Topic Review
Journal JRFM
Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN 1911-8074; ISSN 1911-8066 for printed edition) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on risk and financial management. JRFM was formerly edited by Prof. Dr. Raymond A.K. Cox and published by Prof. Dr. Alan Wong online in one yearly volume from 2008 until end 2012. Since October 2013, it is published monthly and online by MDPI. International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI), International Research Institute for Economics and Management (IRIEM) are affiliated to Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM) and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 13.9 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.9 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2020).
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Decentralized Finance
The term Decentralized Finance (DeFi) refers to an alternative financial infrastructure built on top of public blockchains. DeFi uses smart contracts to create protocols that replicate existing financial services in a more open, interoperable, and transparent way Source. 
  • 875
  • 30 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Corporate Financial Statements
Corporate financial statements address multiple stakeholders’ needs. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), among others, allow two different classifications, “by function of expense” and “by nature of expense”, for the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income for the period (from now on, also identified in short as “Income Statement”, or “IS”). XBRL standards ensure compliance and consistency in financial statements’ drafting and filing. XBRL taxonomies reflect the Income Statement IFRS disclosure requirement in the {310000} and {320000} codifications, respectively.
  • 793
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Fintech and Sustainability
Current concerns about environmental issues have led to many new trends in technology and financial management. Within this context of digital transformation and sustainable finance, Fintech has emerged as an alternative to traditional financial institutions. This paper, through a literature review and case study approach, analyzes the relationship between Fintech and sustainability, and the different areas of collaboration between Fintech and sustainable finance, from both a theoretical and descriptive perspective, while giving specific examples of current technological platforms. Additionally, in this paper, two Fintech initiatives (Clarity AI and Pensumo) are described, as well as several proposals to improve the detection of greenwashing and other deceptive behavior by firms. The results lead to the conclusion that sustainable finance and Fintech have many aspects in common, and that Fintech can make financial businesses more sustainable overall by promoting green finance. Furthermore, this paper highlights the importance of European and global regulation, mainly from the perspective of consumer protection. 
  • 1.8K
  • 14 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Electricity Price and Quantity Uncertainty
Electricity is usually traded in a short-term market (spot market) and a long-term market via contracts for future delivery (forward contracts). The electricity market is characterized by being highly volatile when compared to other commodity markets. This high volatility in terms of price and quantity is due to market circumstances (e.g., expectations or strategies of each company and economic dynamics) and physical conditions (e.g., climate, water availability, fuel production, or damage to the power transmission network).
  • 629
  • 18 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Sustainability Performance & Sustainable Banking
In the light of Agenda 2030 awareness of sustainability is steadily growing all over the world. Devastating phenomena like pandemics (Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)), poverty (Sustainable Development Goal 1 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) as well as climate change (Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) threaten humanity, calling for more sustainable solutions. Although economic growth (Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) is one of the principal goals for a sustainable future, little research has been devoted to the interface of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability and their contribution to the financial sector, in view of sustainable banking. Even fewer are the studies concerning sustainable banking in Greece. This paper attempts a comparative overview of sustainability integration into businesses, focusing on the banking industry. The current theoretical analysis initially provides an extended review of the CSR and sustainability concepts, which is followed by a comprehensive analysis of non-financial disclosures (NFDs) and their business value, providing some evidence from Greece. 
  • 2.9K
  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Blockchain Technology and Tokenization
Blockchain is an open-source technology that excludes the traditional third parties by relying on collective verification, thus offering a great alternative in terms of costs, traceability, security, and speed. When two financial entities such as banks receive a request to transfer money from one account to another, they have to update the balances of their respective customers. This costly and time-consuming coordination and synchronization exercise can be simplified on a blockchain by using a single ledger of transactions reflecting a single version of records instead of two different databases. Blockchain technology offers a myriad of value through a frictionless process of immutable and transparent records and through converting assets into digital tokens (i.e., tokenization) with smart contracts. 
  • 1.8K
  • 01 Jun 2021
Topic Review
DEA Banking Efficiency: Macroprudential Context
China is a bank-dominated country; therefore, the sustainability of the Chinese banking industry is important for economic development. In this paper, data envelopment analysis (DEA) was combined with the Malmquist index, and we statically and dynamically analyzed the efficiency of listed banks during the period 2012–2017. The results showed that 12 of the 17 banks improved their technical efficiency. The technical efficiency of three banks remained the same, whilst that of two banks had dropped slightly by less than 1.0%. The Chinese government has learned from the lessons of past financial crises to find a way to forestall financial crisis, and implemented macroprudential policy, therefore the banking industry has actively served the real economy and promoted economic development while paying attention to the prevention of financial risks. According to the report of The Banker in 2018, for the first time, the four biggest banks in China topped the list of the Top 1000 World Banks. The research showed that, the Chinese government applied macroprudential framework in the banking supervision, and the listed banks effectively resisted financial risks and realized steady growth. We believe that the macroprudential framework plays a positive role in the economic development and financial stability in China.
  • 1.5K
  • 07 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Idiosyncratic Viral Losses
The viral spread of operational losses through global markets by interconnected multinational banks can be compared to viruses spread through interconnected countries and the significant losses incurred; this can be referred to as idiosyncratic viral loss theory. This idiosyncratic viral loss theory discusses systemic operational losses that are evident in human error, fraud, and legal expenses that are aligned to systemic operational risk. The occurrences of significant losses that are idiosyncratic in nature and that are linked to failed internal processes, people, systems, and external events. This study employs the Compliance and Ethics Group’s (OCEG’s) standard that integrates governance, risk management, internal control, assurance, and compliance (GRC capability model) into one functional goal to improve quality and principled performance through measurable tools that may enhance effectiveness and efficiency practices. Four important considerations were identified that could bolster effective risk management practices: (a) a comprehensive enterprise-wide risk; (b) controlling fraud; (c) going beyond the minimum risk assessment requirements set forth by the banking regulators; (d) independent risk identification and management. These considerations towards effective risk management practices may help reduce systemic operational losses viral spread in banks. 
  • 646
  • 24 Feb 2021
Topic Review
New role for insurers
The recent pandemic and the recommendations of the WHO regarding the systematic nature that will characterize the spread of the future pandemic in the world require a deep rethinking of economic-social logics. ESG (Environmental Social Governance) strategies will play a key role in all sectors to ensure sustainable development together with the reduction of social inequalities. In this context, the insurance sector cannot fail to be a proactive and resilient player.
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  • 07 Dec 2020
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