Topic Review
Synthesis of Polypeptides with Activated Amino Acid Monomers
Commonly, three different synthetic pathways are used to prepare peptides in the laboratory: via the polymerization of amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides (NCAs), amino acid N-thiocarboxyanhydrides (NTAs), and N-phenoxycarbonyl amino acids (NPCs); via various stepwise coupling reactions of α-amino acids, such as during solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS); or via recombinant DNA techniques for expressing peptides in microorganisms. Polypeptides that are synthesized through SPPS have controlled primary sequences and can fulfill certain functionalities, but it is difficult to create high molecular weight polypeptides above 100 residues, due to the inevitable side reactions. Recombinant DNA techniques can create polypeptides with specific sequences and high molecular weights. Moreover, they allow for peptide production on a very large scale. However, specialized equipment, which is not readily available in most synthetic laboratories, is needed for this method. The polymerization of activated amino acid monomers enables the formation of bioactive and high molecular weight polypeptides in a facile and expedient manner. The process begins with the conversion of amino acids into the corresponding activated monomers; afterwards, polymerization is initiated in the presence of certain initiators. Although polypeptides that are synthesized in this way lack precise sequence control, their synthetic advantages make this method attractive and economical for synthesizing polypeptides in large quantities.
  • 640
  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
Polypeptides for Anticancer Drug Delivery
Even though polypeptide drug delivery systems have already achieved good results in preclinical studies, there is still a significant lack of clinical trials using these systems. Obviously, there is a large gap between preclinical studies and their translation to the clinic. The lack of consistency in reporting preclinical studies using drug delivery systems has prevented a systematic assessment of these studies. For the effective application of nanotechnology in the clinical environment, researchers should be able to compare new data with previously published results in a reliable and meaningful way. This requires a standard of specific information that needs to be reported, including material characterization, biological characterization, and so on, so that quantitative comparisons, meta-analyses and in silico modeling can be conducted and facilitated.
  • 390
  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
Fluorescent Nanosystems in Ocular Application
Fluorescence is a simple and non-invasive way to track the drug through the eye tissues, and it is also widely used in diagnostics to visualize diseased tissues, lesions and pathological markers. Nanomedicine offers the possibility to overcome obstacles related to physiological mechanisms and ocular barriers by exploiting different ocular routes. Functionalization of nanosystems by fluorescent probes could be a useful strategy to understand the pathway taken by nanocarriers into the ocular globe and to improve the desired targeting accuracy.
  • 415
  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
Generation Nanobubbles in Flotation
Nanobubbles (NBs), also known as ultrafine bubbles, are extremely small (finer than 1 µm) and have several unique physical and physicochemical properties, making them very different from sub-micron (SMBs < 50 µm), micro- (MBs, 50–1000 µm) and conventional air bubbles (CBs, >1000 µm). They can be categorized into surface NBs (formed at solid–liquid interfaces), bulk NBs (exist in bulk liquid and are spherical with a typical diameter of 100–200 nm), and micro-pancakes (quasi-two-dimensional gaseous domains).
  • 539
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Carbonation and Its Mechanisms in Reinforced Concrete Structures
Reinforced concrete (RC) has been commonly used as a construction material for decades due to its high compressive strength and moderate tensile strength. However, these two properties of RC are frequently hampered by degradation. The main degradation processes in RC structures are carbonation and the corrosion of rebars. The scientific community is divided regarding the process by which carbonation causes structural damage. Some researchers suggest that carbonation weakens a structure and makes it prone to rebar corrosion, while others suggest that carbonation does not damage structures enough to cause rebar corrosion.
  • 1.6K
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Harmful Microalgae Detection
There has been a steady stream of information on the methods and techniques available for detecting harmful algae species. The conventional approaches to identify harmful algal bloom (HAB), such as microscopy and molecular biological methods are mainly laboratory-based and require long assay times, skilled manpower, and pre-enrichment of samples involving various pre-experimental preparations. As an alternative, biosensors with a simple and rapid detection strategy could be an improvement over conventional methods for the detection of toxic algae species. Moreover, recent biosensors that involve the use of nanomaterials to detect HAB are showing further enhanced detection limits with a broader linear range. The improvement is attributed to nanomaterials’ high surface area to volume ratio, excellent biological compatibility with biomolecules, and being capable of amplifying the electrochemical signal. 
  • 676
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Organic Coating-Embedded Health Monitoring Technologies
In line with the recent industrial trends of hyperconnectivity, 5G technology deployment, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, the ultimate goal of corrosion prevention is the invention of smart coatings that are able to assess their own condition, predict the onset of corrosion and alert users just before it happens. It is of particular interest to tackle corrosion that occurs in non-accessible areas where human inspectors or handheld devices are useless. To accomplish this, a variety of technologies that are embedded or could potentially be embedded into the coatings are being developed to monitor coating condition, which are based, for instance, on the evolution of electrochemical or mechanical properties over time. For these technologies to be fully embedded into the coatings and work remotely, solutions are needed for connectivity and power supply. A paradigm shift from routine prescheduled maintenance to condition-based preventive maintenance could then become a reality.
  • 478
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Cementitious Materials Mixed with Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology is an innovative developing science in the area of civil engineering that is still in its early stages. Extensive attempts were made to integrate nanomaterials into traditional cementitious pastes to improve performance. Previous research has shown that incorporating nanomaterial into geopolymer concrete (GPC) enhances the geopolymerization and microstructure. As a result of their exceptional and intelligent characteristics, cementitious materials mixed with nanomaterials led to high-performance structural components for various purposes in the building sector.
  • 795
  • 10 May 2022
Topic Review
Green Extraction Techniques Applications in Different Fields
Green extraction techniques (GreETs) emerged in the last decade as greener and sustainable alternatives to classical sample preparation procedures aiming to improve the selectivity and sensitivity of analytical methods, simultaneously reducing the deleterious side effects of classical extraction techniques (CETs) for both the operator and the environment. The implementation of improved processes that overcome the main constraints of classical methods in terms of efficiency and ability to minimize or eliminate the use and generation of harmful substances will promote more efficient use of energy and resources in close association with the principles supporting the concept of green chemistry.
  • 708
  • 10 May 2022
Topic Review
Electrospun Nanofibers
Electrospun nanofibers have become the most promising building blocks for future high-performance electronic devices because of the advantages of larger specific surface area, higher porosity, more flexibility, and stronger mechanical strength over conventional film-based materials.
  • 1.3K
  • 09 May 2022
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