Topic Review
Microalgae-Based Biorefineries: Challenges and Future Trends
Microalgae-based biorefineries allow the simultaneous production of microalgae biomass enriched in a particular macromolecule and high-added and low-value products if a proper selection of the microalgae species and the cultivation conditions are adequate for the purpose. 
  • 1.2K
  • 30 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Fire Tracking Based on Satellite Videos
Fire tracking has become an attractive application of satellite remote sensing thanks to the characteristics of recent remote sensing images, such as high frequency, large range, and multi-spectrum. Additionally, the high-resolution images provide more information and high-time resolution data in forest fire monitoring, showing great potential in environment monitoring. In recent years, many researchers have concentrated on the activate fire detection based on single images, while a few pieces of literature tracked the fire and smoke based on multi-temporal detection or continuous detection. A vital component of fire tracking from remote sensors is the accurate estimation of the background temperature of an area in a fire’s absence, which helps identify and report fire activity.
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  • 29 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Biochar Production Technologies and Applications
Biochar is a carbon-rich amorphous and aromatic material that may present various interesting properties such as high hydrophobicity, alkaline nature, relevant concentrations of nutrients (N, P, and K), good water and nutrient retention capacities, low thermal conductivity, high energy content, and high superficial porosity that enable interaction with external organic and inorganic compounds. These properties are largely dependent on feedstock type and biochar production conditions. Although biochar is mostly recognized as a valuable resource for soil fertilization and conditioning, this material also has significant potential to be used for water filtration and remediation processes, as an animal feed supplement, for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission control (carbon sink feature), for insulation materials for the building sector, as an electrode material (for energy production and storage), cosmetic products, biogas production and improvement, and in catalytic processes.
  • 1.2K
  • 29 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Water–Energy–Food Nexus for Agro-Industrial Companies
The water–energy–food (WEF) nexus approach is gaining attention due to the challenge of better managing natural elements. Agro-industrial companies, given their environmental impacts, need to take sustainability into proper account. One important sustainability management concept used nowadays is the so-called water–energy–food (WEF) nexus. It means that the aforementioned elements are intrinsically managed together, and one action in one direction can affect both of the others. As a result, these three issues should be considered in an integrated manner because they are connected, and their utilization may expose important tradeoffs.
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  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Sea Ice Motion Tracking Based on Satellite Videos
Sea ice tracking is essential for many regional and local level applications, including modeling sea ice distribution, ocean atmosphere, climate dynamics, as well as safe navigation and sea operations. Most operational sea ice monitoring techniques rely on satellite-borne optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors, augmented by scatterometer and passive microwave imagery. Herein, previous ice tracking works are studied and classified into two categories: traditional tracking methods and DL-based tracking. Specifically, traditional ice tracking methods can be broadened to include cross correlation-based, optical flow-based and so on.
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  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Typhoon Tracking Based on Satellite Videos
Object tracking is a hot topic in computer vision and remote sensing, and it typically employs a bounding box that locks onto the region of interest (ROI) when only an initial state of the target (in a video frame) is available. The rapid development of remote sensing technologies provides a new methodology for weather observation and forecasting tasks using high-resolution visual data. A growing body of literature investigating the deep neural network-based cyclone track prediction from satellite imagery sequences has been published.
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  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Management of Sewage Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Purification
Municipal sewage sludge (MSS) is the residual material produced as a waste of municipal wastewater purification. It is a sophisticated multi-component material, hard to handle. For many years, it has been landfilled, incinerated, and widely used in agriculture practice. When unproperly discharged, it is very polluting and unhealthy. The rapidly increasing global amount of municipal sewage sludge produced annually depends on urbanization, degree of development, and lifestyle. Some diffused traditional practices were banned or became economically unfeasible or unacceptable by the communities. In contrast, it has been established that MSS contains valuable resources, which can be utilized as energy and fertilizer. Ambitious and costly plans for remediation, the modernization of regulations, collecting and purification systems, and beneficial waste management using a modern approach. The activated sludge process is the leading technology for wastewater purification, and anaerobic digestion is the leading technology for downstream waste. However, biological technologies appear inadequate and hydrothermal carbonization, already applicable at full scale, is the best candidate for playing a significant role in managing municipal sewage sludge produced by big towns and small villages.
  • 1.4K
  • 25 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Government’s Role in Collaborative Innovation of Construction Enterprises
Suppliers’ participation in green project collaborative innovation has been widely recognized by construction enterprises. However, there are still many problems in the collaborative innovation system, such as a lack of collaborative innovation motivation, imperfect collaborative innovation infrastructure, and opportunistic behavior of suppliers. The role of the government in the collaborative innovation system of green building projects of construction enterprises is to promote innovation or formulate government regulations.
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  • 23 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Evaluating Geothermal Systems through Life Cycle Assessment
In these days of heightened environmental consciousness, many countries are shifting their focus towards renewable energy sources for both large-scale uses (such as power plants that generate electricity) and smaller-scale applications (e.g., building heating and cooling). Taking into account a holistic method, LCA on the one hand allows to display the whole life cycle of a system from the extraction of raw materials, its creation to the production phase and finally to its disposal. On the other hand, it reveals through multiple environmental impact categories, the hot spots that account for the different stages of the cycle defining the environmental identity of the system and consequently driving policy makers on taking final decisions. Geothermal energy is an extremely viable alternative that, combined with other renewable energy systems, may mitigate the negative effects of the existing energy mix worldwide.
  • 1.2K
  • 18 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Cellular Automata in Modeling and Predicting Urban Densification
The creation of an accurate simulation of future urban growth is considered to be one of the most important challenges of the last five decades that involves spatial modeling within a GIS environment. Even though built-up densification processes, or transitions from low to high density, are critical for policymakers concerned with limiting sprawl, the literature on models for urban study reveals that most of them focus solely on the expansion process. Although the majority of these models have similar goals, they differ in terms of implementation and theoretical assumptions. Cellular automata (CA) models have been proven to be successful at simulating urban growth dynamics and projecting future scenarios at multiple scales.
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  • 05 Aug 2022
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