Topic Review
Fully Implanted Hearing Systems
The ear and brain work together in the hearing process. Sound energy in the audible frequency range (20 Hz–20 kHz) propagates through air medium as an acoustical mechanical wave which enters from the outer ear towards the middle ear to vibrate the eardrum. 
  • 700
  • 02 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Polymeric Food Packaging Films
Food packaging is fundamental to ensuring food distribution and protection around the world, especially when considering the solid growth of the population. Without packaging, food would easily spoil and the distribution of enormous quantities of food, raw and processed, to different areas around the globe would hardly be possible.
  • 699
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Natural Antibacterial Additives in Bioactive Wound Dressings
Wound care is a global health issue with a financial burden of up to US $96.8 billion annually in the USA alone. Chronic non-healing wounds which show delayed and incomplete healing are especially problematic. Natural products and their derivatives have long been a significant source of pharmaceuticals against AMR. Scrutinising the data of newly approved drugs has identified plants as one of the biggest and most important sources in the development of novel antibacterial drugs.
  • 698
  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Preparation of Organosiloxane Telechelics by Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization
Polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) telechelics are important both in industry and in academic research. They are used both in the free state and as part of copolymers and cross-linked materials. The most important, practically used, and well-studied method for the preparation of such PDMS is diorganosiloxane ring-opening polymerization (ROP) in the presence of nucleophilic or electrophilic initiators. Cationic ROP is also of interest for the preparation of functional PDMS. The advantage of this process is that it can be carried out at a relatively low temperature, the catalyst can be easily deactivated, and the process can also be used to synthesize polysiloxanes having base-sensitive substituents such as Si–H or Si–(CH2)3–SH.
  • 696
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Hydrogen Permeation Test Methods of Polymer Liner Material
Type IV hydrogen storage cylinders comprise a polymer liner and offer advantages such as lightweight construction, high hydrogen storage density, and good fatigue performance. However, they are also characterized by higher hydrogen permeability. Consequently, it is crucial for the polymer liner material to exhibit excellent resistance to hydrogen permeation. International organizations have established relevant standards mandating hydrogen permeation tests for the liner material of type IV on-board hydrogen storage cylinders. 
  • 695
  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Polyurea Aerogels
The term “aerogel” describes a certain class of low-density solid materials with a high open porosity. Aerogels can be considered to be a subclass of the much broader domain of porous materials; however, they are distinguished from, for example, blown foams, because they are prepared in a completely different manner—namely, by drying wet gels in a way that preserves nearly all of their volume in the final dry form.
  • 690
  • 02 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Enhancing Weathering Resistance of Wood
Although weathering is primarily a surface phenomenon, it is an important issue for wood products as it affects their appearance, service life, and wood-coating performance. To encourage the use of wood as a material for joinery and other building components, the results of research into increasing the weathering resistance of wood are extremely significant. The development of weathering protection methods is of great importance to reduce the maintenance requirements for wood exposed outdoors and can have a major environmental impact.
  • 687
  • 30 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Blood–Brain Barrier Penetrating Nanoplatforms
The current knowledge and advancements on various nanoplatforms (NF) and the use of nanoparticles for successful cross of BBB to treat the brain-related disorders such as brain tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke. 
  • 685
  • 12 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Hybrid Materials Based on Polyhydroxyalkanoates
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) constitute a family of biopolyesters that are synthesized and accumulate within the cellular structure of prokaryotic cells by bacteria, and they act as carbon and energy reserve materials under conditions of limited nutrient, such as nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous or magnesium. As naturally derived materials, PHAs have been used for multiple cell and tissue engineering applications; however, their widespread biomedical applications are limited due to their lack of toughness, elasticity, hydrophilicity and bioactivity. To overcome this challenge combination of PHA with different polymers and inorganic materials are used to form hybrid composites with improved structural and functional properties.
  • 684
  • 07 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Permeation Enhancers of Hormones Penetration through the Skin
Hormones have attracted considerable interest in recent years due to their potential use in treatment of many diseases. Their ability to have a multidirectional effect leads to searching for new and increasingly effective drugs and therapies. Limitations in formulating drug forms containing hormones are mainly due to their low enzymatic stability, short half-life and limited bioavailability. One of the solutions may be to develop a hydrogel as a potential hormone carrier, for epidermal and transdermal application. 
  • 680
  • 01 Sep 2022
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