Topic Review
Circadian Regulation of Apolipoproteins in the Brain
The circadian rhythm is a 24 h internal clock within the body that regulates various factors, including sleep, body temperature, and hormone secretion. Circadian rhythm disruption is an important risk factor for many diseases including neurodegenerative illnesses. The central and peripheral oscillators’ circadian clock network controls the circadian rhythm in mammals. The clock genes govern the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the brain.
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  • 22 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Photonic Bound States in the Continuum in Nanostructures
Bound states in the continuum (BIC) have garnered considerable attention recently for their unique capacity to confine electromagnetic waves within an open or non-Hermitian system. Utilizing a variety of light confinement mechanisms, nanostructures can achieve ultra-high quality factors and intense field localization with BIC, offering advantages such as long-living resonance modes, adaptable light control, and enhanced light-matter interactions, paving the way for innovative developments in photonics. 
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  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Space Weather Infrastructure in Africa
Space weather science has been a growing field in Africa since 2007. This growth in infrastructure and human capital development has been accompanied by the deployment of ground-based observing infrastructure, most of which was donated by foreign institutions or installed and operated by foreign establishments. 
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  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Grahan Mala
Grahan Mala is an astronomical treatise on the calculation of the dates and timings for the lunar and solar eclipses written by the Indian Astronomer Hemangad Thakur in the 16th century AD.
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  • 15 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Image-Guided Surgical and Pharmacotherapeutic Routines
Medical procedures have moved from a direct fully invasive “hand-eye” pairing process to a minimal invasive (MI) process with robot-imaging pairing in a closed-loop treatment architecture. Acts related to the invasive nature mainly concern surgical interventions (SIs) and the restricted dispensing of drugs. Currently, both of these procedures can use MI image-guided (IG) robotics, which enables patient comfort and safety, and medical staff accuracy and efficiency.
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  • 15 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Silicon-Based Avalanche Photodiodes in Medical Imaging
Avalanche photodiodes have emerged as a promising technology with significant potential for various medical applications. Avalanche photodiodes offer distinct advantages over traditional photodetectors, including a higher responsivity, faster response times, and superior signal-to-noise ratios. These characteristics make avalanche photodiodes particularly suitable for medical-imaging modalities that require a high detection efficiency, excellent timing resolution, and enhanced spatial resolution.
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  • 13 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Imaging Techniques for Morphological Characterization of Magnetic Films
Microscopy imaging techniques are critical for the morphological characterization of thin films because they provide nanoscale structural and compositional information that impacts properties. Techniques discussed below reveal grain size, grain boundaries, surface roughness and interfaces, and defects at high resolution. When coupled with spectroscopy, microscopy may provide compositional mapping and magnetic information. This multiscale morphological information is key to elucidating structure–property relationships in thin films.
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  • 12 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Planetary Radar
Planetary radar observations have provided invaluable information on the solar system through both ground-based and space-based observations. The radar technology is a remote-sensing method for planetary exploration and the methods to interpret the radar data have advanced in the eight decades of increasing use, where the field stands in the early 2020s, and what are the future prospects of the ground-based facilities conducting planetary radar observations and the planned spacecraft missions equipped with radar instruments. 
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Near-Body Medical Devices Subject to Electromagnetic Field Perturbation
The disturbances caused by electromagnetic field (EMF) noise of medical devices used near living tissues, as well as the corresponding functional control via the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of these devices are analyzed. These are minimally invasive and non-ionizing devices allowing various healthcare actions involving monitoring, assistance, diagnoses and image-guided medical interventions.
  • 287
  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Laccases in Phenolic Compound Detection and Quantification
Phenolic compounds (PheCs) are particularly relevant in many different frameworks due to their pro-oxidant and antioxidant activities. In fact, on the one hand, they are considered very dangerous pro-oxidant agents that can be present in the environment as pollutants in wastewater and soil from different industrial and agricultural industries. On the other hand, the antioxidant influence of PheCs available in natural products (including foods) is nowadays considered essential for preserving human health. Conventional techniques for detecting PheCs present some disadvantages, such as requiring expensive instrumentation and expert users and not allowing in situ measurements. This is the reason why there is a high interest in the development of simple, sensitive, specific, and accurate sensing methods for PheCs. Enzymes are often used for this purpose, and laccases with unique optical properties are adopted as bio-elements for sensing schemes. 
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  • 06 Dec 2023
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