Topic Review
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Management's Gut Microbiota
Liver cancer, predominantly hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Emerging data highlight the importance of gut homeostasis in the pathogenesis of HCC. Clinical and translational studies revealed the patterns of dysbiosis in HCC patients and their potential role for HCC diagnosis. Research on underlying mechanisms of dysbiosis in HCC development pointed out the direction for improving the treatment and prevention. Despite missing clinical studies, animal models showed that modulation of the gut microbiota by probiotics may become a new way to treat or prevent HCC development. 
  • 613
  • 08 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Heterochromatin Networks
Recent data point to the leading role of heterochromatin in genome maintenance, highlighting the attractions between heterochromatic regions as being central to phase separation of the active and inactive chromatin domains. The three main properties of heterochromatin—the position silencing effect on transcription, stickiness, and flexible rigidity are important for its network formation.
  • 795
  • 07 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Breast Cancer Metastasis Studying Tool
During the metastatic process, breast cancer cells must come into contact with the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) at every step. The ECM provides both structural support and biochemical cues, and cell–ECM interactions can lead to changes in drug response. Here, we used fibroblast-derived ECM (FDM) to perform high throughput drug screening of 4T1 breast cancer cells on metastatic organ ECM (lung), and we see that drug response differs from treatment on plastic. The FDMs that we can produce from different organs are abundant in and contains a complex mixture of ECM proteins. We also show differences in ECM composition between the primary site and secondary organ sites. Furthermore, we show that global kinase signalling of 4T1 cells on the ECM is relatively unchanged between organs, while changes in signalling compared to plastic are significant. Our study highlights the importance of context when testing drug response in vitro, showing that consideration of the ECM is critically important. 
  • 459
  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Membrane Traffic in Aspergillus oryzae
This entry summarizes molecular mechanisms of intracellular membrane traffic, mainly focusing on the secretory and endocytic pathways, in A. oryzae and its related filamentous fungi.
  • 354
  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
LncRNA-Protein Interactions
LncRNA can act as gene regulators, and like other epigenetic mechanisms are involved in numerous biological processes. They achieve their regulatory function with their ability to interact with a wide range of biological molecules, such as other nucleic acids and proteins. These lncRNA-protein interactions (LPI) are involved in many biological pathways including development and disease. A variety of computational LPI predictors exist, each applying different strategies to achieve their goals, and are dependent on a few biological databases containing subsets of experimentally validated LPI. Most modern lncRNA-protein interaction (LPI) prediction algorithms use machine learning approaches, where algorithms are trained on large datasets with attributes of interest.
  • 1.6K
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Analyses of HCV Strains
Approximately 71 million people worldwide are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Injectable drug use represents the most common route of transmission in Europe and other developed countries. We studied the molecular characteristics of the HCV infection among mono-infected people who used drugs (PWUD) in Italy. Among 208 PWUD with anti-HCV antibodies, 101 (48.6%) were HCV RNA-positive, the majority (47%) were infected with the HCV genotype (Gt)1a, followed by Gt3a (34.9%), Gt4 (9.1%), Gt1b (4.5%), and Gt2 (4.5%). Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of clustered HCV NS5B sequences from 66 HCV-positive PWUDs with available plasma samples indicated age and neighborhood proximity as the most common characteristics between closely related HCV strains. Population dynamics, as measured by a coalescent Bayesian skyline analysis, revealed an increase in HCV Gt1a infections from the mid-1980s to mid-1990s. While HCV Gt3a infections were first detected in the 1980s, patient numbers with this genotype subtype remained relatively constant. For both Gt1a and Gt3a, Birth–Death Bayesian Skyline analyses produced higher reproduction numbers post 2014. For earlier time intervals, slow growths were observed for both Gt1a and Gt3a with reproduction numbers (Re) of approximately 1. The evolutionary rates for Gt1a and Gt3a were estimated as 2.23 × 10−4 and 3.85 × 10−4, respectively. 
  • 414
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Neutrophils during Arboviral Infections
Arboviruses are known to cause large-scale epidemics in many parts of the world. These arthropod-borne viruses are a large group consisting of viruses from a wide range of families. The ability of their vector to enhance viral pathogenesis and transmission makes the development of treatments against these viruses challenging. Neutrophils are generally the first leukocytes to be recruited to a site of infection, playing a major role in regulating inflammation and, as a result, viral replication and dissemination. However, the underlying mechanisms through which neutrophils control the progression of inflammation and disease remain to be fully understood. In this review, we highlight the major findings from recent years regarding the role of neutrophils during arboviral infections. We discuss the complex nature of neutrophils in mediating not only protection, but also augmenting disease pathology. Better understanding of neutrophil pathways involved in effective protection against arboviral infections can help identify potential targets for therapeutics. 
  • 734
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
SOS Family and Ras-GEFs
The SOS family of Ras-GEFs encompasses two highly homologous and widely expressed members, SOS1 and SOS2. Despite their similar structures and expression patterns, early studies of constitutive KO mice showing that SOS1-KO mutants were embryonic lethal while SOS2-KO mice were viable led to initially viewing SOS1 as the main Ras-GEF linking external stimuli to downstream RAS signaling, while obviating the functional significance of SOS2. Subsequently, different genetic and/or pharmacological ablation tools defined more precisely the functional specificity/redundancy of the SOS1/2 GEFs.
  • 1.9K
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Lung Cancer Stem Cells
CSCs are small numbers of cells that exist in the tumor microenvironment (TME). Lung cancer TME is composed of a various group of non-cancer cells, such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs stromal cells), regulatory T cells (Tregs), tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), dendritic cells (DCs), natural killer (NK) cells, natural killer T (NKT), myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), along with cancer cells: mature cancer cells and CSCs. As yet, the complexity of the interactions between the cells in the immune TME has not been exhaustively described.
  • 569
  • 02 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Natural Compounds against RNA Viruses
Natural products from plants or other organisms are a rich source of structurally novel chemical compounds including antivirals. Indeed, in traditional medicine, many pathological conditions have been treated using plant-derived medicines. Thus, the identification of novel alternative antiviral agents is of critical importance.
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  • 02 Jul 2021
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