Topic Review
3D Printing for Periodontal Regeneration
The three-dimensional printing of scaffolds is an interesting alternative to the traditional techniques of periodontal regeneration. This technique uses computer assisted design and manufacturing after CT scan. After 3D modelling, individualized scaffolds are printed by extrusion, selective laser sintering, stereolithography, or powder bed inkjet printing. These scaffolds can be made of one or several materials such as natural polymers, synthetic polymers, or bioceramics.
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  • 14 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Autistic Enterocolitis
Autistic enterocolitis is the name of a nonexistent medical condition proposed by discredited United Kingdom gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield when he suggested a link between a number of common clinical symptoms and signs which he contended were distinctive to autism. The existence of such an enterocolitis has been dismissed by experts as having "not been established". Wakefield's fraudulent and now-retracted report used inadequate controls and suppressed negative findings, and multiple attempts to replicate his results have been unsuccessful. Reviews in the medical literature have found no link between the MMR vaccine and autism or bowel disease. Most of Wakefield's coauthors later retracted the conclusions of the original paper proposing the hypothesis, and the General Medical Council found Wakefield guilty of manipulating patient data and misreporting results. His work has been exposed as falsified and described as an "elaborate fraud".
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  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Arthrocnemum indicum (Willd.) Moq. Extracts
Aromatic medicinal plants (AMP) with multiple targets might play a role in drug discovery and development due to their potential health-promoting effects and are a source of new pharmaceutical substances.
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  • 30 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Vaginal pH Value in Common Vaginitis
In modern society, 75% of all women worldwide have had vaginitis at least once in their lives. The vagina has a dynamic microbial ecosystem with varying vaginal pH levels. An imbalance in that ecosystem can alter the vaginal pH and tip the scale to the point of causing issues, such as vaginitis, that require medical attention. Although vaginitis is not an incurable disease, it causes discomfort and pain that disrupt women’s daily lives. The most common causes of vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis. In this review, we discuss the causes, diagnostic methods, and symptoms of different types of vaginitis, the relationship of vaginitis to the prevalence of other diseases, issues associated with recurrent vaginitis and the immune system, and a variety of effective available treatments.
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  • 03 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Candida Infection
Candida species are common global opportunistic pathogens that could repeatedly and chronically cause oral mucosa infection and create an inflammatory environment, leading to organ dysfunction. Oral Candida infections may cause temporary or permanent damage to salivary glands, resulting in the destruction of acinar cells and the formation of scar tissue. Restricted function of the salivary glands leads to discomfort and diseases of the oral mucosa, such as dry mouth and associated infection.
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  • 23 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Leptospirosis Kidney Disease
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic and waterborne disease worldwide. Leptospirosis emerges as a leading cause of acute febrile illness along with hepatorenal injury in many countries, including Thailand. Although acute kidney injury in the spectrum of interstitial nephritis is a well-described characteristic in severe leptospirosis, chronic kidney disease from leptospirosis is widely discussed. Early recognition of severe leptospirosis leads to reduce morbidity and mortality. 
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  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
5-HT2A Receptor Ligands Against Depression
According to the World Health Organization, depression is a multifactorial disorder that affects around 350 million people worldwide. The most widespread monoamine of the CNS-serotonin (5-HT) is believed to play a vital role in the pathomechanism of this condition, and the importance of the neurotransmitter is elevated by the "serotonin hypothesis", linking the presence of the depression-like symptoms with diminished 5-HT concentration in certain brain regions. Serotonin acts its biological effects via numerous receptors. Out of all seven types of serotonin receptors, the serotonin 2A receptor has been identified as a most promising molecular target valuable for the treatment of mood disorders. Recent medicinal chemistry findings on the structure and function of the serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor facilitated design and discovery of novel anti-depressants. 
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  • 14 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Bifunctional Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
The molecular structure of β-lactam antibiotics can be modified either to introduce another β-lactam ring (the pharmacophore conferring bactericidal activities to these molecules), or to add other pharmacophores that modify their pharmacological properties and spectrum of action.
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  • 07 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Biological Barriers to Oral Drug Delivery Systems
The oral route is the most preferred route for systemic and local drug delivery. However, the oral drug delivery system faces the harsh physiological and physicochemical environment of the gastrointestinal tract, which limits the bioavailability and targeted design of oral drug delivery system.
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  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Bayés’ Syndrome
Interatrial block associated with atrial arrhythmias, mainly atrial fibrillation, define the Bayés’ Syndrome (called after Bayés de Luna, a proeminent cardiologist, who published the seminal paper about the problem of P-wave anomalies and interatrial blocks). Finding the signs of interatrial block on ECG represents a call for active screening of atrial fibrillation and starting of prophylactic anticoagulation in selected patients.  
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  • 09 Sep 2020
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