Topic Review
Factors Influencing the Viability of MSMSCFs
Identifying factors influencing the viability of medium, small, and micro scale construction firms (MSMSCFs) is a crucial precursor in positioning such firms to aid economic and infrastructural development, especially in developing countries.
  • 198
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Tight and Shale Oil Exploration
The exploration and development of West Siberian tight and shale oil reserves, drawing inspiration from North American shale experience is investigated. Emphasizing the advancement in enhanced recovery methods and integrated data-driven approaches. This analysis highlights the potential of multistage hydraulic fracturing while addressing the scarcity of dedicated enhanced oil recovery pilot studies for West Siberian shale formations.
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  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Composites Reinforced with Polymer Fibers
Synthetic fibers are currently the most commonly used addition to various types of composites. The main aim of the addition of polymer fibers is improving mechanical properties, in particular bending strength and reducing the propagation of micro-cracks in the material. Depending on the type of fiber used, other benefits could be achieved, for example, increasing fire resistance, a decreasing thermal conductivity coefficient, or other features desirable for a particular application such as decreasing weight of the composites. The disadvantage of the polymer fiber could be used as raw material mainly not renewable resources. These kinds of fiber are usually obtained from limited resources such as crude oil, however, modern technologies allow also extract plastics from renewable raw materials—bio-based polymers. As the raw material, starch or bio-succinic acid are commonly used.
  • 220
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Passive Auto-Tactile Heuristic Tiles
Mobile service robots often have to work in dynamic and cluttered environments. Multiple safety hazards exist for robots in such work environments, which visual sensors may not detect in time before collisions or robotic damage. An alternative hazard alert system using tactile methods is explored to pre-emptively convey surrounding spatial information to robots working in complex environments or under poor lighting conditions.
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  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Pumping System
The pumping system is a critical component in various industries and consumes 20% of the world’s energy demand, with 25–50% of that energy used in industrial operations. The primary goal for users of pumping systems is to minimise maintenance costs and energy consumption. Life cycle cost (LCC) analysis is a valuable tool for achieving this goal while improving energy efficiency and minimising waste.
  • 223
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Wall System with Dynamic Thermal Insulation
Dynamic thermal insulation systems (DTISs) can adapt to external environment conditions and help to reduce energy consumption and increase occupants’ thermal comfort, contributing towards the mitigation of overheating. DTISs adjust their configuration to optimize heat transfer through the façade. 
  • 227
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
VLC/RF Hybrid Network Applications
With the goal of secure and efficient communications, the VLC Consortium (VLCC) was established to promote and standardize VLC technology in 2007. VLC is characterized by high security, as information cannot be filtered. In addition, it is immune to RF interference, meaning that the system can be used freely in environments sensitive to electromagnetic signals.
  • 112
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Types of Antennas for Biomedical Applications
Planar antennas have become an integral component in modern biomedical instruments owing to their compact structure, cost effectiveness, and light weight. These antennas are crucial in realizing medical systems such as body area networks, remote health monitoring, and microwave imaging systems. Antennas intended for the above applications should be conformal and fabricated using lightweight materials that are suitable for wear on the human body. Wearable antennas are intended to be placed on the human body to examine its health conditions.
  • 927
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Global Navigation Satellite System, Datums and Mapping Accuracy
Current Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based geodetic techniques allow up to millimeter accuracy in positioning to be achieved globally, and high-precision mass-market positioning is becoming available to an accuracy of 5–10 cm.
  • 1.1K
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Classification of Lattice Structure
A lattice structure is made by a unit cell that is repeated in the space, making a larger functional structure; thus, it is a peculiar kind of cellular structure. The basic idea of cellular structures evolved from natural organic structures such as bamboo, bone, cork, etc. According to the literature, in many applications, lattice structures have been found to be superior to their other cellular counterparts, such as foam and honeycomb structures.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
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