Topic Review
Wild Food Plants
Wild food plants (WFPs) are generally considered species that grow spontaneously in self-sustaining populations outside cultivated areas, in field margins, forests, woodland, grassland, and wetlands (e.g., paddy fields), independently of human activity. However, the distinction between “wild” and “cultivated” or “domesticated” is not so clear-cut and many wild food plants fall somewhere in between these two extremes depending on the degree of human intervention and management. Semi-domesticated species, in addition to economically important non-timber forest food products, such as açaí berries and Brazil nuts, can also be considered "wild" to some extent as they grow naturally in forest with limited management or human intervention. As they are often wild relatives of domesticated species, WFPs have potential for domestication and can provide a pool of genetic resources for hybridization and selective breeding.
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  • 13 May 2024
Topic Review
Cytokines in Inflammatory Disease
This review aims to briefly discuss a short list of a broad variety of inflammatory cytokines. Numerous studies have implicated that inflammatory cytokines exert important effects with regard to various inflammatory diseases, yet the reports on their specific roles are not always consistent. They can be used as biomarkers to indicate or monitor disease or its progress, and also may serve as clinically applicable parameters for therapies. Yet, their precise role is not always clearly defined. Thus, in this entry, researchers focus on the existing literature dealing with the biology of cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1, IL-33, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), IL-10, and IL-8. We will briefly focus on the correlations and role of these inflammatory mediators in the genesis of various inflammatory impacts.
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  • 13 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Smart Farming
Smart farming: the technological innovation adoption in agriculture requires an innovative conceptualization and management of the several resources in light of the increasingly being available data. An example of an innovative methodology and criteria capable of organizing data and exploiting such information to optimize the use of technologies and primary resources used in production processes is presented
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  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Biosensors
Over the years, biosensors have acquired increasing importance in a wide range of applications due to synergistic studies of various scientific disciplines, determining their great commercial potential and revealing how nanotechnology and biotechnology can be strictly connected. In the present scenario, biosensors have increased their detection limit and sensitivity unthinkable until a few years ago. The most widely used biosensors are optical-based devices such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensors and fluorescence-based biosensors.
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  • 23 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Ultra-processed Foods
Ultra-processed foods were first defined by Dr. Carlos Monteiro in 2009 through the NOVA classification. Briefly, they are characterized in their formulation by the addition of cosmetic ingredients and/or additives for mainly industrial use - and having undergone an excessive processing  - to imitate, exacerbate, mask or restore sensory properties (aroma, texture, taste and color). It can also be very denaturing technological processes directly applied to the food (cooking-extrusion, puffing, etc.). They are food and drink products that have undergone specified types of food processing, usually by transnational and other very large 'Big food' corporations. These foods are designed to be 'convenient, eaten on the go, hyperpalatable and appealing to consumers, and, most importantly, the most profitable segment of Big Food companies’ portfolios because of these foods’ low-cost ingredients'. The NOVA-derived Siga score propose a complementary definition more focused ont the degradation of the food/ingredient matrix effect: "An ultra-processed food is characterized by the presence in its list of ingredients of at least one substance that is itself ultra-processed, called a marker of ultra-processing (MUP). These MUPs are obtained by synthesis, or by a succession of physical, chemical and/or biological processes applied to natural raw materials and which lead to a strong degradation compared to their original matrix".
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
The phenomenon of heterosis has fascinated plant breeders ever since it was first described by Charles Darwin in 1876 in the vegetable kingdom and later elaborated by George H Shull and Edward M East in maize during 1908. Heterosis is the phenotypic and functional superiority manifested in the F1 crosses over the parents. Various classical complementation mechanisms gave way to the study of the underlying potential cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for heterosis. In cereals, such as maize, heterosis has been exploited very well, with the development of many single-cross hybrids that revolutionized the yield and productivity enhancements.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Detection and Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Latest weeks the humanity is faced with the spread of a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 that causes a respiratory illness with high mortality rates, COVID-19. Since there is no approved treatment or vaccination against that specific coronavirus the reduce in virus spread is essential. That is based in the use of appropriate tools, enabling the accurate and early detection. Molecular biology and immunological techniques are widely used in order to predict the COVID-19 cases in a very short period of time. These are commonly based either in identification of the SARS-CoV-2’s genetic material or in detection of antibodies that have been produced by the immune system against the virus. Many of the above mentioned tests have been validated and approved by local authorities. However, there are much more companies that provide detection tests, without basic validation processes, contributing in non-precise data. The present review aim to analyze the most common platforms that are used in COVID-19 detection, analyzing their advantages and weaknesses. Therefore, each physician will be equipped with appropriate information required for each test.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
List of Mammal Genera
There are currently 1258 genera, 156 families, 28 orders, and around 5937 recognized living species of mammal. Mammalian taxonomy is in constant flux as many new species are described and recategorized within their respective genera and families. The taxonomy represented here is a compilation of the most logical and up-to-date information on mammalian taxonomy from many sources, the main ones being the HMW series and the Mammals Species of the World by Wilson and Reeder.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Key Oil Palm Pests and Their Managements
Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Arecales: Arecaceae), is a multipurpose plantation crop that is extensively grown in the humid tropics across Asia, Africa and the Americas for palm oil and other uses such as sauces, soap, wine, fertilizer (ashes), roofing (leaves), building material (trunk), medicines (roots), and ornamental purposes. Oil palm is attacked by numerous insect species globally, including defoliators, leaf/fruit scrapers, borers and sap feeders. The common oil palm pest management methods include synthetic insecticides, biopesticides, semiochemical lures, cultural practices, and integrated approaches.
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  • 04 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Snijders Blok-Campeau Syndrome
Snijders Blok-Campeau syndrome is characterized by intellectual disability, speech problems, and distinctive facial features.  
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  • 23 Dec 2020
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