Topic Review
The Lean Blowout Prediction Techniques
The lean blowout is the most critical issue in lean premixed gas turbine combustion. Decades of research into LBO prediction methods have yielded promising results. Predictions can be classified into five categories based on methodology: semi-empirical model, numerical simulation, hybrid, experimental, and data-driven model.
  • 881
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloys in Construction
As a promising candidate in the construction industry, iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) has attracted lots of attention in the engineering and metallography communities because of its foreseeable benefits including corrosion resistance, shape recovery capability, excellent plastic deformability, and outstanding fatigue resistance. Pilot applications have proved the feasibility of Fe-SMA as a highly efficient functional material in the construction sector.
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  • 11 Mar 2022
Topic Review
EOR's Significance in Emission Reduction
Limiting the increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, and at the same time, meeting the increased energy demand can be achieved by applying carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies, which hold potential as the bridge for energy and emission-intensive industries to decarbonization goals. At the moment, the only profitable industrial large-scale carbon sequestration projects are large-scale carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) projects. This paper gives a general overview of the indirect and direct use of captured CO2 in CCUS with a special focus on worldwide large-scale CO2-EOR projects. On the basis of scientific papers and technical reports, data from 23 contemporary large-scale CO2-EOR projects in different project stages were aggregated, pointing out all the specificities of the projects. The specificities of individual projects, along with the lack of standardized methodologies specific for estimating the full lifecycle emissions resulting from CO2-EOR projects, pose a challenge and contribute to uncertainties and wide flexibilities when estimating emissions from CO2-EOR projects, making the cross-referencing of CO2-EOR projects and its comparison to other climate-mitigation strategies rather difficult. Pointing out the mentioned project’s differentiations and aggregating data on the basis of an overview of large-scale CO2-EOR projects gives useful information for future work on the topic of a CO2-EOR project’s lifecycle emissions.
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  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Sequrity aspects in Smart Meters
Smart meters are of the basic elements in the so-called Smart Grid. These devices, connected to the Internet, keep bidirectional communication with other devices in the Smart Grid structure to allow remote readings and maintenance. As any other device connected to a network, smart meters become vulnerable to attacks with different purposes, like stealing data or altering readings. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more popular to buy and plug-and-play smart meters, additionally to those installed by the energy providers, to directly monitor the energy consumption at home. This option inherently entails security risks that are under the responsibility of householders. In this paper, we focus on an open solution based on Smartpi 2.0 devices with two purposes. On the one hand, we propose a network configuration and different data flows to exchange data (energy readings) in the home. These flows are designed to support collaborative among the devices in order to prevent external attacks and attempts of corrupting the data. On the other hand, we check the vulnerability by performing two kind of attacks (denial of service and stealing and changing data by using a malware).
  • 880
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Sustainable Assessment of Concrete Repairs
In order to improve the sustainability of concrete structures and repairs over their life cycle, life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) should be applied. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a holistic method to determine the environmental impact of a product or process with a systematic set of procedures for compiling and examining the inputs and outputs of materials and energy during the entire life cycle. A life cycle is the interlinked stages of a product or service system, from the extraction of natural resources to final disposal (cradle-to-grave). LCCA is a systematic or analytical method to determine the economic performance of a product or process during the entire life cycle, when the initial cost is taken into account, along with future cash flows incurred throughout the lifespan over a predefined period of analysis. The future cash flows are often taken into account by discounting, which compares costs and revenues at different stages in time and emphasizes the importance of present cash flows rather than future ones due to inflation and the earning power of money.
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  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Nanotechnology in Natural Cosmetics
Nanotechnology is a comparatively modern field in the cosmetic industry. Presently, nanotechnology is indeed important as a platform for creating science-based alternatives for advanced therapeutics and cosmetics, resolving antiaging challenges, and enhancing well-being. Nanotechnology is described as an investigation of substances on a molecular and atomic scale. Cosmeceuticals based on nanotechnology offer the benefits of product differentiation, improved bioavailability, and prolonged effects of active ingredients. 
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  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Types of Airborne Wind Energy Systems
Airborne wind energy (AWE) has received increasing attention, with the goal of achieving electricity generation solutions that may be used as a complement or even an alternative to conventional wind turbines. There are several ways to classify AWE systems, e.g., with respect to the means of electricity generation, the flight principles and operation, or the type of flying wing, to name a few. 
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  • 10 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Classification Tools Heart Rate Variability
Chronic stress is the main cause of health problems in high-risk jobs. Wearable sensors can become an ecologically valid method of stress level assessment in real-life applications. We sought to determine a non-invasive technique for objective stress monitoring. Data were collected from firefighters during 24-h shifts using sensor belts equipped with a dry-lead electrocardiograph (ECG) and a three-axial accelerometer. Levels of stress experienced during fire incidents were evaluated via a brief self-assessment questionnaire. Types of physical activity were distinguished basing on accelerometer readings, and heart rate variability (HRV) time series were segmented accordingly into corresponding fragments. Those segments were classified as stress/no-stress conditions. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis showed true positive classification as stress condition for 15% of incidents (while maintaining almost zero False Positive Rate), which parallels the amount of truly stressful incidents reported in the questionnaires. These results show a firm correspondence between the perceived stress level and physiological data. Psychophysiological measurements are reliable indicators of stress even in ecological settings and appear promising for chronic stress monitoring in high-risk jobs, such as firefighting.
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  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Applications of Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (UHP-FRC)
UHPC is a cement based composite used to increase the life of new and existing structures. This new compound can replace concrete in harsh regions. After decades of research and manufacture, a range of commercial UHPC compositions are now accessible internationally to address demand for high-quality construction materials. UHPC provides substantial improvements over regular concrete, however its use is limited by design regulations and high prices. A detailed research of UHPC's durability qualities is needed to guide testing requirements and techniques and expand its practical usage. This study aims to promote UHPC research and applications.  
  • 880
  • 26 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Substrate Materials of Microfluidic-Microwave Devices
The area of microfluidic devices with microwave components is constantly increasing. There are four main types of materials, that can act as a substrate for the microwave-microfluidic systems—epoxy-glass laminates, polymer materials, glass/silicon substrates, and Low-Temperature Cofired Ceramics (LTCCs). The entry describes and compares briefly all selected materials.
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  • 22 Apr 2021
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