Topic Review
Exogenous fungal endophthalmitis (EXFE) represents a rare complication after penetrating ocular trauma of previously unresolved keratitis or iatrogenic infections, following intraocular surgery such as cataract surgery.
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  • 22 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Superficial Heat Therapy
Low back pain (LBP) is an exceptionally common musculoskeletal problem and a leading cause of disability. LBP is experienced by most adults at some stage of their life, with an estimated 577 million people affected in 2017. A recent systematic literature review stated that the prevalence of LBP ranges from 1.4% to 20.0%, and the incidence from 0.024% to 7.0%. The review focused on the application and effect of mild superficial heat for musculoskeletal pain, especially back pain. The review was able to show that the application of mild heat is easily applicable and effective when indicated.
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  • 20 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Equol, produced from daidzein, is the isoflavone-derived metabolite with the greatest estrogenic and antioxidant activity. Consequently, equol has been endorsed as having many beneficial effects on human health. The conversion of daidzein into equol takes place in the intestine via the action of reductase enzymes belonging to minority members of the gut microbiota.
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  • 15 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Interactions between papillomavirus and tobacco
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is not a sufficient condition for cervical carcinogenesis. Tobacco smoke is a recognized cofactor. In this manuscript, we described the molecular mechanisms by which tobacco smoke affects the HPV role in cervical cancer. 
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  • 21 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Hunger (Motivational State)
Hunger and satiety are sensations. Hunger represents the physiological need to eat food. Satiety is the absence of hunger; it is the sensation of feeling full. Appetite is another sensation experienced with eating; it is the desire to eat food. There are several theories about how the feeling of hunger arises. A healthy, well-nourished individual can survive for weeks without food intake, with claims ranging from three to ten weeks. The sensation of hunger typically manifests after only a few hours without eating and is generally considered to be unpleasant. Satiety occurs between 5 and 20 minutes after eating. Hunger is also the most commonly used term in social science and policy discussions to describe the condition of people who suffer from a chronic lack of sufficient food and constantly or frequently experience the sensation of hunger, and can lead to malnutrition.
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  • 06 Dec 2022
Topic Review
The Genus Porophyllum
The genus Porophyllum (family Asteraceae) is native to the western hemisphere, growing in tropical and subtropical North and South America. Mexico is an important center of diversification of the genus. Plants belong of genus Porophyllum have been used in Mexican traditional medicine to treat kidney and intestinal diseases, parasitic, bacterial, and fungal infections and anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activities.
  • 859
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology Image Analysis
Thanks to the rapid development of computer-based systems and deep-learning-based algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI) has long been integrated into the healthcare field. AI is also particularly helpful in image recognition, surgical assistance and basic research. Due to the unique nature of dermatology, AI-aided dermatological diagnosis based on image recognition has become a modern focus and future trend.
  • 859
  • 06 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Role of Oligodendrocytes in Autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an early neurodevelopmental disorder that involves deficits in interpersonal communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors. Although ASD pathophysiology is still uncertain, alterations in the abnormal development of the frontal lobe, limbic areas, and putamen generate an imbalance between inhibition and excitation of neuronal activity. Interestingly, recent findings suggest that a disruption in neuronal connectivity is associated with neural alterations in white matter production and myelination in diverse brain regions of patients with ASD. 
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  • 06 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Polyphenols and Muscle Atrophy
Skeletal muscle atrophy is the decrease in muscle mass and strength caused by reduced protein synthesis/accelerated protein degradation. Various conditions, such as denervation, disuse, ageing, chronic diseases, heart disease, obstructive lung disease, diabetes, renal failure, AIDS, sepsis, cancer, and steroidal medications, can cause muscle atrophy. Mechanistically, inflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction are among the major contributors to muscle atrophy, by modulating signalling pathways that regulate muscle homeostasis. To prevent muscle catabolism and enhance muscle anabolism, several natural and synthetic compounds have been investigated. Recently, polyphenols (i.e., natural phytochemicals) have received extensive attention regarding their effect on muscle atrophy because of their potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have reported polyphenols as strongly effective bioactive molecules that attenuate muscle atrophy and enhance muscle health. 
  • 859
  • 08 Sep 2021
Topic Review
DNA Polymerases
Recent studies on tumor genomes revealed that mutations in genes of replicative DNA polymerases cause a predisposition for cancer by increasing genome instability. The past 10 years have uncovered exciting details about the structure and function of replicative DNA polymerases and the replication fork organization. The principal idea of participation of different polymerases in specific transactions at the fork proposed by Morrison and coauthors 30 years ago and later named “division of labor,” remains standing, with an amendment of the broader role of polymerase δ in the replication of both the lagging and leading DNA strands. However, cancer-associated mutations predominantly affect the catalytic subunit of polymerase ε that participates in leading strand DNA synthesis. 
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  • 14 Dec 2020
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