Topic Review
Insulin Signaling
The insulin signaling pathway begins with the binding of the peptide hormone insulin to its corresponding receptor, the insulin receptor. The insulin receptor is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that conformationally consists of two alpha and two beta subunit tetramers. The insulin receptor exhibiting kinase activity is responsible for its autophosphorylation at the tyrosine residue site upon insulin binding.
  • 6.2K
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Natural Herbals and Spices in Wound Healing
Herbal medicines have been employed in folk medicine to accelerate wound healing since ancient times. Many plants and various preparations thereof have been used traditionally in relation to wound treatment, especially due to their immense potential to affect wound healing. Plant-based extracts and/or isolates support tissue regeneration through a variety of mechanisms, which often work together to improve the whole healing process. Currently, the efficacy of many of these herbs is well documented together with their mechanisms of action. Therefore, natural products as well as their pure compounds are an emerging source of alternative medicinal compounds for the management of various diseases, among which is wound healing.
  • 6.2K
  • 29 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Celebrity Worship Syndrome
Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an obsessive addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal and professional life. Psychologists have indicated that though many people obsess over film, television, sport and pop stars, the only common factor between them is that they are all figures in the public eye. Written observations of celebrity worship date back to the 19th century.
  • 6.1K
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Bodybuilding and Myostatin
MSTN is a gene that makes instructions for producing the protein myostatin, a protein that is part of the transforming growth factor beta family (TGFβ). The TGFβ family of proteins control the growth of tissues in the body, myostatin is found nearly exclusively in the skeletal muscles where it is active before and after birth. The protein actually controls skeletal growth by restraining it, preventing muscles becoming excessively large. Current research that surrounds myostatin is based around its potential treatment in muscle wasting disorders, animals that have mutations in the encoding gene MSTN show greater muscle mass, strength and in some circumstances reduced bodyfat, which can be known as myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. This study aimed to see the prevalence of mutations in the male bodybuilder population (n = 92) and if having a mutation had any affect on their muscle size and/or muscle performance. The study which looked at mutation prevalence in rs1805086, arm circumference, pull-up max and push-up max. The results show that 17% (16) of the subject group had one mutation (AG), 83% (76) had the common outcome (AA) and 0% (0) had two mutations (GG). Those with the AG outcome had an average arm circumference of 46.37cmcompared with AA which had an average of 42.02cm. Those with the AG outcome had an average pull-up max score of 21 compared with AA with an average of 12. Those with the AG outcome had an average push-up max of 61 compared with AA with an average of 40. The study clearly shows that those with a mutation are rare, however the mutation does appear to give the subject a performance and size advantage over those with the common outcome.
  • 6.0K
  • 03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Mental Distress
Mental distress (or psychological distress) is a term used, by some mental health practitioners and users of mental health services, to describe a range of symptoms and experiences of a person's internal life that are commonly held to be troubling, confusing or out of the ordinary. Mental distress can potentially lead to a change of behavior, affect a person's emotions in a negative way, and affect their relationships with the people around them. Certain traumatic life experiences such as: bereavement, stress, lack of sleep, use of drugs or alcohol, assault, abuse or accidents can induce mental distress. This may be something which resolves without further medical intervention, though people who endure such symptoms longer term are more likely to be diagnosed with mental illness. This definition is not without controversy as some mental health practitioners would use the terms mental distress and mental illness interchangeably. Some users of mental health services prefer the term mental distress in describing their experience as they feel it better captures that sense of the unique and personal nature of their experience, while also making it easier to relate to, since everyone experiences distress at different times. The term also fits better with the social model of disability.
  • 6.0K
  • 06 Oct 2022
Topic Review
An Insight into Psychedelic Drugs in Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia remains a serious chronic mental illness since its revelation more than a century ago by Dr. Emile Kraepelin. Despite the low prevalence, nearly 24 million people suffer from this disorder, which constitutes 1 in 300 people (0.32%) of the world’s population and this rate is 1 in 222 people (0.45%) among adults. The symptoms of schizophrenia more often appear in the second or third decade of life, and disease occurrence is tied to a combination of factors such as genetic, socio-demographic, and environmental factor. Clinical schizophrenia is presented in two unique and distinct sets of symptomatology, which include ‘positive’ symptoms and ‘negative’ symptoms, and is also accompanied by significant impairment of cognitive functioning in one or more major areas. This may include an inability to execute work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, and there is also a failure to achieve the expected level of interpersonal, academic, or occupational functioning. According to the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for mental disorders-V (DSM-V), the positive symptoms of schizophrenia are delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and behaviour; and the negative symptoms are diminished emotional expression or avolitio. These symptoms have been found to be chronically present once the disease starts, but generally the illness is marked as alternate signs of remission and exacerbation or partial remission or exacerbation. Some psychotic symptoms may be treated without the need for medication with proper human care, social support and care including electroconvulsive therapy.
  • 6.0K
  • 08 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Social Construct Theory of ADHD
The social construction theory of ADHD argues that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not necessarily an actual pathology, but that an ADHD diagnosis is a socially constructed explanation to describe behaviors that simply do not meet prescribed social norms. Some proponents of the social construct theory of ADHD seem to regard the disorder as genuine, though over-diagnosed in some cultures. These proponents cite as evidence that the DSM IV, favored in the United States for defining and diagnosing mental illness, arrives at levels of ADHD three to four times higher than criteria in the ICD 10, the diagnostic guide favored by the World Health Organization. A popular proponent of this theory, Thomas Szasz, has argued that ADHD was "invented and not discovered."
  • 5.9K
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Plant-Dominant Low-Protein Diet
Plant-dominant low-protein diet (LPD), also abbreviated as "PLADO" is a patient-centered LPD of 0.6–0.8 g/kg/day composed of >50% plant-based sources, administered by dietitians trained in providing nutrition care to patients with non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease (CKD). PLADO's composition and meal plans can be designed and adjusted based on individualized needs and according to the principles of precision nutrition. The goal of PLADO is to slow kidney disease progression, to avoid or delay dialysis therapy initiation, and to ensure cardiovascular health and longevity.  The ideal type of PLADO is a heart-healthy, safe, flexible, and feasible diet that could be the centerpiece of the conservative and preservative management of CKD.
  • 5.8K
  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Snake Dry Bites
Snake ‘dry bites’ are characterized by the absence of venom being injected into the victim during a snakebite incident. The dry bite mechanism and diagnosis are quite complex, and the lack of envenoming symptoms in these cases may be misinterpreted as a miraculous treatment or as proof that the bite from the perpetrating snake species is rather harmless.
  • 5.8K
  • 01 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Psychological Effects of Method Acting
Method acting is employed by actors to evoke realistic emotions into their performance by drawing on personal experiences. Raymond Hamden, doctor of Clinical and Forensic Psychology, defines the purpose of method acting as “compartmentalizing their own feelings while playing another character [so] they could bring the emotions of that personal feeling to cry if they needed to with that character.” However, when these emotions are not compartmentalized, they can encroach on other facets of life, often seeming to disrupt the actor’s psyche. This occurs as the actor delves into previous emotional experiences, be they joyful or traumatic. The psychological effects, like emotional fatigue, comes when suppressed or unresolved raw emotions are unburied to add to the character, not just from the employing personal emotions in performance. The question becomes whether the actor calls up resolved or unresolved emotions in their acting.
  • 5.8K
  • 16 Nov 2022
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