Topic Review
The Multifold Etiologies of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
A brief overview of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency including normal limbal stem cell physiology, pathophysiology, incidence and prevalence, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Included is a comprehensive list of several genetic, acquired, and immunologic etiologies of the disease.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Ru-106 Brachytherapy
Ruthenium-106 brachytherapy emits beta radiation (Ru-106 gives off radiation in the form of high energy electrons called beta particles as it decays into rhodium-106 and then into palladium-106, which isn't radioactive) and is used for tumors up to 5 mm in height due to the limited range of radiation penetration, but in some centers, it is used to treat thicker tumors. Therefore, ruthenium is intended for the treatment of small and some medium-sized tumors.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Phytochemicals and Parkinson’s Disease
Complementary therapies and phytonutrients derived from plant sources have been proposed as treatments for Parkinson’s disease. Numerous natural phytochemicals have emerged as therapeutically interesting compounds, drug entities, and phytochemicals for the treatment of inflammatory disorders. Additionally, numerous pharmacological studies have shown that phytochemicals are useful in treating neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), depression, and dementia.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Dietary Oncopharmacognosy
While diet and nutrition are modifiable risk factors for many chronic and infectious diseases, their role in cancer prevention and control remains under investigation. The lack of clarity of some diet–cancer relationships reflects the ongoing debate about the relative contribution of genetic factors, environmental exposures, and replicative errors in stem cell division as determinate drivers of cancer risk. In addition, dietary guidance has often been based upon research assuming that the effects of diet and nutrition on carcinogenesis would be uniform across populations and for various tumor types arising in a specific organ, i.e., that one size fits all. 
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Quantitative Parameters Relevant for DME Evaluation by OCTA
Diabetic macular edema (DME) is one of the main ocular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) that can lead to important vision loss in diabetic patients. In clinical practice, there are cases of DME with unsatisfying treatment responses, despite adequate therapeutic management. Diabetic macular ischemia (DMI) is one of the causes suggested to be associated with the persistence of fluid accumulation. The optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) devices currently available can provide various OCTA metrics that quantitatively assess the retinal microvasculature. OCTA metrics are useful instruments that can contribute to the evaluation of patients with DME.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Non-Neoplastic Ovarian Masses in Children and Adolescents
Most abdominal masses in the pediatric population derive from the ovaries. Ovarian masses, which include both non-neoplastic lesions and neoplastic tumors, can occur in all ages although their incidence, clinical presentation and histological distribution vary among different age groups. Herein, pediatric non-neoplastic ovarian masses are described. These include benign tumor-like lesions that are not composed of neoplastic cells, such as functional cysts, endometrioma, torsion, abscess and lymphangioma.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Metastasis Suppression through Primary Tumour Targeting with Nanoparticles
Nanotechnology’s use has expanded, demonstrating its efficacy in enhancing fields such as cancer treatment, radiation therapy, diagnostics, and imaging. Applications for nanomaterials are diverse, ranging from enhanced radiation adjuvants to more sensitive early detection instruments. Cancer, particularly when it has spread beyond the original site of cancer, is notoriously tough to combat. Many people die from metastatic cancer, which is why it remains a huge issue. Cancer cells go through a sequence of events known as the “metastatic cascade” throughout metastasis, which may be used to build anti-metastatic therapeutic techniques. Conventional treatments and diagnostics for metastasis have their drawbacks and hurdles that must be overcome. 
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Molecular Targeted Therapies for Adult-Type Diffuse Glioma
Gliomas are the most common brain tumor in adults, and molecularly targeted therapies to treat gliomas are becoming a frequent topic of investigation. The current state of molecular targeted therapy research for adult-type diffuse gliomas has yet to be characterized, particularly following the 2021 WHO guideline changes for classifying gliomas using molecular subtypes.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Treatment Approach of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the prototype of systemic autoimmune diseases is characterized by extreme heterogeneity with a variable clinical course. Renal involvement may be observed and affects the outcome. Hydroxychloroquine should be administered to every lupus patient irrespective of organ involvement. Conventional immunosuppressive therapy includes corticosteroids, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, cyclosporine and tacrolimus. However, despite conventional immunosuppressive treatment, flares occur and broad immunosuppression is accompanied by multiple side effects. Flare occurrence, target organ involvement, side effects of broad immunosuppression and increased knowledge of the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in SLE pathogenesis as well as the availability of biologic agents has led to the application of biologic agents in SLE management. Biologic agents targeting various pathogenetic paths have been applied. B cell targeting agents have been used successfully. Belimumab, a B cell targeting agent, has been approved for the treatment of SLE. Rituximab, an anti-CD20 targeting agent is also used in SLE. Anifrolumab, an interferon I receptor-targeting agent has beneficial effects on SLE. In conclusion, biologic treatment is applied in SLE and should be further evaluated with the aim of a good treatment response and a significant improvement in quality of life.
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  • 10 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Ex Vivo Perfusion Research in a Transplant Setting
Given the importance of renal vasculature and the consequences of vascular injury during renal transplantation, it would be extremely helpful if the condition of the renal vasculature could be assessed and potentially improved before transplantation. Ex vivo perfusion, whether it is hypothermic (HMP) or normothermic (NMP), may offer the possibility to assess kidney function prior to transplantation and could provide a treatment platform in a controlled and isolated environment. Therefore, investigating and assessing vascular damage during machine perfusion could provide a better understanding of its underlying mechanisms, which could potentially be translated into assessment or treatment techniques. 
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  • 10 Jul 2023
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