which is a key constraint, the drive energy management strategy also has a significant effect and can improve the driving range of EVs. Herein, the typical configurations of the dual-motor coupling drive system (DCDS) are introduced, and the power distribution strategies of the DCDS are comprehensively reviewed.
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  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Technologies for Localisation in Autonomous Railway Maintenance Systems
Smart maintenance is essential to achieving a safe and reliable railway, but traditional maintenance deployment is costly and heavily human-involved. Ineffective job execution or failure in preventive maintenance can lead to railway service disruption and unsafe operations. The deployment of robotic and autonomous systems was proposed to conduct these maintenance tasks with higher accuracy and reliability. In order for these systems to be capable of detecting rail flaws along millions of mileages they must register their location with higher accuracy. A prerequisite of an autonomous vehicle is its possessing a high degree of accuracy in terms of its positional awareness.
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  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Cow Behavioural Activities in Extensive Farms
Animal welfare is becoming an increasingly important requirement in the livestock sector to improve, and therefore raise, the quality and healthiness of food production. By monitoring the behaviour of the animals, such as feeding, rumination, walking, and lying, it is possible to understand their physical and psychological status. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) tools offer a good solution to assist the farmer in managing the herd, overcoming the limits of human control, and to react early in the case of animal health issues. The entry highlights a key concern that occurs in the design and validation of IoT-based systems created for monitoring grazing cows in extensive agricultural systems, since they have many more, and more complicated, problems than indoor farms. In this context, the most common concerns are related to the battery life of the devices, the sampling frequency to be used for data collection, the need for adequate service connection coverage and transmission range, the computational site, and the performance of the algorithm embedded in IoT-systems in terms of computational cost. 
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  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Exploring Digital Twins in Transport and Energy Fields
Logistics and transport are major sources of energy consumption that still rely heavily on fossil fuels. Especially in the freight sector, finding means to optimise fuel consumption and energy efficiency are increasingly important. Digital twins’ adaptation in logistics and transport is not as frequent as in production, but their implementation potential is immense. This technology can replicate real environments, allowing verification of various scenarios without real-life application, leading to optimal implementation outcome faster and more efficiently.
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  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Capacitance-Based Humidity Sensors
Capacitance-based humidity sensors consist of a moisture-absorbing dielectric material placed between a pair of electrodes that form a small capacitance. Most capacitive sensors use plastic or polymers as the dielectric material with typical dielectric constants ranging from 2 to 15.
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