Topic Review
Machine Learning in Forecasting Motor Insurance Claims
Accurate forecasting of insurance claims is of the utmost importance for insurance activity as the evolution of claims determines cash outflows and the pricing, and thus the profitability, of the underlying insurance coverage. These are used as inputs when the insurance company drafts its business plan and determines its risk appetite, and the respective solvency capital required (by the regulators) to absorb the assumed risks. The conventional claim forecasting methods attempt to fit (each of) the claims frequency and severity with a known probability distribution function and use it to project future claims.
  • 589
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
LSTM-Based Stock Prediction and Selection
A great deal of attention has been devoted to the use of neural networks in portfolio management, particularly in the prediction of stock prices. First, data from historical quotes and technical and fundamental indicators are used in the long short-term memory (LSTM) network to provide good predictions. Second, the EMN strategy allows for the funding of long-position stocks by short-sell-position stocks, thus hedging the market risk.
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  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Linking FDI and Sustainable Environment in EU Countries
The aim of this study is to emphasize the link between the foreign direct investments (FDIs) and the sustainable environment in EU countries. We also focus on investigating the influence of other factors related to business environment on FDIs, considering the investors’ sustainable choice for the host countries, grouped according to FTSE Russell criteria. Using panel methodology and applying Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method of data analysis, the authors reached the conclusion that a better-rated business environment, with concern for sustainability, has more of a chance to attract larger sums of FDIs, mostly in the case of developed economies. This fact proves that the main advantage considered by a foreign investor in developed EU countries is represented by CO2 emissions (sustainable environment) and a good ease of doing business environment. The study highlights the factors that influence the decision of investing in developed countries, rather than in emerging and frontier ones. This paper contributes to the existing literature by identifying the group of countries which need a more sustainable approach to attract a large amount of FDIs, given that the inflow of FDIs is a crucial factor of economic growth, a possible source of innovation and technology, and a way to reduce poverty. 
  • 417
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Link of Environmental, Social, Governance and Firm Performance
ESG performance has a positive relationship with profit in large firms but not in SME firms. Large firms are motivated by stakeholder and other needs, while SME firms do not have the same priorities. Similarly, small and nascent firms may not have the resources of large firms, suggesting that competitive factors related to downstream networking will markedly differ for both groups of firms.
  • 554
  • 29 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Life Insurance Consumption
Apart from banking, insurance is another significant sector that offers financial services. Like banks, the insurance industry deals with risks and contributes to economic growth. Life insurance (LI) as a service can be described as abstract, complex, and focused on uncertain benefits that may arise in future.
  • 207
  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Leverage,  Firm Value and Corporate Governance
The level of debt acts as a disciplinary financial tool. Moreover, more leverage raises firm value (FV) until a specific point, and then the FV starts to decline. 
  • 223
  • 04 Feb 2024
Lester Ingber
Prof. Lester Ingber has published over 100 papers and books in theoretical physics, neuroscience, finance, optimization, combat analysis, karate, and education.  As CEO of Physical Studies Institute LLC (PSI) in Hillsboro OR he develops and consults on projects documented in the archive. Prof. Ingber received: his diploma from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1958; his
  • 661
  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Leadership Style and Firm Growth
Leadership is generally viewed as a social influence process whereby a leader attempts to influence the activities of individuals and groups to meet set objectives. Firm growth is a significant indicator of company performance and business success and is at the core of entrepreneurship. It is important to understand the leadership styles that induce or influence the growth of Fintech start-ups.
  • 312
  • 26 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Knowledge Management Criteria in the Banking Industry
Banks’ performance and profitability were influenced significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Facing the impact and challenges derived from the pandemic, some responsive measures needed to be adopted by the banking industry. Supported by successful sustainability performance and a competitive advantage, accurate knowledge management could help organizations to survive future pandemics.
  • 647
  • 12 Oct 2022
Junjuan DU
Junjuan DU received the Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, in 2020. She is currently a Professor with the College of Economics & Management, Hefei Normal University, Hefei, China. Her current research interests include crowdfunding, E-commerce, industy economy, venture capital, entrepreneurship and agricultural finance. She mainly undert
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  • 11 Oct 2022
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