Topic Review
Strategies for AAV-Based Therapy of Ducheen Muscular Dystrophin
Gene therapy using the adeno-associated virus (rAAV) to deliver mini/micro- dystrophin is the current promising strategy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). However, the further transformation of this strategy still faces many “bottlenecks”. Most gene therapies are only suitable for infants with strong muscle cell regeneration and immature immune system, and the treatment depends heavily on the high dose of rAAV. However, high-dose rAAV inevitably causes side effects such as immune response and acute liver toxicity. Therefore, how to reduce the degree of fibrosis and excessive immune response in older patients and uncouple the dependence association between therapeutic effect and high dose rAAV are crucial steps for the transformation of rAAV-based gene therapy. 
  • 933
  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Strategies Applied in Phytohormone-Targeted Genetic Engineering
As abiotic and biotic stresses cause severe losses in agriculture, it is also crucial to obtain varieties that are more tolerant to these factors. In the past, traditional breeding methods were used to obtain new varieties displaying demanded traits. Nowadays, genetic engineering is another available tool. An important direction of the research on genetically modified plants concerns the modification of phytohormone metabolism.
  • 398
  • 06 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Strategic Approaches of Pre-/Post-Harvest Treatment Technologies for Peach
Peach (Prunus persica) is one of the representative climacteric fruits susceptible to environmental stresses, including microbial contamination. The researchers analyzed major findings from the literature on pre- and post-harvest technologies for maintaining the quality of peach fruit to figure out the strengths and limitations of each treatment strategy. The key implication from studies of pre-harvest agents directly applied to the fruit surface or supplemented as fertilizer was the application of a mixture regarding substances with diverse working mechanisms to prevent excessive use of the agent. The common objectives of previous research on pre-harvest treatments were not only the improvement in the quality of harvested fruit but also the storability during long-term refrigeration due to the short lifespan of peaches. In the case of post-harvest treatments, the efficacy was considerably affected by various determinant factors (e.g., a cultivar of fruit, the sort of technologies, and storage environments), and thus operating conditions optimized for peach fruit were described. Whereas, although the combined treatment of technologies categorized into principles (physical, chemical, and biological approaches) has been adopted to achieve the synergistic effect, undesirable antagonistic effects (i.e., the inhibition of efficacies expectable from singular treatments) were also reported to highlight the importance for exploring adequate treatment conditions.
  • 455
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Story of Kinases and Adaptors Regulating TCR signaling
Tyrosine phosphorylation constitutes an essential mechanism of signal transduction in eukaryotic cells. In the immune system, this process is widely represented, and in T cells, the first biochemical event that occurs after antigenic recognition seems to be the phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues included in the CD3 chains. For T cells to develop, differentiate and proliferate, proper intracellular signaling is required, and the negative regulation of such signaling pathways is crucial to prevent autoimmune diseases or severe immunodeficiencies. Although not understood in depth, it is becoming increasingly clear that multiple negative regulatory loops exist along the TCR-signaling cascade. The tyrosine kinases Lck and ZAP70, together with the transmembrane adaptor LAT, are essential players in the transduction of TCR early signals, and the elimination of any of them causes serious alterations in the TCR-signaling cascade.
  • 201
  • 14 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Stormorken syndrome
Stormorken syndrome is a rare condition that affects many body systems.
  • 647
  • 23 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Store-Operated Calcium Entry in Cancer Stem Cells
Store-Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE), a major mechanism for Ca2+influx from the extracellular medium into excitable and non-excitable cells, is physiologically triggered by the activation of phospholipase C (PLC) and the production of IP3, which subsequently leads to the release of Ca2+from intracellular stores, mainly the ER, resulting in the activation of store-operated calcium channels in the plasma membrane and a rapid increase in cytosolic Ca2+concentration. SOCE is an extremely complex biological mechanism, with high dependency on the pattern of expression of its components-STIMs, Orai, and TRPC proteins- and its modulators in each cell type. Since the last decades of the 20th century, several studies, both in vivo and in vitro, have reported that an altered expression pattern of the proteins that mediate SOCE leads to unbalanced Ca2+homeostasis, which might contribute to tumor development, poor prognosis, and chemotherapeutic drug resistance.
  • 525
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Store-Independent Calcium Entry
Calcium is recognized as a universal intracellular second messenger involved in a plethora of physiological as well as physiopathological processes, such as cell proliferation, migration, invasion, apoptosis, and chemoresistance in a cancer situation. Store-independent calcium entry is a distinctive calcium entry in cells, which is not activated by calcium store depletion. This entry is supported by basal activated calcium channels, ligand-activated calcium channels, or voltage-gated calcium channels.
  • 515
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Storage, Preservation and Processing of Toona sinensis
Toona sinensis, a perennial and deciduous tree belonging to the Meliaceae family, has been cultivated for more than 2000 years in China. Storing the buds of T. sinensis is difficult, as it is easy for them to rot during storage, which seriously affects their edible and commodity value. There are three kinds of storage and preservation methods of T. sinensis buds; although they can extend the shelf life of T. sinensis, the nutrients in this vegetable plant experience different degrees of loss. Because bio-preservation methods have the advantages of being natural, safe, and simple, it has become one of the research hotspots of food preservation technology. Furthermore, in order to extend the consumption period of T. sinensis, it is processed into a wide variety of foods.
  • 819
  • 19 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Storage of Cereals in Warehouses
Storage of Cereals in Warehouses refers to the methods of how people restore the cereals. In this entry, we depict the development history and basic storage information. For decades, the use of various synthetic pesticides has been the key factor in the proper and long-term storage of cereals. Unfortunately, we are faced with non-acceptable data regarding the effects of synthetic pesticides. Due to this, further steps have been made in order to take measures to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030 and to reduce the use of more dangerous pesticides by 50% by 2030. The concept of integrated pest management has been promoted as a dynamic and flexible approach leading to the reduction of chemical pesticide usage and their negative effects on the environment. 
  • 2.5K
  • 20 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Storage (Memory)
Memory is the process of storing and recalling information that was previously acquired. Memory occurs through three fundamental stages: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Storing refers to the process of placing newly acquired information into memory, which is modified in the brain for easier storage. Encoding this information makes the process of retrieval easier for the brain where it can be recalled and brought into conscious thinking. Modern memory psychology differentiates between the two distinct types of memory storage: short-term memory and long-term memory. Several models of memory have been proposed over the past century, some of them suggesting different relationships between short- and long-term memory to account for different ways of storing memory.
  • 1.3K
  • 04 Nov 2022
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