Topic Review
Tax Planning on Tobacco Economy in Europe
Taxes on the consumption of certain products have played a key role in public revenue analysis in European countries. The global market for alternative risk-reduced tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products (HTPs), nicotine pouches, and snus, has been rapidly growing. As these products are relatively new, there is a lack of consensus among policymakers on how to regulate them, particularly in terms of taxation.
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  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Indoor Environmental Quality, Pupils’ Health, and Academic Performance
Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) relates to the conditions that exist within a building; these include indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal conditions, visual (e.g., lighting) and aural (e.g., noise) comfort, and their potential effects on building occupants. Classrooms have more students per square meter than other buildings such as offices, making them more crowded. Poor IEQ has been shown to influence learning and concentration, as well as impact the long-term health of students. A continuous classroom IEQ research review and appraisal are needed to summarize existing knowledge, which can help other researchers avoid research duplication and identify research gaps for future studies.
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  • 01 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Exercise on Oxidative Stress after Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is an irreversible disease resulting in partial or total loss of sensory and motor function. The pathophysiology of SCI is characterized by an initial primary injury phase followed by a secondary phase in which reactive oxygen species (ROSs) and associated oxidative stress play hallmark roles. Physical exercise is an indispensable means of promoting psychophysical well-being and improving quality of life. It positively influences the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune systems. Moreover, exercise may provide a mechanism to regulate the variation and equilibrium between pro-oxidants and antioxidants. 
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  • 18 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Associations between Childhood Abuse and Adult Psychopathology
Research consistently shows that abuse during childhood is related to adult psychopathology. Adverse childhood experiences, including emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, have been consistently linked to mental health problems in children and adults.
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  • 05 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Monosodium Crystals in Vessels of Patients with Gout
Cardiovascular disease in gout is a central issue, but the underlying mechanisms linking the two are unclear. The existence of monosodium (MSU) crystal deposition directly inflaming vessel walls has been recurrently suggested and challenged since the 1950s and is again a matter of active debate since recent studies using dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) suggested a higher prevalence of plaques considered to be containing MSU crystals in patients with gout.
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  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Role of Muscle Biomarkers in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the predominant orthopedic disorder in children, affecting 1–3% of the global population. Research in this field has tried to delineate the genetic factors behind scoliosis and its association with heredity since AIS is considered a polygenic disease and has different genetic and epigenetic factors. 
  • 234
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Health Benefits and Detrimental Effects of Wine Consumption
Wine contains a large quantity of several phenolic compounds and this distinguishes it from other alcoholic beverages, while several microbiota metabolites that are formed after wine consumption by digestion of all wine polyphenols (except stilbenes), further increase the diversity of bioactive phenolic compounds.
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  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Evacuation Solutions for Individuals with Functional Limitations
The built environment continues to become increasingly accessible to people with disabilities, yet there remains a lack of focus on how these individuals are evacuated in emergencies. Studies highlight the importance of tailoring solutions to the needs of individuals with different functional limitations. There are six main evacuation solution types: notification, wayfinding, egress, building design, strategy, and training programs. 
  • 232
  • 31 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Fitness Costs Antibiotic Resistance in the Gut
The acquisition of antibiotic resistance by horizontal gene transfer and by mutational changes in the chromosome or genes located in mobile genetic elements, followed by antibiotic resistance phenotype expression, implies modification of the cellular physiological status, including homeostatic adaptations of the previously susceptible cell.
  • 232
  • 26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Weight Management on the Level of Primary Healthcare
Obesity is a complex disease that, like COVID-19, has reached pandemic proportions. Consequently, it has become a rapidly growing scientific field, represented by an extensive body of research publications.
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  • 26 Dec 2023
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