Topic Review
Withaferin A
Withaferin A (WFA) was identified as the most active phytocompound of the plant Withania somnifera (WS) and as having multiple therapeutic/ameliorating properties (anticancer, antiangiogenic, anti-invasive, anti-inflammatory, proapoptotic, etc.) in case of various diseases.
  • 823
  • 04 May 2021
Topic Review
Multifunctional Raman Crystals
In the past few decades, the multifunctional optical crystals for all-solid-state Raman lasers have been widely studied by many scholars due to their compactness, convenience and excellent performance. In this entry, we briefly show two kinds of multifunctional Raman crystals: self-Raman (laser and Raman effects) crystals and self-frequency-doubled Raman (frequency-doubling and Raman effects) crystals. 
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  • 18 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Cellulose Alcoholysis to Alkyl-levulinate Biofuels
Alkyl levulinates (ALs) represent outstanding bio-fuels and strategic bio-products within the context of the marketing of levulinic acid derivatives. In order to promote the market for these bio-products and, concurrently, the immediate development of new applications, it is necessary to speed up the intensification of their production processes. In this regard, today, it is possible to achieve this important issue only by using low-cost or, even better, waste biomasses, as starting feedstocks. Thus, the transition to the real biomass now represents a necessary choice for allowing the next ALs production on a larger scale. The improvement of the available synthetic strategies, the use of raw materials and the development of new applications for ALs can contribute to develop more intensified, greener and sustainable processes. 
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  • 16 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Agri-Food Wastes for Bioplastics
Agri-food wastes (such as brewer’s spent grain, olive pomace, residual pulp from fruit juice production, etc.) are produced annually in very high quantities posing a serious problem, both environmentally and economically. These wastes can be used as secondary starting materials to produce value-added goods within the principles of the circular economy. Agri-food waste is produced in large quantities and derives from many sources (from breweries, from the pressing of olives, from the production of fruit and vegetables, etc.). Consequently, the problem of their disposal arises both from the point of view of costs and means. However, precisely because these wastes represent a great added value for the substances they contain and which can be exploited, it is profitable to reuse and recycle them.
  • 822
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Hot Electrons in Plasmon-Sensitized TiO2
Hot carriers are electron-hole pairs formed by Landau damping or chemical interface damping of particle plasmons. The term “hot electrons” not only describes the individual electrons themselves, but also describes the Fermi–Dirac distribution of electrons in a solid albeit with an elevated effective temperature—the effective temperatures involved when considering the carrier kinetic energies and carrier densities in the solid, and not that of the solid itself- as opposed to thermal equilibrium. Typically, hot carriers lose their excess energy and relax to thermal equilibrium within a few picoseconds of formation due to a variety of scattering processes. Therefore, it is very difficult to extract useful work from hot carriers with thermodynamic efficiencies that are of interest for practical devices. However, heterojunctions of TiO2 with coinage metals have been consistently shown to be effective in utilizing hot carriers to perform useful work, such as driving a chemical reaction or generating an electric current. A secondary benefit of such TiO2-coinage metal heterojunctions is the "visible light sensitization" effect which allows broader harvesting of visible light. 
  • 822
  • 24 May 2021
Topic Review
Microneedles in Drug Delivery
In recent years, an innovative transdermal delivery technology has attracted great interest for its ability to distribute therapeutics and cosmeceuticals for several applications, including vaccines, drugs, and biomolecules for skin-related problems. The advantages of microneedle patch technology have been extensively evaluated in the latest literature; hence, the academic publications in this area are rising exponentially. 
  • 821
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Biopolymer-Based Dye Removal Technologies
Synthetic dyes have become an integral part of many industries such as textiles, tannin and even food and pharmaceuticals. Industrial dye effluents from various dye utilizing industries are considered harmful to the environment and human health due to their intense color, toxicity and carcinogenic nature.
  • 821
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Applications of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Chitosan Hydrogel
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) holds great promise for addressing the growing need for innovative therapies to treat disease conditions. To achieve this, TERM relies on various strategies and techniques. The most prominent strategy is the development of a scaffold. Polyvinyl alcohol-chitosan (PVA-CS) scaffold emerged as a promising material in this field due to its biocompatibility, versatility, and ability to support cell growth and tissue regeneration. 
  • 821
  • 07 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Advanced manufacturing and additive printing technologies have made incredible inroads into the fields of engineering, transportation, and healthcare. Among additive manufacturing technologies, 3D printing is gradually emerging as a powerful technique owing to a combination of attractive features, such as fast prototyping, fabrication of complex designs/structures, minimization of waste generation, and easy mass customization. 
  • 821
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Compounds of Lead
Compounds of lead exist in two main oxidation states: +2 and +4. The former is more common. Inorganic lead(IV) compounds are typically strong oxidants or exist only in highly acidic solutions.
  • 821
  • 14 Nov 2022
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