Topic Review
Free Entropy
A thermodynamic free entropy is an entropic thermodynamic potential analogous to the free energy. Also known as a Massieu, Planck, or Massieu–Planck potentials (or functions), or (rarely) free information. In statistical mechanics, free entropies frequently appear as the logarithm of a partition function. The Onsager reciprocal relations in particular, are developed in terms of entropic potentials. In mathematics, free entropy means something quite different: it is a generalization of entropy defined in the subject of free probability. A free entropy is generated by a Legendre transformation of the entropy. The different potentials correspond to different constraints to which the system may be subjected.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Waves
The detections of gravitational-wave (GW) signals from compact binary coalescence by ground-based detectors have opened up the era of GW astronomy. These observations provide opportunities to test Einstein’s general theory of relativity at the strong-field regime. 
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  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Effects in Molecular Nanomagnets
Molecular magnets, in principle, have a similar hierarchy. Starting from single-molecule magnets (SMM)and single-chain magnets (SCM), more complex structures are also possible. In general, molecular nanomagnets can be built without the aforementioned magnetic elements; however, highly interesting molecular nanomagnets can be created by adding Mn12, Fe8, Mn4, or other metallic elements.
  • 490
  • 26 Aug 2021
Topic Review
High-Performance Silicon Optoelectronic Devices Based on Graphene
Graphene—a two-dimensional allotrope of carbon in a single-layer honeycomb lattice nanostructure—has several distinctive optoelectronic properties that are highly desirable in advanced optical communication systems. Meanwhile, silicon photonics is a promising solution for the next-generation integrated photonics, owing to its low cost, low propagation loss and compatibility with CMOS fabrication processes.
  • 490
  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Near-Earth Object Surveillance Mission
The Near-Earth Object Surveillance Mission (NEOSM), formerly called Near-Earth Object Camera (NEOCam) is a planned space-based infrared telescope designed to survey the Solar System for potentially hazardous asteroids. The NEO Surveillance Mission will be carried out by the NEO Surveyor spacecraft, which will survey from the Sun–Earth L1 (inner) Lagrange point, allowing it to look close to the Sun and see objects inside Earth's orbit. The mission will be a successor to the NEOWISE mission; the principal investigator is also NEOWISE's principal investigator, Amy Mainzer at the University of Arizona. Since first proposed in 2006, the concept unsuccessfully competed repeatedly for NASA funding against science missions unrelated to planetary defense, despite a 2005 US Congressional directive to NASA. In 2019, it was decided to implement this mission by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office since it is a public safety issue. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory will lead development of the mission.
  • 489
  • 05 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Soyuz T-15
Soyuz T-15 (Russian: Союз T-15, Union T-15) was a crewed mission to the Mir and Salyut 7 space stations and was part of the Soyuz programme. It marked the final flight of the Soyuz-T spacecraft, the third generation Soyuz spacecraft, which had been in service for seven years from 1979 to 1986. This mission marked the first time that a spacecraft visited, and docked with, two space stations in the same mission.
  • 488
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Structural and Physiochemical Characteristics of Chitosan
Chitosan is a fibrous compound derived from chitin, which is the second most abundant natural polysaccharide and is produced by crustaceans, including crabs, shrimps, and lobsters. Chitosan has all of the important medicinal properties, including biocompatibility, biodegradability, and hydrophilicity, and it is relatively nontoxic and cationic in nature. 
  • 488
  • 04 May 2023
Topic Review
GEO600 is a gravitational wave detector located near Sarstedt in the South of Hanover, Germany. It is designed and operated by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Leibniz Universität Hannover, along with University of Glasgow, University of Birmingham and Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, and is funded by the Max Planck Society and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). GEO600 is part of a worldwide network of gravitational wave detectors. This instrument, and its sister interferometric detectors, when operational, are some of the most sensitive gravitational wave detectors ever designed. They are designed to detect relative changes in distance of the order of 10−21, about the size of a single atom compared to the distance from the Sun to the Earth. GEO600 is capable of detecting gravitational waves in the frequency range 50 Hz to 1.5 kHz. Construction on the project began in 1995.
  • 487
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Jet Flavour Tagging
Jet Flavour Tagging briefly describes the main algorithms used to reconstruct heavy-flavour jets. Jet Substructure and Deep Tagging focuses on the identification of heavy-particle decay in boosted jets. These so-called tagger algorithms have a relevant role in physics studies since they allow researchers to successfully reconstruct and identify the particles that caused the jet and, in some cases, allow analyses that would otherwise be unfeasible.
  • 487
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Solar Chemical
Solar chemical refers to a number of possible processes that harness solar energy by absorbing sunlight in a chemical reaction. The idea is conceptually similar to photosynthesis in plants, which converts solar energy into the chemical bonds of glucose molecules, but without using living organisms, which is why it is also called artificial photosynthesis. A promising approach is to use focused sunlight to provide the energy needed to split water into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of a metallic catalyst such as zinc. This is normally done in a two-step process so that hydrogen and oxygen are not produced in the same chamber, which creates an explosion hazard. Another approach involves taking the hydrogen created in this process and combining it with carbon dioxide to create methane. The benefit of this approach is that there is an established infrastructure for transporting and burning methane for power generation, which is not true for hydrogen. One main drawback to both of these approaches is common to most methods of energy storage: adding an extra step between energy collection and electricity production drastically decreases the efficiency of the overall process.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
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