Topic Review
Chromatography in Ukraine
The development of chromatographic science in Ukraine is due to the widespread use of chromatography to solve practical problems. The centers of chromatographic research in Ukraine are in large cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa, and others. Along with the development of chromatographic research methods, analysis methods for control of food and agricultural raw materials, medicinal products, petroleum products, and determination of the environmental pollution state are created. Chromatography is used in medicine, pharmacology, biology, and other sciences.
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  • 14 Jun 2022
Topic Review
DMAHDM Nanocomposite
Researchers have developed novel nanocomposites that incorporate additional biomaterials with dimethylaminohexadecyl methacrylate (DMAHDM) in order to reduce secondary caries. The aim of this review was to summarize the current literature and assess the synergistic antibacterial and remineralizing effects that may contribute to the prevention of secondary caries. An electronic search was undertaken in MEDLINE using PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane databases. 
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  • 01 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Transdermal Drug Delivery System
Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) is an attractive method for drug delivery with convenient application, less first-pass effect, and fewer systemic side effects. Among all generations of TDDS, transdermal nanocarriers show the greatest clinical potential because of their non-invasive properties and high drug delivery efficiency. However, it is still difficult to design optimal transdermal nanocarriers to overcome the skin barrier, control drug release, and achieve targeting. Hence, surface modification becomes a promising strategy to optimize and functionalize the transdermal nanocarriers with enhanced penetration efficiency, controlled drug release profile, and targeting drug delivery.
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  • 14 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Perylene Diimide Bioconjugates
Perylene diimide (PDI) has attracted attention owing to its chemical robustness, thermal and photo-stability, and outstanding optical and electronic properties.
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  • 18 Feb 2023
Topic Review
The Jahn-Teller Effects
The fundamental property of a polyatomic system to undergo spontaneous symmetry breaking was first formulated by L. Landau in 1934 as follows: the configuration of any nonlinear polyatomic system in a degenerate electronic state undergoes spontaneous distortions that remove the degeneracy. This groundbreaking idea, appended with proof, was published by H. Jahn and E. Teller, resulting in what is presently known as the Jahn-Teller effect (JTE). Since then, many extensions of this groundbreaking idea were revealed and developed. Presently, four types of electronic structures that lead to spontaneous symmetry breaking are revealed: in addition to electronic degeneracy resulting in the proper Jahn-Teller effect, two or more close in energy (pseudodegenerate) electronic states may lead to similar instability and distortions, called the pseudo-JTE (PJTE), and the same spontaneous distortion effects may take place when there is neither degeneracy, nor pseudodegeneracy in the fground state of the high-symmetry configuration, but a strong JTE or pseudo-JTE take place in a low-lying excited state, that penetrates the ground state, distorting the system; these are the hidden -JTE and hidden-PJTE, respectively.
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  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Bio-Based Monomers
Bioplastics are polymers made from sustainable bio-based feedstocks. The potential of producing bio-based monomers in microbes has been investigated for decades, their economic feasibility is still unsatisfactory compared with petroleum-derived methods.
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  • 16 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Aromatherapy in Textiles
Studies on aromatherapy and textiles published between 2011–2021 were examined to explore “textile” materials as a possible carrier for essential oils. Mechanisms for the delivery of aromatic compounds on textiles are reviewed.
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  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
2D Materials in Ultrafast Lasers
Ultrafast lasers are the key component of ultrafast photonics, which have come into practice in various fields, such as micromachining, communication, medical procedures, gas detection, and remote sensing. With the advantages of stability, compactness, and easy implementation, mode-locking and Q-switching are two notable techniques to achieve ultrafast pulsed lasers, where SAs perform crucial roles in many types of ultrafast lasers, such as fiber, solid-state, and waveguide lasers.
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  • 25 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Silicone Resin-Based Intumescent Paints
Silicone resins are widely applied as coating materials due to their unique properties, especially those related to very good heat resistance. The most important effect on the long-term heat resistance of the coating is connected with the type of resin. Moreover, this structure is stabilized by a chemical reaction between the hydroxyl groups from the organoclay and the silicone resin. The novel trends in application of silicone resins in intumescent paints used mostly for protection of steel structures against fire will be presented based on literature review. Some examples of innovative applications for fire protection of other materials will be also presented. The effect of silicone resin structure and the type of filler used in these paints on the properties of the char formed during the thermal decomposition of the intumescent paint will be discussed in detail. The most frequently used additives are expanded graphite and organoclay. It has been demonstrated that silicate platelets are intercalated in the silicone matrix, significantly increasing its mechanical strength and resulting in high protection against fire.
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  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Thermophotovoltaic Cell
Generally, waste heat is redundantly released into the surrounding by anthropogenic activities without strategized planning. Consequently, urban heat islands and global warming chronically increases over time. Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) systems can be potentially deployed to harvest waste heat and recuperate energy to tackle this global issue with supplementary generation of electrical energy.
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  • 29 Nov 2021
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