Topic Review
Fouling Prevention in Membranes by Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization
The application of membrane processes in various fields has now undergone accelerated developments, despite the presence of some hurdles impacting the process efficiency. Fouling is arguably the main hindrance for a wider implementation of polymeric membranes, particularly in pressure-driven membrane processes, causing higher costs of energy, operation, and maintenance. Radiation induced graft copolymerization (RIGC) is a powerful versatile technique for covalently imparting selected chemical functionalities to membranes’ surfaces, providing a potential solution to fouling problems. 
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  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Seismic Design of Timber Buildings
Use of timber as a construction material has entered a period of renaissance since the development of high-performance engineered wood products, enabling larger and taller buildings to be built. In addition, due to substantial contribution of the building sector to global energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and waste production, sustainable solutions are needed, for which timber has shown a great potential as a sustainable, resilient and renewable building alternative, not only for single family homes but also for mid-rise and high-rise buildings. Both recent technological developments in timber engineering and exponentially increased use of engineered wood products and wood composites reflect in deficiency of current timber codes and standards. This paper presents an overview of some of the current challenges and emerging trends in the field of seismic design of timber buildings. Currently existing building codes and the development of new generation of European building codes are presented. Ongoing studies on a variety topics within seismic timber engineering are presented, including tall timber and hybrid buildings, composites with timber and seismic retrofitting with timber. Crucial challenges, key research needs and opportunities are addressed and critically discussed. Definition adverb(with reference to an increase) more and more rapidly. Example the coefficients show an exponentially decaying trend
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  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
The Composition of Natural Asphalts
Natural asphalts (NAs) can be an economical and environmental alternative in pavement construction. Most studies have investigated them as binder and asphalt mixture modifiers due to their high compatibility with conventional asphalts. 
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  • 19 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Vertical Barriers for Land Contamination Containment
Soil pollution is one of the major threats to the environment and jeopardizes the provision of key soil ecosystem services. Vertical barriers, including slurry trench walls and walls constructed with soil mix technology, have been employed for decades to control groundwater flow and subsurface contaminant transport.
  • 919
  • 30 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Civil Aviation Occurrences
The nature of a civil aviation occurrence may be defined in three different categories while considering its severity. General categories include civil aviation accidents, serious incidents and incidents.
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  • 16 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Organic Coatings for Marine Applications
Organic coatings for marine applications must have great corrosion protection and antifouling performance. This review presents an overview of recent investigations into coating microstructure, corrosion protection performance, antifouling behavior, and evaluation methods, particularly the substrate effect and environmental influence on coating protectiveness, aiming to improve operational practice in the coating industry. 
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  • 21 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Fundamentals of Microwave Technology in Catalyst Production
The fundamentals and mechanisms of microwave irradiation are fundamentals of microwave technology. Two mechanisms of the microwave technology, electric field and magnetic field heating, which make microwave irradiation unique and potentially viable in numerous fields are included as well. These aspects are essential to be understood prior to investigating microwave-absorbing catalysts for the production of biofuel. With the outstanding benefit of microwave heating, the active sites of catalysts or entire catalysts can be heated selectively to enhance the catalytic performance. In the case of microwave-unabsorbing material, selective heating of the catalyst will result in heat transfer to organic solvents and eventually increases the conversion yield. The kinetic rate by microwave irradiation was higher than conventional heating by 1.15 times.
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  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cistus ladanifer as a Potential Feedstock for Biorefineries
Cistus ladanifer (rockrose) is a widespread shrub species in the Mediterranean region well known due to its production of labdanum gum, especially in the hot season. Its leaves and branches can be subjected to different extraction and distillation processes to produce various types of extracts. The natural extracts of C. ladanifer have several applications, especially in the perfumery and cosmetics sector. C. ladanifer extracts, in addition to presenting interesting odoriferous properties, are also known for their bioactive properties, such as antioxidant and antimicrobial. The use of this species in animal feed or phytostabilisation of mining areas has also been successfully applied. Furthermore, the lignin and polysaccharides that are the major fractions from Cistus residues can be relevant sources of high-value products in a biorefinery framework.
  • 919
  • 02 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Smart Manufacturing
The Fourth Industrial Revolution drives industries from traditional manufacturing to the smart manufacturing approach. In this transformation, existing equipment, processes, or devices are retrofitted with some sensors and other cyber-physical systems (CPS), and adapted towards digital production, which is a blend of critical enabling technologies. In the current scenario of Industry 4.0, industries are shaping themselves towards the development of customized and cost-effective processes to satisfy customer needs with the aid of a digital twin framework, which enables the user to monitor, simulate, control, optimize, and identify defects and trends within, ongoing process, and reduces the chances of human prone errors. 
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  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Mechanisms of Piezoresistive and Piezoelectric Techniques
For piezoresistive sensors, conductive polymers such as thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), fiber-reinforced polymer (RFP), and Parylen-C polymer film can be used to increase sensor flexibility. For piezoelectric sensors, using piezoelectric ceramics such as ethyl cellulose-poly lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramics (ECS-PolyPZT) and PZT-ferroperm as the sensing material can produce high piezoelectric coefficients.
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  • 05 Aug 2022
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