Topic Review
Electrodialysis Bipolar Membrane for Reverse-Osmosis Concentrate Recovery
Electrochemical processes such as electrodialysis (ED) and electrodialysis bipolar membrane (EDBM) can contribute to soft-water production and the evaluation of waste fluxes. EDBM is a new technology that combines the separation function of electrodialysis with water separation at the bipolar membrane interface, which can convert salts into corresponding acids and bases without adding external components. In this system, anions and cations are separated from wastewater separately and combined with H+ and OH− ions via bipolar membranes to form acidic and alkaline solutions.
  • 993
  • 14 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Freshwater is in limited supply, and the growing population further contributes to its scarcity. The effective treatment of wastewater is essential now more than ever, because waterborne infections significantly contribute to global deaths, and millions of people are deprived of safe drinking water. The wastewater treatment technologies include preliminary, primary, secondary, and tertiary treatments, which are effective in removing several contaminants.
  • 969
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Municipal Solid Waste Landfilling Approaches
Finding a sustainable approach for municipal solid waste (MSW) management is becoming paramount. However, as with many urban areas in developing countries, the approach applied to MSW management in Karachi is neither environmentally sustainable nor suitable for public health. Due to adoption of an inefficient waste management system, society is paying intangible costs such as damage to public health and environment quality. In order to minimize the environmental impacts and health issues associated with waste management practices, a sustainable waste management and disposal strategy is required. 
  • 956
  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Smart Technologies for Sustainable Water Management
As projections highlight that half of the global population will be living in regions facing severe water scarcity by 2050, sustainable water management policies and practices are more imperative than ever. Following the Sustainable Development Goals for equitable water access and prudent use of natural resources, emerging digital technologies may foster efficient monitoring, control, optimization, and forecasting of freshwater consumption and pollution. Indicatively, the use of sensors, Internet of Things, machine learning, and big data analytics has been catalyzing smart water management.
  • 953
  • 20 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Photovoltaic Arrays, Solar Power Generation
The recent environmental awareness triggered governments and private companies around the world to encourage further research and capital investment into the development and deployment of efficient and cost-effective solar technologies. This entry reports on advances in the technological approaches that can be employed to convert sunlight to electricity. This entry presents a short survey of the state-of-the-art architectures of photovoltaic arrays and a review of the concepts and strategies of their associated electronic power processors for solar energy generation.
  • 946
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Lithium-Ion Battery Disassembly Processes for Efficient Recycling
Recycling plays a crucial role in achieving a sustainable production chain for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), as it reduces the demand for primary mineral resources and mitigates environmental pollution caused by improper disposal. Disassembly of the LIBs is typically the preliminary step preceding chemical recovery operations, facilitating early separation of components consisting of different materials. Despite that extensive research has been conducted on the chemical processes involved in the recycling of LIBs, systematic studies on disassembly processes in the recycling process are relatively scarce.
  • 939
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Salts Hydrates and Composites
Salt hydrates are alloys of salts and water. Salt hydrates display high theoretical energy densities, which are promising materials in thermal energy storage (TES).
  • 939
  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Solar Energy Technologies' Sustainable Development towards Solar Photovoltaics
Renewable energy was available in rural areas in the form of wind farms, solar plants, biomass plants and others. In urban contexts, particularly with the use of solar energy technologies called solar energy systems in buildings, such as solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV). The viewpoints on solar energy technologies for sustainable development is  particular to emphasis on photovoltaic (PV), as well as the solar energy technology performance, in order to ascertain worldwide solar energy adoption trends. 
  • 937
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Constructed Wetlands as a Sustainable Sanitation Solution
The application of nature-based solutions (NBSs) in treating wastewater are treatment wetlands or constructed wetlands (CW). CWs are natural treatment technologies that efficiently treat many different types of wastewater (domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater, coal drainage wastewater, petroleum refinery wastewater, compost and landfill leachates, fish-pond discharges, industrial wastewater from pulp and paper mills, textile mills, seafood processing). CWs can effectively treat raw wastewater to different levels of treatments and can be used as a primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment. CWs are engineered systems designed to optimize and copy processes found in natural environments thus they are considered as sustainable, environmentally friendly options for wastewater treatment. CWs have low operational and maintenance requirements and have a stable performance with less vulnerability to inflow variation. CWs have proved their ability to treat several types of wastewaters. Several benefits and facts, such as the low construction and operational costs of CWs, low-energy, and less operational requirements, have raised the interests in CWs as a treatment technology. The sustainability of CWs as a sanitation solution (technical, financial, environmental sustainability) is described with a focus on integrating climate change resilience and a circular economic approach to the technical and financial sustainability.
  • 930
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cohesive Sediment Transport in River Systems
Mathematical modelling of cohesive sediment transport is a challenge because of the large number of governing parameters controlling the transport processes. These parameters have to be determined using a rotating circular flume for site specific sediments. The parameters that that need to be determined using a rotating circular flume during the application of the RIVFLOC model to different river systems include the critical shear stress for erosion of the cohesive sediment, critical shear stress for deposition according to the definition of Partheniades, critical shear stress for deposition according to the definition of Krone, the cohesion parameter governing the flocculation of cohesive sediment and a set of empirical parameters that define the density of the floc in terms of the size of the flocs. An examination of the variability of these parameters shows the need for testing site-specific sediments using a rotating circular flume to achieve a reliable prediction of the RIVFLOC model. Application of the model to various river systems has highlighted the need for including the entrapment process in a cohesive sediment transport model.
  • 920
  • 28 Jan 2022
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