Topic Review
Thionocarbamates in Copper Slag Flotation
Thionocarbamates are the group of collectors that are mostly used for flotation of sulphide copper minerals, alone or in combination with xanthates depending on a mineralogical composition of the ore. Collectors are a group of reagents used in flotation for enhancing hydrophobicity of wanted minerals. They are organic compounds which are being adsorbed on surfaces of desired minerals, thus making them hydrophobic, reducing the stability of the hydrated layer separating the mineral from the air bubble to such extent that attachment of the particle to the bubble can be made, i.e., collectors reduce the induction time. Another purpose of collectors is to provide selectivity of minerals with similar floatability properties.
  • 751
  • 31 May 2022
Topic Review
Construction of Arch Structure Model
The application of the arch structure model focuses on the prediction and prevention of mining pressure and surface subsidence, and there are relatively few means to actively regulate overburden arch.
  • 724
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Gravity Concentration Techniques in Urban Mining Applications
Urban mining has emerged as a concept that goes beyond conventional recycling, as it aims to tackle both the challenges of solid waste generation and management, as well as the scarcity of primary resources. Gravity concentration has gained increasing attention as a promising method for addressing crucial challenges in urban mining applications. Gravity concentration has a long history, dating back to ancient times. During this time, numerous methods have been developed, and for each method, various equipment has been manufactured and commercialized. Therefore, categorizing gravity concentration techniques is not an easy task, and it ultimately depends on the criteria that one relies upon. Such criteria may include whether the operation is dry or wet, the capacity of the equipment, the typical efficiency (the efficiency of gravity concentration equipment can be evaluated using the partition or Tromp curve method. In this, the separation is assessed by examining the fraction of material in each density fraction that ends up in the product, and how this relates to the original fraction present in the feed. More details can be found in mineral processing textbooks), the process target (yield or content), the costs involved, and others. Of these criteria, the operating size range is the most critical factor that should be considered when selecting appropriate gravity concentration techniques for a given application.
  • 716
  • 08 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining
The aim of this work is to explain the concepts of sustainability with respect to small artisanal gold mining. For this, a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope was used, for which the bibliographic review technique was conducted. In this sense, articles, theses, books and institutional documents, and any contribution related to the research topic were taken into consideration. Likewise, this documentation contributed to the delimiting aspects that allowed a contrast between the proposed definitions and small artisanal mining in the Northeast Antioquia region in Colombia. Based on the reviewed sources, different needs were recognized in artisanal small-scale gold mining in Northeast Antioquia that still need action. In conclusion, through the exposition of sustainability theories, three common factors were identified within the various positions that were raised—the environmental, economic, and sociocultural dimensions. 
  • 669
  • 27 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Deep Sea Mining
As land-based mining industries face increasing complexities, e.g., diminishing return on investments, environmental degradation, and geopolitical tensions, governments are searching for alternatives. Following decades of anticipation, technological innovation, and exploration, deep seabed mining (DSM) in the oceans has, according to the mining industry and other proponents, moved closer to implementation. The DSM industry is currently waiting for international regulations that will guide future exploitation. 
  • 637
  • 24 May 2021
Topic Review
Submarine Tailings in Chile
In several countries, and especially in northern Chile, most mining operations and tailings disposal are carried out near the mine. However, the tailings disposal has turned out to have certain exceptions in managing waste from ores processing by froth flotation. Countries like Chile, Peru, Norway, Canada, the Philippines, Spain, and Indonesia have active or abandoned underwater tailings on the coasts and at the submarine level. The underwater tailings of Chañaral Bay, Chile, and Ite Bay, Peru, are examples of the lack of scientific studies that can damage the marine environment. Potential environmental disasters caused a change towards the surface disposal of the tailings. Nowadays, society’s pressures on surface tailing dumps have driven research on sustainable mining waste discharge to the seabed.
  • 584
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Mining Equipment Management
Mining sector is an economic foundation and the main source of national wealth for many countries. Modern mining operations are ever more reliant on efficient usage of costly large-scale mining equipment (e.g., trucks, shovels/excavators/loaders, conveyors and crushers). Thus, mining equipment management is becoming crucial for the mining industry. To be viable and sustainable, mining enterprises need to operate different types of mining equipment units at various stages with the objective of minimizing the total cost or maximizing the whole productivity.
  • 571
  • 23 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Collision Avoidance Systems for Underground Mines
With the growing number of unintentional interactions occurring in underground mines, Collision Avoidance System (CAS) establishment and maintenance has become an urgent need for mining industries to enhance their risk profile and improve construction safety. 
  • 533
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Dispatch Optimization Model for Haulage Equipment between Stopes
The working environment of underground mines is complicated, making it difficult to construct an underground mine production plan. In response to the requirements for the preparation of a short-term production plan for underground mines, an optimization model for short-term resource planning was constructed, with the goal of maximizing the total revenue during the planning period. 
  • 529
  • 14 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Gel Foam Extinguishing Agent in Coal Mines
Coal is a fossil fuel with great economic potential, but meanwhile, it is threatened by coal spontaneous combustion during coal production. Gel foam extinguishing agent (gel foam) has promising applications in the prevention and management of mine coal spontaneous combustion.
  • 518
  • 02 Jan 2024
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