Topic Review
Nanocomposites: Brief Overview
Nanocomposites are composite materials consisting of nanoscale building blocks and a matrix. Nanocomposites are materials composed of a polymer matrix reinforced with nanoparticles, typically with dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. These nanoparticles can be made of various materials, such as metals, ceramics, and carbon-based materials, and they can be dispersed uniformly throughout the polymer matrix They have unique properties that make them useful in a wide range of applications, including water remediation, energy storage and conversion, packaging, sensors, biomedicine, environmental monitoring, and coatings. The properties of nanocomposites can be tailored by controlling the size, shape, and composition of the nanoscale building blocks and the matrix material. Some of the key properties of nanocomposites include high surface area-to-volume ratio, improved mechanical properties, enhanced electrical and thermal conductivity, improved barrier properties, and biocompatibility. The study of nanocomposites is a rapidly growing field with many exciting opportunities for new and improved applications.These articles provide a comprehensive overview of the synthesis, structure, properties, and applications of nanocomposites, including their use in water remediation.
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  • 23 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Amino Acetophenones for Natural Product Analogs
Commercially available aminoacetophenones are used as "Swiss army knife" for the synthesis of a wide variety of natural products analogs with high therapeutic potential. Being short versatile and uses common reactions, the strategy can be explored in the generation of chemical libraries to be screened in the frame of drug discovery processes.   
  • 611
  • 19 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Marine Endoperoxide Norterpenes
Organic extracts of marine invertebrates, mainly sponges, from seas all over the world are well known for their high in vitro anticancer and antibiotic activities which make them promising sources of compounds with potential use as pharmaceutical leads. Most of the structures discovered so far have a peculiar structural feature in common: a 1,2-dioxane ring. This is a highly reactive heterocycle that can be considered as an endoperoxide function. Together with other structural features, this group could be responsible for the strong biological activities of the substances present in the extracts. Numerous research programs have focused on their structural elucidation and total synthesis since the seventies. As a consequence, the number of established chiral centres and the similarity between different naturally occurring substances is increasingly higher. Most of these compounds have a terpenoid nature, mainly diterpene and sesterterpene, with several peculiar structural features, such as the loss of one carbon atom. Although there are many reviews dealing with the occurrence of marine peroxides, their activities, or potential pharmaceutical uses, no one has focused on those having a terpene origin and the endoperoxide function. We present here a comprehensive review of these compounds paying special attention to their structural features and their biological activity.
  • 611
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Photocatalytic Desulfurization
Desulfurization of fuels such as diesel, gasoline, kerosene, and jet fuel has been a challenging operation and remains critical to the petrochemical industry. The main naturally occurring sulfur-containing organic compounds (SCCs) are sulfides, disulfides, mercaptans, thiophene (Th) and its derivatives (benzothiophene (BT), dibenzothiophenes (DBTs), 4-methylbenzothiophene (4-MBT), 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT), 3,7-dimethyldibenzothiophene (3,7-DMDBT), and 2,8-dimethyldibenzothiophene (2,8-DMDBT)). The presence of these SCCs in fuels is undesirable since they create problems during refining, namely deactivation of some catalysts and corrosion of equipment. Moreover, sulfur compounds release toxic SOx and cause severe environmental problems: water and air pollution, global warming, ecological instability, as well as the harmful impact on living organisms. Many countries (USA, European Union, Japan, China and so on) have introduced strict standards to limit the content of sulfur in fuels to 10 ppm.
  • 611
  • 23 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Self-assembly-based manufacturing of nano-biomaterials
We previously reported that heparin-based nano-biomaterials produced by simple mixing of raw materials exhibit sustained protein release, and thereby used as a drug delivery carrier. In the present study, we modified the nano-biomaterials without employing any organic synthetic approach to retain the property as a cell-penetrating peptide facilitating protein delivery to cell. We examined whether the heparin-based nano-biomaterials have the ability to deliver exogenous proteins into cultured cells in vitro or into murine hepatocytes in vivo through intravenous injection to anesthetized mice. Consequently, we found that the transferred protein was accumulated in both cultured cells and in vivo hepatocytes.
  • 610
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Silk-Based Magnetic Materials
Silk fibroin protein materials have shown excellent tensile strength, flexibility and biocompatibility. Natural silk fibers are composed of sericin coating and silk fibroin proteins. Sericin as a protective gel coat wraps the silk fibroin, which can be removed by a degumming process. Silk fibroin protein contains 18 amino acids, of which simple glycine (Gly), alanine (Ala) and serine (Ser) account for above 70%.
  • 610
  • 26 Jan 2021
Topic Review
GD-AZO Composites
Graphene represents a new generation of materials which exhibit unique physicochemical properties such as high electron mobility, tunable optics, a large surface to volume ratio, and robust mechanical strength. These properties make graphene an ideal candidate for various optoelectronic, photonics, and sensing applications. . In recent years, numerous efforts have been focused on azobenzene polymers (AZO-polymers) as photochromic molecular switches and thermal sensors because of their light induced conformations and surface-relief structures.  However, these polymers often exhibit drawbacks like low photon storage lifetime, energy density and aggregation. These issues can be alleviated by incorporating graphene derivatives (GDs) into AZO-polymers to form orderly arranged molecules like GD-AZO composites.  
  • 610
  • 11 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Natural Fiber in Frictional Material of Brake Pads
Research into the use of eco-friendly materials, such as natural fibers, in brake pads has gained momentum. This can be attributed to the potential of natural fibers to replace traditional materials in tribological applications such as braking pads. The harmful impact of commonly-used brake pad materials, such as metal and mineral fibers, on human health and the environment, necessitates the development of eco-friendly alternatives. Natural fibers, such as banana peels, palm kernels, and palm slag, have been shown to be viable replacements for traditional brake pad materials.
  • 610
  • 23 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Supercritical Carbon-di-Oxide Technology for Polymeric-Particles
Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2)  based techniques can be exploited for the formulation of polymeric nanocarriers, limiting the use of toxic organic solvent. The currently approved FDA pharmaceutical polymers like PLA and PLGA particles can be obtained in the micro-and nanometer range by techniques that involve SC-CO2 as solvent (RESS, RESOLV), anti-solvent (SAS, SEDS, SAILA) or extractant (SFEE), depending on the SC-CO2 compatibility with the system materials and the final product.
  • 609
  • 27 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Halide Segregation in Mixed Halide Perovskites
Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) has splendid optoelectronic properties and ease of processing, enabling efficiently fabricating high-performance photovoltaic devices with low-cost. MHPs are easy preparation and processing, but also face inherent instability issues, such as ion migration, halide segregation, phase transition and degradation.
  • 609
  • 04 Mar 2022
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