Topic Review
High-Dynamic-Range Imaging
In photography and videography, HDR or high-dynamic-range imaging is the set of techniques used to reproduce a greater range of luminosity than that which is possible with standard photographic techniques. Standard techniques allow differentiation only within a certain range of brightness. Outside this range, no features are visible because in the brighter areas everything appears pure white, and pure black in the darker areas. The ratio between the maximum and the minimum of the tonal value in an image is known as the dynamic range. HDR is useful for recording many real-world scenes containing very bright, direct sunlight to extreme shade, or very faint nebulae. High-dynamic-range (HDR) images are often created by capturing and then combining several different, narrower range, exposures of the same subject matter. The two primary types of HDR images are computer renderings and images resulting from merging multiple low-dynamic-range (LDR) or standard-dynamic-range (SDR) photographs. HDR images can also be acquired using special image sensors, such as an oversampled binary image sensor. Due to the limitations of printing and display contrast, the extended luminosity range of input HDR images has to be compressed to be made visible. The method of rendering an HDR image to a standard monitor or printing device is called tone mapping. This method reduces the overall contrast of an HDR image to facilitate display on devices or printouts with lower dynamic range, and can be applied to produce images with preserved local contrast (or exaggerated for artistic effect). "HDR" may refer to the overall process, to the HDR imaging process, or to HDR imaging represented on a low-dynamic-range display such as a screen or standard .jpg image.
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  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Integral Bridge System
Integral bridges are a class of bridges with integral or semi-integral abutments, designed without expansion joints in the bridge deck of the superstructure. The significance of an integral bridge design is that it avoids durability and recurring maintenance issues with bridge joints, and maybe bearings, which are prevalent in traditional bridges. Integral bridges are less costly to construct.
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  • 27 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Handover Management for Drone Networks
The drone, also known as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is an autonomously flying aircraft controlled by an individual. The terms drone and UAV are used interchangeably here. Drones have attracted extensive attention for their environmental, civil, and military applications. Because of their low cost and flexibility in deployment, drones with communication capabilities are expected to play key important roles in Fifth Generation (5G), Sixth Generation (6G) mobile networks, and beyond. 6G and 5G are intended to be a full-coverage network capable of providing ubiquitous connections for space, air, ground, and underwater applications.
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  • 08 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Remote Sensing Data Fusion
With the growth of satellite and airborne-based platforms, remote sensing is increasing attention in the last decades. Everyday, sensors acquire data with different modalities and several resolutions. Leveraging on their complementary properties is a key scientific challenge, usually called remote sensing data fusion.
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  • 22 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Emission Standard
Emission standards are the legal requirements governing air pollutants released into the atmosphere. Emission standards set quantitative limits on the permissible amount of specific air pollutants that may be released from specific sources over specific timeframes. They are generally designed to achieve air quality standards and to protect human life.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Durability Performance of Geopolymer Concrete
Geopolymer concrete is produced from the geopolymerization process, in which molecules known as oligomers integrate to form geopolymer networks with covalent bonding. Its production expends less thermal energy and results in a smaller carbon footprint compared to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concrete. It requires only an alkaline activator to catalyze its aluminosilicate sources such as metakaolin and fly ash, to yield geopolymer binder for the geopolymerization to take place. Because of its eco-friendly technology and practical application, current research interest is mainly concentrated on the endurance of geopolymer concrete to resist heat and chemical aggressions. 
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  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
R1234yf in Organic Rankine Cycle
ORC technology is one of the most promising technologies for the use of residual energy in the generation of electrical energy, offering simple and environmentally friendly alternatives. In this field, the selection of working fluids plays an important role in the operation of the cycle, whether in terms of the energy efficiency or the minimization of environmental impacts. 
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  • 09 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Microsoft HoloLens 2 in Medical and Healthcare Context
Microsoft® HoloLens was developed and manufactured by Microsoft (MS) and can be presented as a pair of mixed reality smart glasses able to describe an environment in which real and virtual elements appear to coexist. More specifically, the Microsoft® HoloLens is a novel MR-based HMD that makes the user the protagonist of an immersive experience and allows him to interact with the surrounding environment using holograms whilst engaging their senses throughout. It is used in a variety of applications such as medical and surgical aids and systems, medical education and simulation, architecture and several engineering fields (civil, industrial and so on). The use of HoloLens 2 in a medical and healthcare context was analyzed by dividing contributions into the following sub-field applications: surgical navigation, AR-BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) systems integration and human computer interaction (HCI), gait analysis and rehabilitation, medical education and training/virtual teaching/tele-mentoring/tele-consulting and other applications.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste
Plastic is a non-degradable material that can persist in the environment for long periods of time. On the other hand, it is a very special material with a great number of advantages: it is affordable, versatile, light, and resistant. Plastic originates from petrochemicals and contains mostly hydrocarbons and some additives, such as antioxidants, flame retardants, and stabilizers, which make the material very bio-undegradable. Pyrolysis can be thermal or catalytic. Thermal pyrolysis requires higher temperatures (from 350 to 900 °C), which can lead to a low molecular weight and low quality products. Gases evolved during pyrolysis have a high calorific value, and could be used in different gas machines and engines for the generation of electricity without any other treatments or modifications. The addition of catalysts overcomes the limitations of thermal pyrolysis, by reducing either the reaction temperature or the time. The addition of catalysts improves conversion, reduces activation energy of pyrolysis, and enhances the fuel quality. The most commonly used catalysts for the pyrolysis of plastics are zeolites, polyciliate components, and clays. Compared to thermal pyrolysis, the catalytic process has the advantage of a lower process temperature, a reduction of solid residues such as carbonized char and volatile fraction, shorter time process, high product selectivity, and high-octane-number products. Zeolite-based catalysts are the best option for the pyrolysis of plastic waste, and for co-pyrolysis of combined plastic waste/biomass.
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  • 04 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Aerobic Granular Sludge
The aerobic granular sludge (AGS) method, which has been developed for several years, may represent an alternative to traditional technologies. One of the barriers to AGS deployment is the limited knowledge on the determinants and efficiency of the anaerobic digestion (AD) of AGS, as little research has been devoted to it.
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  • 08 Oct 2022
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