Topic Review
Policy Effects of Talent Housing in Shanghai
Housing has become pivotal in attracting and retaining talent in first-tier cities. Although numerous cities are actively promoting the provision of talent housing in China, little is known about the talent’s evaluations of talent housing policies or the effect on their urban settlement intention. Binary logistic regression was employed to analyse the factors significantly contributing to the settlement intentions of the talent. Talent housing was confirmed to alleviate the talent’s housing pressures and further increase their urban settlement intention. The local hukou was determined to be crucial in accelerating the willingness of talent to settle in Shanghai. However, housing affordability (including school district housing) may jeopardise such positive effects. It is crucial to provide more choices of talent housing and increase the coverage of good-quality educational resources. In the long run, more talent can be attracted and retained in the locality under a broader coverage of the talent housing scheme.
  • 583
  • 25 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Community Acceptance of Sustainable Social Housing in Mumbai
Housing is an essential aspect of sustainable development. Through its construction, design, use and demolition, housing contributes to the consumption of natural and man-made materials resources, water and energy. As sustainable development is highly interlinked with the concept of quality of life, well-being and liveability, sustainability measures are increasingly at the forefront of housing provision efforts as housing is a significant tool to deliver both quality of life and sustainable development. The imperative of climate variability means that people's housing technologies and design need to be more sustainable in reducing their contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Sustainable housing is expected to improve energy efficiency, ensure access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, and reduce waste and water pollution. These structural and design elements of housing, alongside other housing components such as housing location, environment and expenditure burden, can, directly and indirectly, affect people’s choices and chances to improve their quality of life.
  • 590
  • 16 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Collective Spaces in Achieving Social Sustainability
The outdoor collective spaces in most residential areas play a major role in social stability and unification. These are important components of the housing environment because they provide places for complimentary activities of housing units, mainly social interaction. Thus, good outdoors should ensure good social relations, a good sense of belonging to the place, and a stable social life for the residents.
  • 569
  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Social Sustainable Urban Air Mobility in Europe
The first step to steer passenger Urban Air Mobility (pUAM) towards the necessity of sustainability is to understand its impact on urban transportation systems. The introduction of pUAM will have a rather negative impact on the social sustainability assessment of European urban mobility systems. The short- to mid-term affordability of pUAM for broad parts of the population cannot be expected without public subsidies. For this engagement, however, local community must first demand clear prospects for added value. Similarly, the overall inclusivity evaluation of urban transportation systems must be expected to decline if planning authorities will not demand certain standards for mobility-impaired groups. Vertiport operation in already developed urban locations might not improve accessibility, however, cross-financed and open access mobility hubs in suburbs and rural areas might include pUAM and thus contribute positively to the access indicator. A high level of satisfaction with pUAM among the public is not expected due to target-group specific business modelling. Last but not least, an impairment of the overall quality of urban public spaces is likely but might be minimised through the allocation of legal competences for urban airspace planning and civil society participation on the local level.
  • 476
  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Expansion of the Research Scope of Spatial Mismatch
A growing number of studies have realized that spatial mismatch itself was from the beginning not only about how space interacts with the labor market, but about how space is related to race, transport, skills, social relations, occupational segmentation, and other elements that influence labor market outcomes, and that spatial mismatch needs to be understood and constructed in a broader context. With further suburbanization, changes in demographic characteristics, housing market reforms, and economic restructuring, and urban sprawl, scholars have begun to reassess the diametrically opposed findings on spatial mismatch by placing them in the new socio-economic context and working to expand the possibilities of spatial mismatch in terms of the group concerned, influencing factors, indicator methods, spatial relationships, and consequential effects.
  • 373
  • 28 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Heterogeneous Driver Behaviour and Energy Consumption 
By 2020, over 100 countries had expanded electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (EV/PHEV) technologies, with global sales surpassing 7 million units. Governments are adopting cleaner vehicle technologies due to the proven environmental and health implications of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), as evidenced by the recent COP26 meeting. 
  • 432
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
China’s New-Type Urbanisation
China’s new-type urbanisation, as a national strategy, is one of the reasons why the leap in development has been made in the last decade. Existing studies mainly focus on the status and outcomes of china’s new-type urbanisation while stressing not enough the overlooked aspects of new-type urbanisation policies that are currently in use. 
  • 1.1K
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Urban Agriculture in the Interior Design Studio
Urban agriculture as an alternative solution can reduce the future burden on agriculture sector. As a response to this issue, the interior architecture design studio-V (INT 401) proposes a futuristic vision which is based on the notion of urban agriculture. This vision requires a pedagogical framework to be defined for the interior design studio-V. 
  • 1.0K
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Big Data-Based Urban Park Research
Urban parks provide multiple benefits to human well-being and human health. Big data provide new and powerful ways to study visitors’ feelings, activities in urban parks, and the effect they themselves have on urban parks. Big data benefits urban park research by providing low-cost, timely information, a people-oriented perspective, and fine-grained site information. 
  • 566
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Food Delivery Couriers and Urban Public Space
Food delivery couriers are a new type of worker created in modern cities within the background of a sharing economy. As a form of gig worker, they shuttle through the streets and take charge of order distribution for digital labor platforms. Food delivery couriers use the atriums and streets of their community neighborhood as their places of work and rest, occupying the public spaces that belonged to the original residents. Additionally, this phenomenon sets off a chain reaction which not only creates conflicts with the activities and passage of residents, creating time–space interlinkages, but also exerts profound influence on the economic and population structure of the region. 
  • 744
  • 09 Jun 2022
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