Topic Review
Coronaviruses Specification Based on Biosensor Techniques
Life was once normal before the first announcement of COVID-19’s first case in Wuhan, China, and what was slowly spreading became an overnight worldwide pandemic. Ever since the virus spread at the end of 2019, it has been morphing and rapidly adapting to human nature changes which cause difficult conundrums in the efforts of fighting it. 
  • 512
  • 12 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Corrosion at the Steel–Medium Interface
Corrosion on the interface between a metal alloy, such as steel, and a wet, permeable non-metallic medium is of considerable practical interest. Examples include the interface between steel and water, the atmosphere or concrete, as for steel reinforcement bars; between metal and soil, as for buried cast iron or steel pipes; deposits of some type, as in under-deposit corrosion; and the interface with insulation, protective coatings, or macro- or micro-biological agents. In all cases, corrosion initiation depends on the characteristics of the interfacial zone, both of the metal and the medium, and the spatial variability. For (near-)homogeneous semi-infinite media with good interfacial contact, the pitting, crevices and general corrosion of the metal will be largely controlled by the metal (micro-)characteristics, including its inclusions, imperfections and surface roughness. 
  • 288
  • 11 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Corrosion Stiction in Automotive Braking Systems
The rotor–brake pad assembly for application in automotive braking systems is a complex multimaterial system subjected to several aggressive environments, including rain, snow, and chlorides during winter driving. Corrosion issues involving the rotor–brake pad assembly, in particular for cast-iron rotors, can negatively affect the performance, safety, and reliability of the braking system. Under highly oxidative conditions, electrochemical processes occurring at the gray cast-iron rotor surface can generate corrosion products (iron oxides) that can penetrate the brake pad material through the intrinsic porosity of the friction material employed for the production of the brake pad. The corrosion of gray cast iron discs can lead to a strong adhesion of the brake pad at the pad/disc interface that can impair the reliability and performance of the braking system.
  • 461
  • 30 May 2023
Topic Review
Corrosion-Induced Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete
Steel corrosion in reinforced concrete structures is critical to structural performance and also causes spalling of concrete cover, which poses a risk to occupants and any other person passing under the structure. It is well established that corrosion is initiated after the depassivation of the steel surface caused by the carbonation of the cover concrete and chloride ingress. For real structures in the field, it has been reported that corrosion was unlikely to be observed when the concrete was directly kept from moisture exposure, even when carbonation reached the reinforcing steel; however, corrosion can occur because of rainfall moisture and other sources. In this study, he cover depth effect on corrosion-induced deterioration on-site in different Asian countries was surveyed focusing on the water penetration rather than the classical corrosion factors, such as carbonation and chloride ingress, and then to experimentally and numerically investigate the threshold of water penetration and drying in cover concrete to support the survey findings.
  • 1.3K
  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Cosmetic Container
A cosmetic container is a fully enclosed object used to contain, store, and transport cosmetics. Cosmetics or cosmetic products are substances intended to enhance or preserve the human body's physical appearance or scent. Cosmetic containers are a deeper topic of cosmetic packaging, relating to ISO 22715. According to ISO, cosmetic containers are primary packaging. The container houses the actual product, while the outermost package is considered secondary packaging. These containers play important roles in both marketing and protecting the product.
  • 727
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cost-Effective Imaging Device Based on Thermographic Technology
Thermal vision-based devices are nowadays used in a number of industries, ranging from the automotive industry, surveillance, navigation, fire detection, and rescue missions to precision agriculture.
  • 342
  • 24 May 2023
Topic Review
Cost-Effective Zinc–Iron Redox Flow Batteries
Zinc–iron redox flow batteries (ZIRFBs) possess intrinsic safety and stability and have low electrolyte cost. ZBRFB refers to an redox flow batterie (RFB) in which zinc is used as the electrochemically active substance in the electrolyte solutions. The zinc electrode has a reversible anode potential. Zinc ions are stable in both alkaline and acidic environments, even in a neutral electrolyte, and the electrochemical reaction rate is relatively fast. 
  • 1.3K
  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Road Infrastructure Projects
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is considered an effective evaluation method for fostering optimal decision-making and ranking of road infrastructures over decades. Eight distinct modelling categories used for CBA implementation were determined, each encompassing three different modelling approaches for capturing the data risk assessment (deterministic or probabilistic), CBA’s parameters interactive behavior (static or dynamic) and the considered economies (microeconomic or macroeconomic). In-depth content analysis led to the interpretation of the current status of extant models and the identification of three main knowledge gaps: the absence of the CBA’s inputs updating into a probabilistic environment, the deficiency of a dynamic interdependent framework and the necessity of homogenous cost datasets for road projects. Future research directions and a conceptual framework for modelling CBA into a microeconomic, probabilistic and dynamic environment are proposed providing decision-makers with new avenues for more reliable CBA modelling.
  • 3.5K
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
COTS-Based Architectural Framework
This research tackles issues such as the reliability and efficiency of real-time control systems based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. A strong emphasis is placed on finding novel efficient solutions based on standardized and commercially available off-the-shelf hardware/software components. In this direction, this research applies credible and feasible methodologies (e.g., model-based design, component-based design, formal verification, real-time scheduling, prototyping, and validation) in an innovative enhanced way. As an important outcome, a versatile integrative design approach and architectural framework (VIDAF) is proposed, which supports the development and implementation of reliable real-time control systems and applications using commercial off-the-shelf components. The feasibility and applicability of the proposed system’s architecture are evaluated and validated through a system application in embedded real-time control in manufacturing. The research outcomes are expected to have a positive impact on emerging areas such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
  • 3.7K
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Cottage Culture in Finland: Development and Perspectives
This entry provides an understanding of the past, present, and future of the Finnish cottage culture to create an overall picture of its development trajectory and its terminology, e.g., villa, in this context denoting a second home. Convenient, ready-made solutions, easy maintenance, a high level of equipment, year-round use, location, and modern and simple architectural styles are important selection criteria for (summer) cottages that belonged only to the wealthy bourgeois class in the 19th century and have taken their present form with a major transformation in Finland since then. Additionally, municipal regulations and increased attention to ecological concerns are other important issues regarding the cottage today. Cottage inheritance has changed over the generations, and the tightening of building regulations and increased environmental awareness are key drivers of the future transformation of cottage culture. Moreover, the increasing demand for single-family and outdoor spaces created by social changes such as remote working, which has become widespread with the COVID-19 pandemic, will make the summer cottage lifestyle even more popular in Finland. It is thought that this entry will contribute to the continuance of the Finnish cottage culture, which is essential for the vitality of countryside municipalities, local development, national culture, and the well-being of Finnish people. 
  • 1.8K
  • 14 Apr 2022
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