Topic Review
Two-Dimensional Materials
Two-dimensional (2D) materials are defined as crystalline materials consisting of single- or few-layer atoms, in which the in-plane interatomic interactions are much stronger than those along the stacking direction. Since the success of monolayer graphene exfoliation, 2D materials have been extensively studied due to their unique structures and unprecedented properties. Among these fascinating studies, the most predominant focus has been on their atomic structures, defects, and mechanical behaviors and properties, which serve as the basis for the practical applications of 2D materials.
  • 15.3K
  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Thymoquinone in Chemotherapy
Thymoquinone (2-Isopropl-5-methyl benzo-1,4-quinone) is an active component of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa (black seeds). Other than the Ranunculaceae family (N. sativa), this compound has been detected in other families such as Lamiaceae (Modernadidyma, M. menthifolia, etc.), Asteraceae (Eupatorium cannabinum), and Cupressaceae (Juniperus communis).
  • 566
  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Raman Spectroscopy in Biosensing
The effect of Raman scattering is a result of inelastic light scattering processes, which lead to the emission of scattered light with a different frequency associated with molecular vibrations of the identified molecule. Spontaneous Raman scattering is usually weak, resulting in complexities with the separation of weak inelastically scattered light and intense Rayleigh scattering. These limitations have led to the development of various techniques for enhancing Raman scattering, including resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS) and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy (coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy and stimulated Raman spectroscopy). Furthermore, the discovery of the phenomenon of enhanced Raman scattering near metallic nanostructures gave impetus to the development of the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) as well as its combination with resonance Raman spectroscopy and nonlinear Raman spectroscopic techniques. The combination of nonlinear and resonant optical effects with metal substrates or nanoparticles can be used to increase speed, spatial resolution, and signal amplification in Raman spectroscopy, making these techniques promising for the analysis and characterization of biological samples.
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  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Triptycene Synthesis and Derivatization
Since the discovery of triptycenes, great progress has been made regarding their synthetic methodology and the understanding of inter- and intramolecular interactions that involve triptycenes. Several new synthetic approaches have been developed in the last few years, and progress has been made in the context of sterically congested triptycenes and regioselective synthesis of various derivatives.
  • 2.6K
  • 06 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Natural Polymers-Based Materials
Natural polymers have emerged as promising candidates for the sustainable development of materials in areas ranging from food packaging and biomedicine to energy storage and electronics. 
  • 2.3K
  • 06 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Palladium-Catalyzed Carboxylation Reactions
The efficient incorporation of carbon dioxide into an organic substrate (carboxylation) under catalytic conditions to give high value added molecules is one of the most important and fascinating areas of current organic synthesis. Carbon dioxide is a nonflammable, inexpensive and largely available C-1 feedstock. In fact, it allows converting an important waste (it is well known that carbon dioxide is produced in enormous amounts from the combustion of fossil fuels for the production of energy) into a variety of useful compounds, which can find application as fuels or in the pharmaceutical or material fields.
  • 945
  • 06 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Defining Blood Plasma and Serum Metabolome by GC-MS
Metabolomics uses advanced analytical chemistry methods to analyze metabolites in biological samples. The most intensively studied samples are blood and its liquid components: plasma and serum. Armed with advanced equipment and progressive software solutions, the scientific community has shown that small molecules’ roles in living systems are not limited to traditional “building blocks” or “just fuel” for cellular energy. 
  • 723
  • 06 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Nano-Sized Energetic Materials (nEMs)
As a hot research topic, nano-scale energetic materials (nEMs) have recently attracted much attention in the fields of energy storage and release, catalysis, and adsorption, owing to their unique large specific surface areas (SSA) and extraordinary properties, as the structures, compositions, sizes, and shapes vary on the atomic and molecular scale.
  • 562
  • 05 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Silicon-Based Nanomaterials
Laser ablation is a technique by which a laser beam is focused on a substrate to remove part of the material from the irradiated surface. Under the right conditions, nanomaterials of the desired size and in the absence of additional substances are obtained. This green methodology applied to a silicon substrate produces silicon-based nanomaterials, which include the characteristic advantages of these materials and reduce the potential toxicity. The applicability of these nanomaterials for nanomedicine is incalculable. This review highlights the latest advances in the treatment of bacterial infection with silicon-based nanomaterials and points out the future challenges in this field.
  • 738
  • 04 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Surface Attached Mortar for Recycled Coarse Aggregate
Due to the large amount of old hardened cement mortar attached to the surface of aggregate and the internal micro-cracks formed by the crushing process, the water absorption, apparent density, and crushing index of recycled coarse aggregate are still far behind those of natural coarse aggregate. The results showed that the physical strengthening technique can remove old hardened mortar and micro powder attached to the surface of recycled coarse aggregate by mechanical action, which can effectively improve the quality of recycled coarse aggregate. 
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  • 04 Jan 2022
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