Topic Review
Bromodomain Proteins in Cancer
This review provides an in depth analysis of the role of bromodomain-containing proteins in cancer development. As readers of acetylated lysine on nucleosomal histones, bromodomain proteins are poised to activate gene expression, and often promote cancer progression. We examined changes in gene expression patterns that are observed in bromodomain-containing proteins and associated with specific cancer types. We also mapped the protein–protein interaction network for the human bromodomain-containing proteins, discuss the cellular roles of these epigenetic regulators as part of nine different functional groups, and identify bromodomain-specific mechanisms in cancer development. Lastly, we summarize emerging strategies to target bromodomain proteins in cancer therapy, including those that may be essential for overcoming resistance. Overall, this review provides a timely discussion of the different mechanisms of bromodomain-containing proteins in cancer, and an updated assessment of their utility as a therapeutic target for a variety of cancer subtypes.
  • 611
  • 07 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Breast carcinoma eukaryotic initiation factors
Breast cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in females. It is a heterogenous entity, classified into intrinsic subtypes based on gene expression data and in corresponding clinical subtypes based on the determination of hormone receptor expression and proliferative activity estimated from ki67 by immunohistochemistry. As for other tumors, the metabolism of breast tumors depends on aerobic glycolysis ("Warburg-effect") and the capability for effective biosynthesis of proteins. Quantity and quality of protein biosynthesis is mainly controlled in the initiation phase of translation, which is characterized by a complex interaction of eucaryotic initiation factors with the mRNA and ribosomal proteins to form a translationally active ribosome. Thus the eIF subunit composition varies from cancer to cancer and is a key factor for determining the cancer cell´s proteome. eIFs can therefore become a suitable anti-cancer drug target. We here summarize the current knowledge on eIF expression and prognostic impact in breast cancer.
  • 555
  • 11 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Breast Cancer Metastasis Studying Tool
During the metastatic process, breast cancer cells must come into contact with the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) at every step. The ECM provides both structural support and biochemical cues, and cell–ECM interactions can lead to changes in drug response. Here, we used fibroblast-derived ECM (FDM) to perform high throughput drug screening of 4T1 breast cancer cells on metastatic organ ECM (lung), and we see that drug response differs from treatment on plastic. The FDMs that we can produce from different organs are abundant in and contains a complex mixture of ECM proteins. We also show differences in ECM composition between the primary site and secondary organ sites. Furthermore, we show that global kinase signalling of 4T1 cells on the ECM is relatively unchanged between organs, while changes in signalling compared to plastic are significant. Our study highlights the importance of context when testing drug response in vitro, showing that consideration of the ECM is critically important. 
  • 458
  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Breast Cancer Management and Extracellular Vesicle Research
Extracellular vesicles are lipid bilayer-enclosed particles released from all types of cells and found in biological fluids, which transport variable content and have crucial functions in cell–cell communication. The role of extracellular vesicles in cancer is a current hot topic, and no bibliometric study has ever analyzed research production regarding their role in breast cancer and indicated the trends in the field. In this way, the study aimed to investigate the trends in breast cancer management involved with extracellular vesicle research.
  • 513
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Breast cancer cell growth/motility is influenced by metal compounds
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a  highly "aggressive" malignant neoplasm with limited treatment options due to the lack of expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and HER2/neu. In search of novel molecules displaying anti-TNBC activities, the TNBC cell line MDA-MB231 was exposed to cadmium chloride and/or manganese chloride, and a biological characterization of the effect observed was performed. The data obtained demonstrate a cytotoxic effect exerted by cadmium chloride with drastic changes affecting gene expressions and production of reactive oxygen species. Conversely, manganese chloride was effective in increasing cell number and promoting cell invasive ability.  Such effect was reverted by coexposure with cadmium chloride. Thus, metal compounds appear to be able to modulate the biological behavior of TNBC cells, although addressing them to different fates. The data obtained suggest that high environmental pollution with manganese chloride might increase the risk of breast tumorigenesis. On the other hand, the restraining modulatory property of cadmium chloride looks promising and deserves a more detailed mechanistic study aimed to the identification of possible molecular targets instrumental in inhibiting the expansion of malignant breast cancer.
