Topic Review
30-Year Development of Inactivated Virus Vaccine in China
Inactivated vaccines are vaccines made from inactivated pathogens, typically achieved by using chemical or physical methods to destroy the virus’s ability to replicate. This type of vaccine can induce the immune system to produce an immune response against specific pathogens, thus protecting the body from infection.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Contemporary Aspects of Burn Care
Contemporary burn care consists of multiple basic science and biotechnological components.
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  • 20 May 2021
Topic Review
Vision-Based Methods for Food and Fluid Intake Monitoring
Food and fluid intake monitoring are essential for reducing the risk of dehydration, malnutrition, and obesity. The existing research has been preponderantly focused on dietary monitoring, while fluid intake monitoring, on the other hand, is often neglected. Food and fluid intake monitoring can be based on wearable sensors, environmental sensors, smart containers, and the collaborative use of multiple sensors. Vision-based intake monitoring methods have been widely exploited with the development of visual devices and computer vision algorithms. Vision-based methods provide non-intrusive solutions for monitoring. They have shown promising performance in food/beverage recognition and segmentation, human intake action detection and classification, and food volume/fluid amount estimation. However, occlusion, privacy, computational efficiency, and practicality pose significant challenges.
  • 377
  • 18 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Endocrine Disruptors in Cosmetic Products and Regulatory Framework
Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are molecules capable of mimicking the natural hormones of the body and interfering with the endocrine system in both humans and wildlife. Cosmetic products are one source of EDs; these include an extensive variety of personal care and beauty products designed for the skin and hair, as well as makeup. The widespread use of such products has raised concerns about the presence of EDs within them.
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  • 26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Canada’s Colonial Genocide of Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples worldwide, including in Canada and the U.S. have, over generations, experienced assaults on their very survival, along with their culture, land, and ways of life. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, established to bring to light the experiences of survivors of the Indian Residential Schools, referred to this program as constituting cultural genocide. While these events all inflicted severe and lasting harm to the survivors, resilience and the perseverance of many aspects of culture may be maintained through intergenerational processes.
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  • 07 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Characteristics and General Classification of Gastric Cancer
Gastric tumors have been divided based on their location—cardiac and distal. The former refers to the small paracardial area, while the latter refers to the rest of it. The most popular classification in terms of histology is the Laurén classification, which distinguishes between two types of gastric cancer (GC)—intestinal and diffuse. The first GC subtype is often associated with Helicobacter Pylori and lifestyle, which includes a high intake of table salt and alcohol, a low supply of fruits and vegetables, or smoking. It is estimated that about 15–20% of tumors do not fall under Laurén’s classification and are, therefore, considered intermediate tumors. Clinically, GC can also be divided according to its early or advanced stage. Early gastric cancers refer to small tumors (2–5 cm) that take the form of invasive carcinoma of the gastric mucosa or submucosa. Detection of lesions at their early stage is associated with relatively good survival.
  • 375
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Cytokine Profile with Multiple Sclerosis Following Exercise
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is defined as an immune-mediated inflammatory, neurodegenerative, and demyelinating disease that impacts the central nervous system (CNS) in young individuals. 
  • 375
  • 18 Aug 2022
Topic Review
The Concept of Child-Centred Care in Healthcare
The position of children in healthcare reflects their changing and evolving positioning in society more broadly. The concept of child-centred care orientates children to a more central position within children’s healthcare, where the child is at the centre of thinking and practice. However, a clear definition of child-centred care and clarity around the concept is yet to be achieved.
  • 375
  • 12 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Aortic Stenosis and Cardiac Amyloidosis
The association between aortic stenosis (AS) and cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is more frequent than expected. Albeit rare, CA, particularly the transthyretin (ATTR) form, is commonly found in elderly people. ATTR-CA is also the most prevalent form in patients with AS. These conditions share pathophysiological, clinical and imaging findings, making the diagnostic process very challenging.
  • 375
  • 16 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Intelligent Nanobiosensors for SARS-CoV-2 Diagnosis
The novel coronavirus appeared to be a milder infection initially, but the unexpected outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), commonly called COVID-19, was transmitted all over the world in late 2019 and caused a pandemic. Human health has been disastrously affected by SARS-CoV-2, which is still evolving and causing more serious concerns, leading to the innumerable loss of lives. Smart and intelligent nanomaterial-enabled biosensors (nanobiosensors) have already proven their utility for the diagnosis of several viral infections, as various detection strategies based on nanobiosensor devices are already present, and several other methods are also being investigated by researchers for the determination of SARS-CoV-2 disease.
  • 375
  • 19 Aug 2022
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