Topic Review
Wheat Based Film
Wheat is a grass plant of the Poaceae plants family; the scientific name of wheat plant is Triticum.  Due to its mechanical and physical properties, wheat starch, gluten, and fiber are vital in the biopolymer industry. Glycerol as a plasticizer considerably increased the elongation and water vapor permeability of wheat films. Wheat fiber developed mechanical and thermal properties as a result of various matrices; wheat gluten is water insoluble, elastic, non-toxic, and biodegradable, making it useful in biocomposite materials.
  • 828
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Fundamentals and Historical Development of LC-DACs
Laser-heated diamond anvil cell (LH-DAC) experimentation has emerged as a leading technique for materials processing at extreme pressures and temperatures. Laser characterisation plays a vital role in any LH-DAC experimentation, so a brief resesarch of the most common Laser Characterisation Diamond Anvil Cell (LC-DAC) methods is provided here. This includes an introduction to spectroscopic pressure and temperature measurements, followed by the most wide-spread laser spectroscopy techniques.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
The Advances of Hydrosol–Gel Transition-Based Sensors
Hydrogels, as a type of three-dimensional porous material, have attracted a lot of attention in the fields of drug delivery, artificial tissue engineering, and sensing. Due to their excellent biocompatibility and high sensitivity to external stimuli, they are widely used in the development of various sensors. Among them, the sensors constructed based on the sol–gel transition of target–responsive hydrogels are particularly welcome. The status of the sensors on the basis of sol–gel transition has been presented. The types of hydrogel sensors and the analytical methods in various application scenarios are illustrated. In addition, the future trends of the sensing systems based on sol–gel transition are briefly discussed. 
  • 469
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Mechanisms of Temperature-Responsive Polymer Brush Coatings
Modern biomedical technologies predict the application of materials and devices that not only can comply effectively with specific requirements, but also enable remote control of their functions. One of the most prospective materials for these advanced biomedical applications are materials based on temperature-responsive polymer brush coatings (TRPBCs). Despite progress in the development of such interesting materials, there are still some issues that need to be resolved, such as biocompatibility, high efficiency, selectivity of the action, stability, long-term and multiple-use, and the temperature of the transition close to physiological temperatures (appropriate transition temperature). The mechanisms of their temperature-induced reactions are one of the most crucial elements that affect the characteristics of temperature-sensitive grafted brush coatings. The TRPBCs exhibit the response to temperature governed by different mechanisms attributed to intermolecular interactions of the macromolecular chains between themselves and with the environment. The mechanism responsible for the temperature-dependent properties of polymer brushes is strongly dependent on the chemical nature of the macromolecular chains.
  • 533
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Canada's Food Guide
Canada's Food Guide (French: Guide alimentaire canadien) is a nutrition guide produced by Health Canada. In 2007, it was reported to be the second most requested Canadian government publication, behind the Income Tax Forms. The Health Canada website states: "Food guides are basic education tools that are designed to help people follow a healthy diet."
  • 716
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Synthesis and Structures of MXenes
Among various two−dimensional (2D) materials, MXenes have attracted widespread interest due to their unique surface properties, as well as mechanical, optical, electrical and biocompatible properties, and have been applied in various fields, particularly in the preparation of biosensors, which play a critical role. 
  • 568
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Mushroom Poisoning
Mushroom poisoning is poisoning resulting from the ingestion of mushrooms that contain toxic substances. Its symptoms can vary from slight gastrointestinal discomfort to death in about 10 days. Mushroom toxins are secondary metabolites produced by the fungus. Mushroom poisoning is usually the result of ingestion of wild mushrooms after misidentification of a toxic mushroom as an edible species. The most common reason for this misidentification is a close resemblance in terms of color and general morphology of the toxic mushrooms species with edible species. To prevent mushroom poisoning, mushroom gatherers familiarize themselves with the mushrooms they intend to collect, as well as with any similar-looking toxic species. The safety of eating wild mushrooms may depend on methods of preparation for cooking.
  • 1.2K
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cadmium Poisoning
Cadmium is a naturally occurring toxic metal with common exposure in industrial workplaces, plant soils, and from smoking. Due to its low permissible exposure in humans, overexposure may occur even in situations where trace quantities of cadmium are found. Cadmium is used extensively in electroplating, although the nature of the operation does not generally lead to overexposure. Cadmium is also found in some industrial paints and may represent a hazard when sprayed. Operations involving removal of cadmium paints by scraping or blasting may pose a significant hazard. The primary use of cadmium is in the manufacturing of NiCd rechargeable batteries. The primary source for cadmium is as a byproduct of refining zinc metal. Exposures to cadmium are addressed in specific standards for the general industry, shipyard employment, the construction industry, and the agricultural industry.
  • 560
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Band Gap Engineering
Crystalline TiO2 (as rutile, anatase or brookite) can absorb only about 4% of the solar energy due to its large band gap in the range of 3.0–3.2 eV. As a consequence, the true incident photon conversion yield of most sun-light and semiconductor-assisted photoreactions is low. The aim of exploiting visible light can be achieved by applying various techniques such as doping or modification with metals and non-metals, coupling of semiconductors, or dye sensitization. Since only the former technique seems to allow cost-efficient and robust synthesis routes for realistic applications of titania coatings, this chapter will concentrate on metal and non-metal doping.
  • 672
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Thin-Layer Chromatography in the Screening of Botanicals
Thin-layer chromatography both in its standard (TLC) and high-performance (HPTLC) format is known as a versatile and high-throughput liquid chromatography technique, with a wide range of important applications. These applications can roughly be divided into those in direct service of life sciences (such as botany, phytochemistry and medicine, and handling rather fundamental issues such as contributing to chemotaxonomy of plants, or searching for enzyme inhibitor templates) and the more practical goals.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
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