Topic Review
Laser Wakefield Electron Acceleration
Laser wakefield electron acceleration (LWFA) is an emerging technology for the next generation of electron accelerators. As intense laser technology has rapidly developed, LWFA has overcome its limitations and has proven its possibilities to facilitate compact high-energy electron beams.
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  • 30 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Speech Features for Schizophrenia
It is known that speech and language provide unique and essential information about human thought. Speech in subjects with schizophrenia is perceived as a negative symptom because it is mainly reflected in a lack of emotion (blunted affect) and poor speech (alogia). Other speech symptoms in schizophrenia include slow speech, reduced pitch variability, more pauses, and less synchronization in syllable variability. Speech production in patients with schizophrenia is usually stimulated via clinical interviews, free speech activities, image description or reading. Free speech can be compromised in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Therefore, techniques such as asking patients to report activities or plans for the future, tasks done the previous day, and dreams can be implemented. Narrative of Emotions Tasks can also be used during medical consultation.
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  • 09 May 2023
Topic Review
Concrete from Construction Solid Waste
With the development of human society and urban modernization, a large amount of construction waste is generated every year due to the demolition of buildings. The annual output of these construction wastes can reach 4 billion tons, and the output is increasing year by year. Most of these construction wastes are directly dumped or landfilled, and the recycling rate is extremely low; pollution of the environment is increasingly serious. In recent years, with the awakening of human environmental awareness, coupled with natural aggregates and cementing material in short supply, people have gradually turned their attention to this part of construction waste. Various technical means to prepare it into RCA, RFA, and RP, and recycled concrete. However, the performance of these recycled materials is generally inferior to that of natural materials.
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  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Thermochemical Recycling of Waste Tyres
Utilising pyrolysis as a waste tyre processing technology has various economic and social advantages, along with the fact that it is an effective conversion method. Despite extensive research and a notable likelihood of success, this technology has not yet seen implementation in industrial and commercial settings. In this review, over 100 recent publications are reviewed and summarised to give attention to the current state of global tyre waste management, pyrolysis technology, and plastic waste conversion into liquid fuel. The study also investigated the suitability of pyrolysis oil for use in diesel engines and provided the results on diesel engine performance and emission characteristics. Most studies show that discarded tyres can yield 40–60% liquid oil with a calorific value of more than 40 MJ/kg, indicating that they are appropriate for direct use as boiler and furnace fuel. It has a low cetane index, as well as high viscosity, density, and aromatic content. According to diesel engine performance and emission studies, the power output and combustion efficiency of tyre pyrolysis oil are equivalent to diesel fuel, but engine emissions (NOX, CO, CO, SOX, and HC) are significantly greater in most circumstances. These findings indicate that tyre pyrolysis oil is not suitable for direct use in commercial automobile engines, but it can be utilised as a fuel additive or combined with other fuels. 
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  • 23 Jan 2022
Topic Review
V2X Applications in Road Tunnels
Tunneling and tunnel equipment should be one of the main disciplines in urban planning and engineering. It is important to provide a solution for all road users, including road users in tunnels, where, for example, navigation is crucial, and its functionality may have implications on traffic throughout the city. However, the most important to ensure are the safety applications, e.g., smooth passing of an emergency vehicle, dissemination of warning information, as well as about the failure in tunnels or tunnel closure. Vehicular communication (V2X—vehicle-to-everything) is one of them.
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  • 20 May 2022
Topic Review
Speckle Imaging
Speckle imaging describes a range of high-resolution astronomical imaging techniques based on the analysis of large numbers of short exposures that freeze the variation of atmospheric turbulence. They can be divided into the shift-and-add ("image stacking") method and the speckle interferometry methods. These techniques can dramatically increase the resolution of ground-based telescopes, but are limited to bright targets.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Planet Load-Sharing
An analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the problem of load sharing and phasing in planetary gearboxes will be presented. The wide range of research topics demonstrates the technical challenges of understanding planetary load-sharing and planet phasing. Studies included are having the goal of developing models for load sharing and exploring the positive or negative effects of different parameters such as phasing on the load distribution among planets. Practical aspects are also considered, for example, the effects of some errors that are unavoidable during manufacturing or working conditions, e.g., misalignments or position errors. Methods for improving the load-sharing characteristics, e.g., flexible ring or floating components, are discussed as well.
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  • 21 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Burt’s Solar Compass
Burt's solar compass is a surveying instrument that makes use of the sun's direction instead of magnetism. William Austin Burt invented his solar compass in 1835. It is a device which allows a person to find the north direction from the position of a shadow. The reason for this instrument was to get away from the erratic readings of a normal magnetized compass when in a local land territory of high iron ore content. The instrument was found to be so accurate that it was the choice of the United States government when surveying public lands, state boundaries, and railroad routes. It won awards from various organizations for its technology. It was used by surveyors from the nineteenth century into the twentieth century.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
ERYX is a short-range portable SACLOS-based wire-guided anti-tank missile (ATGM) produced by European company MBDA. It is used by several countries, including the Canadian Army, French, and Norwegian armies. The weapon can also be used against bunkers and pillboxes. It also has some capability in the anti aircraft role to bring down low flying helicopters, due to its wire guided system. An agreement was reached in 1989 between the French and Canadian governments to co-produce the ERYX missile system. It entered service in 1994.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Robotic Platform for Horticulture
The modern level of development of infocommunication and computer technologies, microprocessor technology and equipment, communication and positioning makes possible the development and practical application of automated and robotic technologies and technical means to improve the efficiency of agricultural production. Currently, intensive horticulture is becoming increasingly widespread due to rapid fruiting and high yield rates. At the same time, the process of harvesting apples in intensive horticulture is the most time-consuming, and harvesting is carried out mainly by a team of pickers. In the production process of cultivating fruit crops, this is an important final stage which requires the development of automated devices and robotic platforms with a control system capable of offline harvesting.
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  • 02 Dec 2022
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