Topic Review
Application of Natural Language Processing in Stock Forecasting
The invention of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has provided a solution to develop computational models that enable the machine to understand human languages and automatically solve practical problems. Therefore, the application of NLP is becoming an important tool to reveal the investor behavioral information to explain the market variability and improve the stock prediction performance.
  • 817
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Smart Cities and Financial Sustainability
Smart city initiatives have become recurrent strategies used by local governments to provide better services, improve their managerial effectiveness, and increase citizen participation in cities’ decision-making processes. Great potential exists to use data, information, and communication technologies (ICT) more extensively to improve city operations. However, depending on the size and financial situation of the cities, some smart city initiatives could be considered investments that are too expensive and not easy to maintain in the long term. If city governments want to achieve most of the benefits arising from the intense use of technology and data, building financially sustainable smart cities should be seen as a priority.
  • 802
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Taxing the Digital Economy through Consumption Taxes
Owing to the Fourth Industrial revolution and digital transformation, the digital economy has grown substantially globally and in Africa. Despite the positive outcomes such as advancements in technology, improvements in business models and expansion in digital financial inclusion, negative implications include the erosion of tax bases due to the invisible nature of digital transactions. Although the digital economy is one of the biggest and quickest growing sectors in the African continent, its contribution to tax revenue is negligible. Developed and developing countries are grappling to find effective ways of mobilizing revenues from this hard to tax economy. African countries have turned to digital services taxes, value added taxes and withholding taxes in a bid to collect revenue from the digital economy to broaden their tax bases. There is intense debate among policymakers, governments, development bodies and tax bodies on the most effective way to tax the digital economy.
  • 788
  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
New role for insurers
The recent pandemic and the recommendations of the WHO regarding the systematic nature that will characterize the spread of the future pandemic in the world require a deep rethinking of economic-social logics. ESG (Environmental Social Governance) strategies will play a key role in all sectors to ensure sustainable development together with the reduction of social inequalities. In this context, the insurance sector cannot fail to be a proactive and resilient player.
  • 786
  • 07 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Historical Development of the Fair Value Model
The use of fair value (F.V.) can help businesses obtain more up-to-date financial information on how they are doing and make financial reporting more transparent than traditional accounting methods. It also poses many problems for auditors because they have to make detailed estimates and adjustments when they look at the assets and liabilities of a company. Because “Fair Value Measurements (F.V.M.s)” are based on the current prices, certain assets and liabilities were not evaluable because there were not enough efficient markets for them. There is an “agency problem” between managers and owners, which means more incentives for managers to manipulate and misrepresent financial information.
  • 779
  • 09 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Green Finance & Green Monetary Policy: Different Approaches
Strictly speaking, green finance is part of the broader concept of sustainable finance, a term that explicitly includes social issues, while climate finance is a narrower element of green finance. However, in practice, the distinction between sustainable and green finance and sustainable and green monetary policy is often not made but the terms are used synonymously. Hence, we follow this tradition and use the term green finance and green monetary policy to refer to both. Green finance and green monetary monetary policy are related to each other and can be classified on a common ground. In general, neoliberal, reformist and progressive forms of green finance and green monetary policy can be distinguished. 
  • 752
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Decentralized Finance
The term Decentralized Finance (DeFi) refers to an alternative financial infrastructure built on top of public blockchains. DeFi uses smart contracts to create protocols that replicate existing financial services in a more open, interoperable, and transparent way Source. 
  • 744
  • 30 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Concept of the Robo-Advisor with Digital Twin
The term “digital twin” (DT) refers to a digital representation of an individual that has the capability of integrating any digital data with virtually real-time data and generating advanced analytics for feedback, recommendation, and alternative solutions for users. 
  • 741
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Corporate Governance in Investment Efficiency, Financial Information Disclosure
Corporate governance minimizes the conflicting interests between internal and external stakeholders and shareholders. The corporate governance structure affects the quality of accounting disclosure and information quality assessment and guides analysts to accurately forecast future performance. There is no consensus definition for corporate governance, but its ultimate goal is to achieve accountability, transparency, justice, fairness, and respect for the rights of all stakeholders. Corporate governance is not related to the primary operations of a company. Still, it is related to leading the company, monitoring the activities of the CEO, and assessing the accountability power of the company’s executives to stakeholders. A proper corporate governance system can help companies gain investors’ trust and encourage investment.
  • 734
  • 13 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Role of Agricultural Biomass in European Union Countries
The theoretical potential presenting the energy value of all existing agricultural biomass resources in EU countries and the technical potential taking into account agricultural biomass resources that are not used in agriculture. The research was based on Eurostat data for 2019. The conducted research shows that European Union countries are characterized by a significant potential of agricultural biomass.
  • 733
  • 24 Oct 2022
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