Topic Review
ESG Disclosure and Firm Performance
The information on corporate non-financial practices can be summarized through the “three modern pillars” of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which are the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) pillars representing a measure of the CSR performance of a firm.
  • 843
  • 04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Role of Agricultural Biomass in European Union Countries
The theoretical potential presenting the energy value of all existing agricultural biomass resources in EU countries and the technical potential taking into account agricultural biomass resources that are not used in agriculture. The research was based on Eurostat data for 2019. The conducted research shows that European Union countries are characterized by a significant potential of agricultural biomass.
  • 840
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Green Finance & Green Monetary Policy: Different Approaches
Strictly speaking, green finance is part of the broader concept of sustainable finance, a term that explicitly includes social issues, while climate finance is a narrower element of green finance. However, in practice, the distinction between sustainable and green finance and sustainable and green monetary policy is often not made but the terms are used synonymously. Hence, we follow this tradition and use the term green finance and green monetary policy to refer to both. Green finance and green monetary monetary policy are related to each other and can be classified on a common ground. In general, neoliberal, reformist and progressive forms of green finance and green monetary policy can be distinguished. 
  • 829
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Financial Technology Influence on the Banking Industry
The synthesis of technology and finance is known as financial technology (Fintech), which brings together two of the biggest industries in harmony. Fintech disruption is a deviation from the norm, resulting in a significant shift in banking services and, as a result, risk. 
  • 814
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Vectoring & Fractalisation Of Fiscal Stress
Never before like pan global contagion pandemic COVID-19 has intensely up-regulated stress on the indo money-market domains.  Authors try to see the light at end of tunnel. Consider direct finance to consumers as the anti-dote; termed as fractalisation; vectoring; and granulation of stress. Heritage structure as cue and parable. Identify the internal causes of an obstinate stress causers and Ayurvedic sector as the green field opportunity.  
  • 804
  • 14 Jul 2020
Topic Review
Prediction of Penalties or Compensation Payments in Companies
Corporate misconduct is a huge and widespread problem in the economy. Many companies make mistakes that result in them having to pay penalties or compensation to other businesses. Some of these cases are so serious that they take a toll on a company’s financial condition. Several algorithms were to create and evaluate which can predict whether a company will have to pay a penalty and to discover what financial indicators may signal it.
  • 793
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Corporate Financial Statements
Corporate financial statements address multiple stakeholders’ needs. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), among others, allow two different classifications, “by function of expense” and “by nature of expense”, for the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income for the period (from now on, also identified in short as “Income Statement”, or “IS”). XBRL standards ensure compliance and consistency in financial statements’ drafting and filing. XBRL taxonomies reflect the Income Statement IFRS disclosure requirement in the {310000} and {320000} codifications, respectively.
  • 792
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Influence of SDG on Firm Performance
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to enhance human dignity and prosperity while simultaneously safeguarding the planet’s fundamental biophysical processes and ecosystem services. They recognize that reducing poverty and inequality necessitates long-term economic growth, peace, and justice strategies, as well as strategies to address basic social needs such as education, health, social protection, and job opportunities—all while addressing climate change and improving environmental protection.
  • 779
  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Price Stability Properties and Volatility of Precious Metals
It was recognized that stock markets can be impacted by shocks in financial market uncertainties, while precious metal markets are steadier secure resources that will not be highly impacted by outside shocks. Herein, the focus of the present research is on the price stability properties of precious metals during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, 2007–2008 Global Financial Crisis, and 2010 Eurozone Crisis. 
  • 770
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Working Capital and Wine Industry
Wine has been produced for thousands of years. The earliest evidence of wine is from ancient China (c. 7000 BC), Armenia (6000 BC), Persia (5000 BC), and Italy (4000 BC). 
  • 764
  • 07 Aug 2023
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