Topic Review
Alaria alata
Alaria alata flukes are cosmopolitan parasites. In Europe, the definitive hosts are red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), wolves (Canis lupus), and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), as well as animals that belong to the Felidae family. Intermediate hosts, such as snails and frogs, are the sources of infection for definitive hosts. The developmental stages of A. alata mesocercariae may occur in paratenic hosts, including many species of mammals, birds, and reptiles, as well as in wild boars (Sus scrofa), which are important from the zoonotic point of view. Alaria alata is a widespread trematode that is considered a potential cause of a human disease called alariosis, which is associated with the consumption of raw or undercooked meat of intermediate or paratenic hosts of this parasite.
  • 4.5K
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Toxoplasma gondii-Induced and Associated Diseases
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is a prevalent protozoan parasite of medical and veterinary significance. It is the etiologic agent of toxoplasmosis, a neglected disease in which incidence and symptoms differ between patients and regions. In immunocompetent patients, toxoplasmosis manifests as acute and chronic forms. Acute toxoplasmosis presents as mild or asymptomatic disease that evolves, under the host immune response, into a persistent chronic disease in healthy individuals. Chronic toxoplasmosis establishes as latent tissue cysts in the brain and skeletal muscles. In immunocompromised patients, chronic toxoplasmosis may reactivate, leading to a potentially life-threatening condition. 
  • 954
  • 05 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Immunological Responses of Trichuris sp.
Trichuris sp. infection has appeared as a pathological burden in the population, but the immunomodulation features could result in an opportunity to discover novel treatments for diseases with prominent inflammatory responses. Regarding the immunological aspects, the innate immune responses against Trichuris sp. are also responsible for determining subsequent immune responses, including the activation of innate lymphoid cell type 2 (ILC2s), and encouraging the immune cell polarization of the resistant host phenotype. Nevertheless, this parasite can establish a supportive niche for worm survival and finally avoid host immune interference. Trichuris sp. could skew antigen recognition and immune cell activation and proliferation through the generation of specific substances, called excretory/secretory (ESPs) and soluble products (SPs), which mainly mediate its immunomodulation properties. 
  • 942
  • 02 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Hybrid Schistosomes in Africa
Causal agents of schistosomiasis are dioecious, digenean schistosomes affecting mankind in 76 countries.  Natural and anthropogenic changes impact on breaking species isolation barriers favoring introgressive hybridization, i.e., allelic exchange among gene pools of sympatric, interbreeding species leading to instant large genetic diversity. Phylogenetic distance matters, thus the less species differ phylogenetically the more likely they hybridize. 
  • 825
  • 28 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Paleoparasitology aims to study the natural history of parasitic organisms through the recovery of their preserved remains in archaeological, paleontological, paleoecological, and medical contexts. 
  • 787
  • 29 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Trypanothione Reductase: Structural Analysis for Drug Discovery
Leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), also known as sleeping sickness, are vector borne zoonosis that affect millions of people worldwide and lead to the death of about 100,000 humans per year. Among several molecular targets proposed, trypanothione reductase (TR) is of particular interest for its critical role in controlling the parasite’s redox homeostasis. 
  • 749
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Control, Biocontrol and IPM Perspectives of Varroa Destructor
Varroa destructor is a parasitic organism feeding and living among honeybees. It transmits viruses like the Deformed Wing Virus which can lead to the decline and death of the colony. Many treatments have been developed over the years like formamidine amitraz, pyrethroid tau-fluvalinate, organophosphate coumaphos or even acids like formic and oxalic to control the spread of the mite. However, none of this solution provides long-term sustainability for honeybees and no resistance from V. destructor. Therefore, the development of alternative tools remains open.
  • 709
  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Acanthamoeba spp.
Acanthamoeba spp. are free-living amoebas, which are widely distributed in soil, water, and air. They are capable of causing granulomatous amebic encephalitis, Acanthamoeba pneumonia, Acanthamoeba keratitis, and disseminated acanthamoebiasis.
  • 693
  • 18 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses of Glis glis
Rodents (Rodentia), due to their number and species diversity, are important elements of natural ecosystems. Some species of rodents are widely distributed. Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) (Rodentia, Gliridae) is one such species. An overview of the parasites, bacteria and viruses of G. glis inhabiting the Western Palearctic is given.
  • 688
  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Impact of Insecticide Resistance on Vector Competence
The capacity of insects to transmit pathogens is known as vector competence (VC). Evidence indicates that insecticide exposure and resistance increase the risk of pathogen transmission. Under this context, adverse effects such as epidemics in human populations or economic repercussions on crops will increase while current vector control efforts become entirely ineffective. However, studies also point to opposite effects where IR or exposure to insecticides reduces VC. To determine the impact of insecticide resistance (IR) on VC precisely, it is essential to establish reproducible experimental designs to reduce the presence of confusing variables that make the interpretation of results difficult. Therefore, although there is evidence related to the influence of IR on VC, more research is necessary.
  • 673
  • 22 Apr 2022
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