Topic Review
Zirconolite and Murataite for the Immobilization of Actinides
Zirconolite is highly stable in nature, with isotope systems that have been closed for hundreds of million years, making it possible for age determination. Murataite is a very rare mineral, its synthetic counerpart was first discovered in the Synroc matrix from defense waste obtained by sintering. Synthetic zirconolie and murataite can be applied for nuclear waste immobilization. 
  • 1.3K
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Substituted Azobenzene Molecules with Antimicrobial Properties
Azo molecules, characterized by the presence of a -N=N- double bond, are widely used in various fields due to their sensitivity to external stimuli, ch as light. The emergence of bacterial resistance has pushed research towards designing new antimicrobial molecules that are more efficient than those currently in use. Many authors have attempted to exploit the antimicrobial activity of azobenzene and to utilize their photoisomerization for selective control of the bioactivities of antimicrobial molecules, which is necessary for antibacterial therapy.
  • 844
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
The Perovskite Solar Cell
Perovskite, an organic–inorganic hybrid material, tends to be a promising light-harvesting material. PSCs (organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells) are considered a significant breakthrough in photovoltaics and have received great attention. Due to the inherent advantage of perovskite thin films that can be fabricated using simple solution techniques at low temperatures, PSCs are regarded as one of the most important low-cost and mass-production prospects.
  • 874
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Biochar in the Development of Electrochemical Printed Platforms
Biochar is a pyrolytic material with several environmental benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering atmospheric carbon and contrasting global warming. It has moved to the forefront for its conductivity and electron transfer properties, finding applications in the fabrication of electrochemical platforms. In this field, researchers have focused on low-cost biomass capable of replacing more popular and expensive carbonaceous nanomaterials (i.e., graphene, nanotubes and quantum dots) in the realization of sensitive cost-effectiveness and eco-friendly electrochemical tools. 
  • 570
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Formulation of Marketing Strategies for Cultured Meat
Existing conventional meat production systems have negative environmental effects, coupled with growing public health concerns. Furthermore, growing population has continued to increase the consumer demand for meat. Research suggested the utilization of cultured meat (CUME) grown from animal cells without encompassing the slaughtering process. Additional benefits of CUME include being environmentally friendly, with lower production of greenhouse gases, reduced land, and water usage. Studies were conducted to determine the overall consumer acceptability of CUME. Studies have also elaborated that wide-scale adoption of CUME is dependent on a multitude of factors, including regulatory bodies, economic availability, religion, and media perception of CUME.
  • 804
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Application of Cyclodextrins in the Textile Area
Cyclodextrins (CDs) are biocompatible and accepted in biological applications; therefore, there is a growing interest in them both scientifically and industrially. CDs are obtained through the enzymatic degradation of potatoes, corn and rice starch, which gives a mixture of linear, branched, or cyclic dextrins. CDs have a very important role in textile processing and innovation; their use provides immediate opportunities for the development of environmentally friendly products and eco-textiles, in addition to having great potential in various applications. Cyclodextrins can be applied in the areas of spinning, pretreatment, dyeing, finishing, and dye removal, with dyeing, finishing, and water treatment being the most applicable in the textile area registered so far.
  • 1.1K
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Application of Geopolymers in Adsorption
Geopolymer is a porous inorganic material with a three-dimensional mesh structure, good mechanical properties, a simple preparation process (no sintering) and a low economic cost, and it is environmentally friendly. Geopolymer concrete has been widely used in the construction field, and many other studies have revealed that geopolymer will become one of the most promising inorganic materials with unique structure and properties. Geopolymer has a three-dimensional mesh structure that provides the geopolymer with high porosity and a significant number of mesopores that enhance the adsorption capacity by providing more exposed binding sites on the surface. The high mesoporous structure, high porosity, and three-dimensional mesh structure give geopolymers a larger specific surface area, which increases the contact sites with pollutants and impurities. 
  • 791
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Fibrin Scaffolds for Cartilage Repair
Articular cartilage is a highly organized tissue that provides remarkable load-bearing and low friction properties, allowing for smooth movement of diarthrodial joints; however, due to the avascular, aneural, and non-lymphatic characteristics of cartilage, joint cartilage has self-regeneration and repair limitations. Cartilage tissue engineering is a promising alternative for chondral defect repair.
  • 401
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Biological Effects of Natural Acylated Flavonoids
Acylated flavonoids are widely distributed natural metabolites in medicinal plants and foods with several health attributes. Flavonoids are secondary metabolites that are widely distributed in planta, and they are well recognized for their health benefits, viz., anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and as neuro- and cardio-protective effects. Flavonoids are phytochemicals comprising a benzopyrone ring bearing a phenolic or poly-phenolic group at different positions, classified based on their chemical structure, degree of unsaturation, and oxidation of carbon ring, viz., anthoxanthins (flavanone and flavanol), flavanones, flavanonols, flavans, chalcones, anthocyanidins, and isoflavonoids.
  • 673
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Graphene and 2D Materials
Several chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods have been extensively used in the semiconductor industries for bulk crystal growth, thin film deposition, and nanomaterials synthesis. The MW-SWP CVD system consisting of a waveguide, slot antenna, and dielectric windows is significant for generating high-density plasma with low electron temperature, enabling low-temperature growth of materials without damaging the surface of base substrates. The synthesis of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) films has been achieved on metals, semiconductors, insulators, and dielectric substrates for application in photovoltaics, sensors, batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, and various other electronic devices.
  • 596
  • 13 Sep 2022
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