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Breakdown of Filamentous Myofibrils
Protein degradation maintains cellular integrity by regulating virtually all biological pro- cesses, whereas impaired proteolysis perturbs protein quality control, and often leads to human disease. Two major proteolytic systems are responsible for protein breakdown in all cells: autophagy, which facilitates the loss of organelles, protein aggregates, and cell surface proteins; and the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), which promotes degradation of mainly soluble proteins. Recent findings indicate that more complex protein structures, such as filamentous assemblies, which are not acces- sible to the catalytic core of the proteasome in vitro, can be efficiently degraded by this proteolytic machinery in systemic catabolic states in vivo. Mechanisms that loosen the filamentous structure seem to be activated first, hence increasing the accessibility of protein constituents to the UPS. In this review, we will discuss the mechanisms underlying the disassembly and loss of the intricate insoluble filamentous myofibrils, which are responsible for muscle contraction, and whose degradation by the UPS causes weakness and disability in aging and disease. Several lines of evidence indicate that myofibril breakdown occurs in a strictly ordered and controlled manner, and the function of AAA-ATPases is crucial for their disassembly and loss.
  • 637
  • 30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
BRCA1 in Centrosome Regulation
Breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) is a tumor suppressor associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and forms a heterodimer with BRCA1-associated RING domain protein 1 (BARD1). Centrosomes are the major microtubule-organizing centers in animal cells and are critical for the formation of a bipolar mitotic spindle. BRCA1 and BARD1 localize to the centrosome during the cell cycle, and the BRCA1/BARD1 dimer ubiquitinates centrosomal proteins to regulate centrosome function.
  • 716
  • 03 Aug 2020
Topic Review
BRCA1 and Metastasis: Outcome of Defective DNA Repair
BRCA1 has critical functions in accurately repairing double stand breaks in the DNA through a process known as homologous recombination. BRCA1 also has various functions in other cellular processes that safeguard the genome. Thus, mutations or silencing of this tumor suppressor significantly increases the risk of developing breast, ovarian, and other cancers. The objective of this review is to provide significant insights into the mechanisms by which BRCA1 mutations contribute to the metastatic and aggressive nature of the tumor cells. 
  • 343
  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Brain Microvascular Pericytes in Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis
Brain tissue contains the highest number of perivascular pericytes compared to other organs. Pericytes are known to regulate brain perfusion and to play an important role within the neurovascular unit (NVU). The high phenotypic and functional plasticity of pericytes make this cell type a prime candidate to aid physiological adaptations but also propose pericytes as important modulators in diverse pathologies in the brain. This research highlights known phenotypes of pericytes in the brain, discusses the diverse markers for brain pericytes, and reviews current in-vitro and in-vivo experimental models to study pericyte function.
  • 1.1K
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Brain Endothelial Cell Glycocalyx in Enlarged Perivascular Spaces
The brain endothelial cell (BEC) glycocalyx (ecGCx) is a BEC surface coating consisting of a complex interwoven polysaccharide (sweet husk) mesh-like network of membrane-bound proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) covering the apical luminal layer of the brain endothelial cells. The ecGCx may be considered as the first barrier of a tripartite blood–brain barrier (BBB) consisting of (1) ecGCx; (2) BECs; and (3) an extravascular compartment of pericytes, the extracellular matrix, and perivascular astrocytes. Perturbations of this barrier allow for increased permeability in the postcapillary venule that will be permissive to both fluids, solutes, and proinflammatory peripherally derived leukocytes into the perivascular spaces (PVS) which result in enlargement as well as increased neuroinflammation. The ecGCx is known to have multiple functions, which include its physical and charge barrier, mechanical transduction, regulation of vascular permeability, modulation of inflammatory response, and anticoagulation functions.
  • 150
  • 24 Nov 2023
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