Topic Review
Acrylic Bone Cements
Acrylic bone cements (ABC) are widely used in orthopedics for joint fixation, antibiotic release, and bone defect filling, among others. Most of the commercial ABCs available today consist of two components, one solid, based mainly on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and one liquid, based on methyl methacrylate (MMA), which are mixed and, through the polymerization reaction of the monomer, transformed into a hardened cement paste. 
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  • 22 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Poisonous Plants of the Indian Himalaya
Indian Himalayan region (IHR) supports a wide diversity of plants and most of them are known for their medicinal value. Humankind has been using medicinal plants since the inception of civilization. Various types of bioactive compounds are found in plants, which are directly and indirectly beneficial for plants as well as humans. These bioactive compounds are highly useful and being used as a strong source of medicines, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, food additives, fragrances, and flavoring agents. Apart from this, several plant species contain some toxic compounds that affect the health of many forms of life as well as cause their death. These plants are known as poisonous plants, because of their toxicity to both humans and animals.
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  • 27 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are arguably among the most successful antibiotics of recent times. They have enjoyed over 30 years of clinical usage and become essential tools in the armoury of clinical treatments. FQs target the bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV, where they stabilise a covalent enzyme-DNA complex in which the DNA is cleaved in both strands. This leads to cell death and turns out to be a very effective way of killing bacteria. However, resistance to FQs is increasingly problematic, and alternative compounds are urgently needed.
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  • 25 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Glycogen Storage Diseases
Glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) are metabolic disorders of glycogen metabolism. In aggregate, GSDs are not considered rare diseases, but every individual type are. The overall estimated GSD incidence is 1 case per 20,000-43,000 live births, and a prevalence of 1:100,000 is considered for main types (including I, II, II, V and IX). There are 19 types which are classified by enzyme deficiency and affected tissue. Most of them are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, except for one X-linked GSDIX and Danon subtypes. Disorders related with creation, deposits and degradation of glycogen, may primarily affect the liver (hepatic GSDs), the muscles (muscle GSDs), or in a multiorganic manner (mainly Pompe). The common characteristic of all types of GSDs is the alteration of some step in glycogenolysis/glycolysis pathway, as can be seen in figures 1a and 1b.
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  • 13 May 2021
Topic Review
Inflammatory Pain Study in Animal-Models
Pain is an easily recognized sensation that is experienced by humans and animals alike. However, the process behind the production of the pain experience is a complex pathway that requires parallel integration of both the emotional and sensory experiences together with noxious perceptual information registered by multiple layers of our brain structure with the purpose of defending our body from harm’s way. Here, the complete protocol that is being adapted for inflammatory pain study in animals induced by different phlogogenic agents and different assessment methods were elaborated along with the underlying mechanism of actions. This provides a concise idea and improves our scientists’ understanding of inflammatory pain management in future research.
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  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (PNEI)
Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (PNEI) brings together knowledge acquired since the 1930s from endocrinology, immunology, neuroscience, and psychology. With PNEI, a model of research and interpretation of health and disease is emerging, which sees the human body as a structured and interconnected unit, where the psychological and biological systems are mutually coordinated. In the PNEI view, many factors could influence mental health, with the endocrine system involved in mediating the effects of environmental stress on mental health and inflammation in the onset and course of psychiatric disorders as a result of individual and collective conditions and behaviors.  PNEI paradigm configures the possibilities of going beyond the historical and philosophical contrast between mind and body, as well as the scientific antithesis of the twentieth century, between medicine and psychology, overcoming their respective reductionism, which assigns the body to the first and the psyche to the second.   
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  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Bladder Cancer Biomarkers
The high occurrence of bladder cancer and its tendency to recur combined with lifelong surveillance make the treatment of superficial bladder cancer one of the most expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, carcinoma in situ often leads to muscle invasion with an unfavourable prognosis. Currently, invasive methods including cystoscopy and cytology remain a gold standard. The aim is to find biomarkers with the best specificity and sensitivity, allowing the treatment plan to optimise and have potential applications in clinical practice. Such non-invasive methods can be measure in human body fluids, for example, urine or serum: Cytokeratin fragments (CYFRA 21.1), Excision Repair Cross-Complementation 1 (ERCC1), Tumour Protein p53 (Tp53), Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 (FGFR3), Tumor-Associated Trypsin Inhibitor (TATI).
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  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Light-Activated Compounds in Cancer Therapy
Lack of selectivity and toxic side effects of cancer chemotherapy is a major drawback for designing clinical treatment regimes. To allow more potent and selective therapeutic interventions, the use of light for selective on-site activation of anticancer compounds is actively studied. Besides already established photodynamic therapy (PDT), two light-activated anticancer approaches are pursued, both however still in the experimental phase: the use of irreversibly activatable photoremovable protecting groups (“photocages”) and reversibly activatable photoswitches. Despite its immense potential, light activation brings many novel challenges to the already complex drug development process, however the first in vivo results confirm the feasibility of the approach.
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  • 19 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Multi-Drug Resistance
Multidrug-resistance is a long debated term. Since 1980 it was used to imply the resistance of a microorganism to multiple pharmaceutical agents, without the number or types of antimicrobials being specified.Currently, the most widely accepted definition of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria include a lack of susceptibility in three or more antimicrobial categories active against the isolated microorganism.
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  • 27 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Physical Activity Patterns
Although “physical activity pattern” (PAP) is a widely used expression, its precise meaning remains vague. Indeed, PAP is sometimes used to describe physical activity (PA) levels/intensities, however the term is also applied to express how PA averages differ among group,  between different days (i.e., week and weekend days), across seasons (e.g., summer, winter), and between school and vacation time. A lack of a formal definition for PAP has not prevented researchers from using a vast array of instruments to measure PA (accelerometers, pedometers, questionnaires, direct observations, and heart rate monitors) in an attempt to capture PAP. Discrepancies also exist in how PAP has been expressed with researchers using daily mean PA, heart rate frequency, number of daily steps, time engaged in certain types of activity, and/or engagement in sports activities. Researchers have also used numerous statistical procedures in their attempts to capture PAP. Notwithstanding this diversity, we suggest that PAP should be used to jointly capture similarities/dissimilarities as well as stabilities/changes in children’s PA at an intra-personal level. PAP should be used to best describe individual streams of behaviours, and not exclusively PA levels/intensities. A formal and clear definition of PAP would support important, systematic, and coherent lines of empirical enquiry.
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  • 24 Apr 2021
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