Topic Review
Wool Characteristics Variationacross of Alpacas in Poland
The quality of the fibers obtained from alpacas is primarily determined by the mean fiber diameter (MFD) and the presence of medullas. The staple length and crimping are also important. These parameters depend on many genetic and phenotypic factors, such as age, sex, and the color of the coat.Alpaca wool is luxurious and, hence, arouses great interest among consumers. However, the drawbacks of this wool are its variation in thickness and the proportion of medullated fibers. Knowing about variations in the quality characteristics of the wool on an animal’s body can help in properly evaluating and using this wool.
  • 529
  • 21 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Wood Vinegar as Antimicrobial Agent in Animal Husbandry
Wood vinegar (WV), also known as pyroligneous acid, as an alternative antimicrobial with good potential to replace conventional products. Many studies have demonstrated that WV is a promising product. WV is a nontoxic additive widely employed in the food industry to impart a smoked flavor to foods. Studies have shown that, depending on the WV concentration, good results can be achieved using it as an antimicrobial against pathogenic bacteria and fungi and a valuable growth promoter for poultry and pigs.
  • 146
  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Wild Vigna Legumes
Legumes (family Fabaceae) represent the third largest family among flowering plants, consisting of approximately 650 genera and 20, 000 species which possess an undeniable vital nutritional value for both humans and animals due to their protein content. The genus Vigna is a huge and important set of legumes consisting of more than 200 species. The term under-exploited wild Vigna species has been attributed to some Vigna species of legumes that have not yet been domesticated. They do not possess commercial names since they have not got a common popular use by people or groups of people. Very few domesticated legumes species exist with more than one hundred (100) wild species under-exploited despite global food demand. A recent study explored farmers’ perceptions, preferences, and possible utilization of some wild Vigna species of legumes through quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in a mid and high altitude agro-ecological zones in Tanzania to obtain the opinion of 150 farmers about wild legumes and their uses.
  • 2.9K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Wild Boar Hunting Methods
High wild boar population densities lead to demands for a population reduction to avoid crop damages or epidemic diseases. Along with biological studies, a better understanding of the human influence on wildlife and on wildlife management is important. We conducted inquiries on hunting methods and on hunters’ attitudes in the Federal State of Lower Saxony, Germany, to better understand hunting strategies and the influence on increasing wild boar population, as well as to underpin game management concepts. Single hunt, especially at bait, is still the most widely used method for hunting wild boar. The proportion of drive hunts within the hunting bag is increasing. The proportions of hunting methods vary regionally due to wild boar densities, geographical features (vegetation, terrain, etc.) and hunters’ practices. Hunters increased the proportion of conjoint hunts on wild boar. Baiting remains an important hunting method in wild boar management and the proportion of drive hunts should be fostered. Private hunting is important for wild boar management, although it is just insufficient. Additionally, administrative wildlife managers are recommended for the near future as coordinators of wild boar management, and as such, could manage hunting, the incorporation of regional conditions and investigating hunters’ attitudes and abilities. 
  • 602
  • 17 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Wholegrain Rice and Human Nutrition
Rice is one of the most widely consumed cereals in the world. The husks of harvested, unprocessed rice are not digested by humans and need to be removed to obtain edible grains, whereas the bran can be partially (brown rice) or totally removed (white rice). Brown rice is a wholegrain cereal and, as such, is known to have beneficial effects on human health.
  • 446
  • 16 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Whiteflies are a group of universally occurring phloem sap sucking insects that has secured a status of most devastating pests for causing both direct and indirect damages to crops. A few of them serve as vectors of plant viruses that are detrimental to the crop in question and cause an actual loss in productivity. A lot of attention is focused on pest control measures under the umbrella of IPM (Integrated pest management). 
  • 665
  • 12 Jul 2021
Topic Review
White-tailed Mongoose
The White-tailed Mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) is a captivating carnivorous mammal native to the African continent, distinguished by its striking white-tipped tail and sleek, slender physique. Inhabiting a variety of habitats, from woodlands to grasslands, this elusive mongoose species plays a vital role in the ecosystems it calls home.
  • 145
  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
White Coat in the Domestic Horse
Traits such as shape, size, and color often influence the economic and sentimental value of a horse. Around the world, horses are bred and prized for the colors and markings that make their unique coat patterns stand out from the crowd. The underlying genetic mechanisms determining the color of a horse’s coat can vary greatly in their complexity.
  • 84
  • 05 Mar 2024
Topic Review
White Adipose Tissue Heterogeneity in the Single-Cell Era
Adipose tissue is a major modulator of metabolic function by regulating energy storage and by acting as an endocrine organ through the secretion of adipokines. With the advantage of next-generation sequencing-based single-cell technologies, adipose tissue has been studied at single-cell resolution, thus providing unbiased insight into its molecular composition. Recent single-cell RNA sequencing studies in human and mouse models have dissected the transcriptional cellular heterogeneity of subcutaneous (SAT), visceral (VAT), and intramuscular (IMAT) white adipose tissue depots and revealed unique populations of adipose tissue progenitor cells, mature adipocytes, immune cell, vascular cells, and mesothelial cells that play direct roles on adipose tissue function and the development of metabolic disorders.
  • 251
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Whey-Derived Peptides and COVID-19
The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is a key regulator of blood pressure and hypertension. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and angiotensin-converting enzyme I (ACE) are two main components of the RAS that play a major role in blood pressure homeostasis. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) uses ACE2 as a receptor to enter cells. Despite some controversies, numerous studies have reported a significant association between the use of ACE inhibitors and reduced risk of COVID-19.
  • 610
  • 05 Nov 2021
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