Topic Review
Global Power Scenario
The massive growth in power demand and the sharp decay in the availability of conventional energy sources forces society to move toward renewable power consumption. The rise in renewable energy utilization is one of the greatest strategies involved in making the environment clean, green, and emission-free. The investment cost is slightly high for this kind of resource, but their running costsare very minimal, which encourages power producers to invest in renewable power plants. Power producers always focus on their economic profit and possible feasibilities before the investment in a new power plant setup. Wind, small hydro, and solar photovoltaics have been considered the foremost efficient and feasible renewable sources.
  • 364
  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
EV Charging on Local PCC and Distribution Network
The revolution due to technological advancement has paved the way for clean and efficient transportation systems, which, in turn, has posed new social and technical challenges to the current electric grid. Most implementations of electro-mobility envision large amount of charging of electric vehicles (EVs) from the low- or medium-voltage distribution network. The impacts of charging on those grids could put a limit on the electrification of transport, at least in the long term.
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  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Thermochemical Recycling of Plastic Wastes to Alternative Fuels
Due to its resistance to natural degradation and decomposition, plastic debris perseveres in the environment for centuries. As a lucrative material for packing industries and consumer products, plastics have become one of the major components of municipal solid waste today. The recycling of plastics is becoming difficult due to a lack of resource recovery facilities and a lack of efficient technologies to separate plastics from mixed solid waste streams. This has made oceans the hotspot for the dispersion and accumulation of plastic residues beyond landfills. 
  • 567
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Deep Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Aluminum Nitride Material
Photodetectors are important photoelectric devices that realize sensing detection through photoelectric signal transformation and have been widely used in flame sensing, conversion communication, environmental monitoring, video imaging, night vision imaging, military tracking, medical detection, and other fields. Ultraviolet with a wavelength less than 280 nm is defined as a deep ultraviolet band that will be absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere before entering the earth. Almost no signal background exists in this band on the earth, which is also called a solar-blind band. The application fields represented by ultraviolet short-range secure communication, shipborne guidance, ozone layer monitoring, and water pollution treatment need the continuous development, maturity, transformation, and application of deep ultraviolet (DUV) detection technology. Therefore, further research and development of DUV detection technology have attracted the extensive attention of researchers in relevant fields, whether in daily life or in the construction of modern national defense.
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  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Avalanche Photodiodes and Silicon Photomultipliers of Non-Planar Designs
Conventional designs of an avalanche photodiode (APD) have been based on a planar p–n junction since the 1960s. APD developments have been driven by the necessity to provide a uniform electric field over the active junction area and to prevent edge breakdown by special measures. Most modern silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) are designed as an array of Geiger-mode APD cells based on planar p–n junctions. Modern Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) are designed as an array of Geiger-mode APD cells based on planar p-n junctions. However, the planar design faces an inherent trade-off between photon detection efficiency and dynamic range due to loss of an active area at the cell edges. Non-planar designs of APDs and SiPMs have also been known since the development of spherical APD (1968), Metal-Resistor-Semiconductor APD (1989), and Micro-well APD (2005). Recent development of Tip Avalanche Photodiode (2020) based on the spherical p-n junction eliminates the trade-off, outperforms the planar SiPMs in the photon detection efficiency, and opens new opportunities for SiPM improvements. Moreover, the latest developments of APDs based on electric field-line crowding and charge-focusing topology with quasi-spherical p-n junctions (2019–2023) show promising functionality in linear and Geiger operating modes.
  • 732
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Electroencephalography Data Analysis Software
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a mechanism to understand the brain’s functioning by analyzing brain electrical signals. More recently, it has been more commonly used in studies that are focused on the causation and effect of dementia. More tools are now available to gather EEG data. This brings about the challenge of understanding brain signals, which involves signal processing. Professionals with an electrical engineering background are very comfortable analyzing EEG data. Still, scientists in computer science and related fields need a source that can identify all the tools available and the process of analyzing the data.
  • 322
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The Mobility and Agility of Subsea AUV
The observation and detection of the subsea environment urgently require large-scale and long-term observation platforms. The design and development of subsea autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) involve three key points: the subsea-adapted main body structure, agile motion performance that adapts to complex underwater environments, and underwater acoustic communication and positioning technology. 
  • 576
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Characteristic of Heat Storage in Building Elements
The main factors determining the efficiency of heat storage systems are their cost, the efficiency of their heat storage and distribution, and, indirectly, their environmental impact. The important factors determining the efficiency of the heat accumulator are enthalpy of the phase change, heat transferability, chemical neutrality, low flammability, and low toxicity.
  • 321
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence for Hydrogen Storage Vessels Design
Hydrogen is a potential candidate to replace fossil fuels for transport applications, with three technologies considered for the onboard storage of hydrogen: storage in the form of a compressed gas, storage as a cryogenic liquid, and storage as a solid. These technologies are now competing to meet the requirements of vehicle manufacturers; each has its own unique challenges that must be understood to direct future research and development efforts. 
  • 1.0K
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Green Substrates for Flexible Electronics for IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining more and more popularity and it is establishing itself in all areas, from industry to everyday life. Given its pervasiveness and considering the problems that afflict today’s world, that must be carefully monitored and addressed to guarantee a future for the new generations, the sustainability of technological solutions must be a focal point in the activities of researchers in the field. Many of these solutions are based on flexible, printed or wearable electronics. The choice of materials therefore becomes fundamental, just as it is crucial to provide the necessary power supply in a green way.
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  • 26 Jun 2023
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