Topic Review
Water-Saving Technologies for Rice Production
In the face of the negative impacts of climate change and the accelerated growth of the global population, precision irrigation is important to conserve water resources, improve rice productivity and promote overall efficient rice cultivation, as rice is a rather water-intensive crop than other crops. Water-saving technologies for rice cultivation are varied and can be classified into three groups: water-saving irrigation systems; water-saving irrigation methods and water-saving agronomic practices.
  • 511
  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Multispectral Imaging for Quality Determinations of White Meat
White meat is the nutritional term for lighter-colored meat that contains less myoglobin than red meat, which contains a great deal. White meat includes poultry (e.g., chicken, duck, goose and turkey), fish, reptiles (e.g., land snail), amphibians (e.g., frog), crustaceans (e.g., shrimp and crab) and bivalves (e.g., oyster and clam), but it excludes all mammal flesh such as beef, pork, and lamb. White meat has high nutritional value and plays an important role in human diet. The production and sale of white meat need to meet specific quality and safety standards. Fluorescence spectroscopy, color imaging and multispectral imaging (MSI) have emerged as effective analytical methods for the non-destructive detection of quality attributes of various white meat products such as fish, shrimp, chicken, duck and goose.
  • 510
  • 09 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Leveraging IoT and AI for Climate-Resilient Agriculture
Climate change poses significant challenges to global food security, but there are also opportunities to adapt and mitigate its impacts. Developing climate-resilient crops, improving farming practices, and promoting sustainable food systems can all help to build more resilient food systems that can withstand the impacts of climate change. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two technologies that can play a crucial role in making agriculture more climate-resilient. This research explores the challenges and opportunities associated with climate change and global food security, and highlights the potential of IoT and AI to revolutionize agriculture and promote climate resilience. The research also provides recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders to leverage the potential of these technologies and build a more resilient and sustainable global food system.
  • 509
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Bird Deterrent Solutions for Crop Protection
Weeds, pathogens, and animal pests are among the pests that pose a threat to the productivity of crops meant for human consumption. Bird-caused crop losses pose a serious and costly challenge for farmers. 
  • 506
  • 11 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Cardiac Tissue Engineering for Treating Myocardial Infarction
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) causes myocardial infarction (MI), which results in the death and loss of cardiomyocytes (CMs). Apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy in CMs are the typical hallmarks of cardiac pathology in MI. Recent studies have shown that the combination of cell-based therapy and tissue engineering technology can improve stem cell engraftment and promote the therapeutic effects of the treatment for MI.
  • 504
  • 29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Efficient Pollination Technology of Crops
Pollination is essential to maintain ecosystem balance and agricultural production. Domesticated bee pollination, which is easy to feed and manage, and mechanized pollination, which is not restricted by the environment, are considered the main technical means to alleviate the “pollinating insect crisis”. The selection of pollination method should be based on the physiological characteristics of crops and the actual environmental conditions of natural pollination. The pollination ability of bees is closely related to the status of the bees. Maintaining the pollination ability of bees in a reasonable range is the goal of bee pollination services. Colony state control technology needs to develop in two directions. First, there is a need to develop colony state monitoring technology based on multi-feature information fusion and to explore the self-regulation mechanisms of the colony in response to various factors. Second, based on these self-regulation mechanisms, there is a need to develop a low-cost and non-invasive bee colony state and pollination capacity estimation model, monitoring technology, and equipment based on single feature information. The goals of mechanized pollination are “efficiency” and “precision”. Mechanized pollination technology needs to be developed in two directions. First, the mechanisms of pollen abscission, transport, and sedimentation in different crops and mechanized pollination conditions should be explored. Second, research and development of efficient and accurate pollination equipment and technology based on the integration of multiple technologies such as pneumatic assistance, auxiliaries, static electricity, target, variables, and navigation, are needed.
  • 504
  • 07 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Supercritical Fluid Applications in Novel Antimicrobial Materials
The extraordinary properties of supercritical fluids such as high density, near-zero surface tension, and high diffusivities enable the uniqueness and numerous advantages of the materials obtained.  The application of supercritical fluids is a powerful tool in the development of novel materials with antimicrobial activity desperately needed in the time of increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the dramatic appearance and spread of not only multidrug-resistant (MDR) but also pandrug-resistant (PDR) bacterial strains. MDR is defined as the resistance to at least one antibiotic from at least three different categories, while PDR is defined as non-susceptibility to all drugs in all antimicrobial categories.
  • 503
  • 06 Dec 2021
Topic Review
QoL Modeling in the Agricultural Supply Chain
The agricultural supply chain (ASC) in the hinterland refers to the entire post-harvest process of processing and distributing agricultural products in rural or secluded areas to be brought to big city markets. This scheme involves various stakeholders (farmers, trading centers, consumers), processes (logistics, storage, monitoring), and infrastructure (traffic and road systems, negative environmental emissions) to ensure the efficient flow of agricultural products from farms to consumers. The quality of life (QoL) in the hinterland can improve with the introduction of disruptive technologies, but no comprehensive studies have explored the QoL of individuals involved in the ASC–socioeconomic system of hinterland communities. 
  • 501
  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Mechanical Pruning of ‘Clemenules’ Mandarins in Spain
Pruning is one of the most expensive tasks in citrus production, and its mechanization could increase the productivity and competitiveness of citrus farms. The effect of mechanical pruning on yield depends on the variety, crop condition, and location; among other factors. The ‘Clemenules’ mandarin variety is one of the most important ones.
  • 494
  • 05 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Stabilization of Rice Bran
One of the major problems in food science is meeting the demand of the world’s growing population, despite environmental limitations such as climate change, water scarcity, land degradation, marine pollution, and desertification. Preventing food from going to waste and utilizing nutritive by-products as food rather than feed are easy and powerful strategies for overcoming this problem. Rice is an important staple food crop for more than half of the world’s population and substantial quantities of rice bran emerge as the main by-product of rice grain milling. Usually, rice bran is used as animal feed or discarded as waste. Although it is highly nutritious and comprises many bioactive compounds with considerable health benefits, the rapid deterioration of bran limits the exploitation of the full potential of rice bran. Hydrolytic rancidity is the main obstacle to using rice bran as food, and the enzyme inactivation process, which is termed stabilization, is the only way to prevent it.
  • 493
  • 24 May 2023
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