Topic Review
Groundwater Management Policies and Caplina Aquifer, Atacama Desert
Groundwater constitutes one of the main sources used to satisfy the water demands of the different users located in a basin. Groundwater pumping rates in many cases exceed natural recharge, resulting in the overexploitation of aquifers and the deterioration of water quality. Consequently, many aquifer systems in the world have applied and adapted policies to manage the use of groundwater. The conditions of the groundwater of the Caplina aquifer are not sustainable, and likewise, public policies are not effective for reversing this situation. This leads the aquifer system to a situation in which there is a quality degradation of the water, to a point that may be irreversible.
  • 288
  • 01 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Measurement and Monitoring of TDS and TSS
Total dissolved solids (TDS) and total suspended solids (TSS) have traditionally been analyzed and monitored through field or in situ sampling and laboratory testing generally classified as conventional methods. Field and laboratory measurements include grab sampling, filtering, and evaporating a sample through a fine filter paper followed by drying in an air oven which are collectively known as gravimetric methods. Conventional methods of monitoring of water quality parameters (WQPs) are, however, cost-prohibitive, labor-intensive, time-consuming, and, also not suitable for large-scale analysis.
  • 1.0K
  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Significance of the Langat River Basin, Malaysia
Approximately 2986 river basins can be found in Malaysia, but only 189 of them are viewed as significant basins dependent on the region of the basin that is >80 km2. IRBM has many cross-cutting concerns, thus accomplishing a sound IRBM will connect practically all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Langat is the UNESCO HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, Life, and Policy) River Basin in Malaysia, and distinct in its attributes because of its flow through three distinct constituencies. Langat River Basin is among the HELP basins from the 91 river basins globally, 26 river basins in the Asia Pacific region, and 3 from the south-east Asia region.
  • 489
  • 17 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Essential Measures to Address the Worldwide Water Shortage
Climate change, global population growth, and rising standards of living have put immense strain on natural resources, resulting in the unsecured availability of water as an existential resource. Access to high-quality drinking water is crucial for daily life, food production, industry, and nature. However, the demand for freshwater resources exceeds the available supply, making it essential to utilize all alternative water resources such as the desalination of brackish water, seawater, and wastewater. 
  • 338
  • 17 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Ecosystem Health and Wetland Landscape Ecological Health
Wetlands, along with forests and oceans, are considered one of the world’s three major ecosystems, serving vital roles in providing material production, regulating climate and hydrology, maintaining the global ecological balance, and protecting species genetics and the Earth’s ecological environment.
  • 376
  • 13 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Daily Output Improvement of Solar Stills Using Nanomaterials
Solar stills play a crucial role in the rate of production and thermal performance in solar desalination. Several experimental modifications have been attempted to enhance the productivity of solar stills. One of the modifications proposed in recent studies involves the inclusion of nanomaterials in the base fluid used in solar stills. The addition of nanomaterials has been reported to increase the production rate. Common examples of nanomaterials used to enhance the productivity of different types of solar stills include Al2O3, CuO, ZnO, and TiO2.
  • 414
  • 06 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Textile Industry
The textile industry is one of the world’s most influential and rapidly developing sectors. These textile industries have a global market share of around $2000 and offer employment to ~120 million people across the globe. 
  • 372
  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Cover Crops as a Soil Water Management Strategy
Cover crops can play a more prominent role in water management; however, the more widespread use of cover crops may be hindered by the inconsistencies of experimental data demonstrating cover crop effects on soil water retention, as well as cover crop effect inconsistencies arising from complex interactions between soil carbon, water, and land management. 
  • 474
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Best Management Practices and Water Use Efficiency
Rice is a water-guzzling crop cultivated mostly through inefficient irrigation methods which leads to low water use efficiency and many environmental problems. Additionally, the export of virtual water through rice trading and the looming water crisis poses significant threats to the sustainability of rice production and food security. There are several alternative rice production methods to improve water use efficiency. These include aerobic rice, direct-seeded rice (DSR), alternate wetting and drying (AWD), saturated soil culture (SSC), drip-irrigated rice, a system of rice intensification (SRI), and smart irrigation with sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT). However, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, drip-irrigated rice and IoT-based automated irrigation are not feasible for poor farmers due to the high production costs associated with specialized machinery and tools. Similarly, aerobic rice, drip-irrigated rice, and the SRI are labor-intensive, making them unsuitable for areas with a shortage of labor. On the other hand, DSR is suitable for labor-scarce areas, provided herbicides are used to control weeds.
  • 436
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Access to clean, potable water is crucial for all living beings and is used for various purposes such as drinking, household activities, agriculture, and industrial processes. The impact of water scarcity affects many parts of the world, with approximately 3.7 billion people currently experiencing water scarcity. Solar desalination systems are a promising solution to the water scarcity problem since the majority of the earth’s water resources are salty. With the increasing focus on desalination research, many innovative methods are being developed to extract salts from saline water. Energy consumption is a significant concern in desalination, and renewable energy, particularly solar energy, is considered a viable alternative to fossil fuel energy.
  • 550
  • 23 May 2023
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