Topic Review
Expansion of the Research Scope of Spatial Mismatch
A growing number of studies have realized that spatial mismatch itself was from the beginning not only about how space interacts with the labor market, but about how space is related to race, transport, skills, social relations, occupational segmentation, and other elements that influence labor market outcomes, and that spatial mismatch needs to be understood and constructed in a broader context. With further suburbanization, changes in demographic characteristics, housing market reforms, and economic restructuring, and urban sprawl, scholars have begun to reassess the diametrically opposed findings on spatial mismatch by placing them in the new socio-economic context and working to expand the possibilities of spatial mismatch in terms of the group concerned, influencing factors, indicator methods, spatial relationships, and consequential effects.
  • 373
  • 28 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Evaluation Tool for Citizen Initiatives
The path towards sustainability is closely related to new institutional and political paradigms and emerging models of practices, technologies, lifestyles, attitudes, and values. In this sense, the CIs, collectives where citizens self-organise through collaborative practices, networking, and knowledge transfer, come into their own, creating spaces for coexistence, reflection, and meeting where social innovation is the backbone. These multidisciplinary collaborative practices are developed on the basis of active citizen participation, improving individual and community life in the neighbourhood.
  • 187
  • 12 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Ecological Efficiency of Urban Industrial Land in China
Industrial land is an indispensable strategic resource in urban development that plays an indispensable role in ensuring the industrial space of urban construction and development. Measuring and analyzing the eco-efficiency of industrial land utilization (ECILU) can provide insights into how to maximize the input–output ratio of industrial land and ensure the sustainable development of land resources and economies.
  • 281
  • 13 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Drives of Urban Village Redevelopment
Urban village redevelopment generally refers to the demolition and rehabilitation of urban village buildings, involving several complicated processes, including urban space rebuilding, land ownership transformation, land value increment, and spatial benefit redistribution, which have attracted serious attention from the academic community in the past decades. At least three main processes from demand, supply and state interventions perspectives have driven urban village redevelopment in China.
  • 802
  • 21 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Dhaka Metro Rail
The Dhaka Metro Rail (DMR) has been constructed as part of the Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority’s 20-year Strategic Transport Plan to reduce traffic congestion in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. The DMR is the first urban rail transit system in Bangladesh and has the potential to change the existing modal share. Commuters have mixed responses about the daily commuting on the DMR and mode choice behavior.
  • 988
  • 04 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Designing Collaborative Energy Communities
Renewable energy has a crucial role in facing climate change. One promising strategy is the creation of energy communities that require active involvement from a bottom-up perspective. Their implementation is difficult, as they currently rely on local policies, community readiness, and technological availability. 
  • 443
  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Comparative Spatial Vitality Evaluation Based Sustainable Urban Form
Sustainable urban forms (SUF) guide spatial creation, significantly revitalise the development of traditional settlements, and are essential theoretical support for urban design. At the same time, the emergence of quantitative spatial analysis technology further promotes the visualised evaluation of the performance of spatial vitality in urban design. The high vitality of an urban settlement could be achieved by combining SUF-based design guidelines and UFI-based evaluation systems. The spatial vitality evaluation system based on the SUF could assist and optimise decision-making in design and act as a paradigm for urban design or urban regeneration in traditional towns.
  • 232
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Community Governance and Old Community
The emergence of community governance can be traced back to the application of governance theory within the realm of community studies. Conflicts of interest within community governance have primarily revolved around interactions between owners’ committees, community management organizations, and frequently property committees acting on behalf of residents.
  • 150
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Community Acceptance of Sustainable Social Housing in Mumbai
Housing is an essential aspect of sustainable development. Through its construction, design, use and demolition, housing contributes to the consumption of natural and man-made materials resources, water and energy. As sustainable development is highly interlinked with the concept of quality of life, well-being and liveability, sustainability measures are increasingly at the forefront of housing provision efforts as housing is a significant tool to deliver both quality of life and sustainable development. The imperative of climate variability means that people's housing technologies and design need to be more sustainable in reducing their contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Sustainable housing is expected to improve energy efficiency, ensure access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, and reduce waste and water pollution. These structural and design elements of housing, alongside other housing components such as housing location, environment and expenditure burden, can, directly and indirectly, affect people’s choices and chances to improve their quality of life.
  • 590
  • 16 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Collective Spaces in Achieving Social Sustainability
The outdoor collective spaces in most residential areas play a major role in social stability and unification. These are important components of the housing environment because they provide places for complimentary activities of housing units, mainly social interaction. Thus, good outdoors should ensure good social relations, a good sense of belonging to the place, and a stable social life for the residents.
  • 569
  • 05 Aug 2022
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