Topic Review
The Multifaceted Functions of Prion Protein in Cancer
Despite its involvement in several human pathophysiological processes, the cellular prion protein (PrPC) remains enigmatic. During the last ten years, PrPC has also been reported to be implicated in several human cancers, the molecular mechanisms of which are under investigation. In some tumors, elevated expression of PrPC protein is associated with poor patient prognosis. At the cellular level, high PrPC expression in tumor cells is associated with the acquisition of stemness1-like characteristics, metastatic and invasive process, and resistance to chemotherapy.
  • 505
  • 24 Jan 2024
Topic Review
The Molecular Mechanisms of Complement Receptor 1
Human complement receptor 1 (CR1) is a membrane-bound regulator of complement that has been the subject of attempts to generate soluble therapeutic compounds comprising different fragments of its extracellular domain. 
  • 300
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
The Molecular Mechanisms of 4-N-[2-(4-Phenoxyphenyl)Ethyl]Quinazoline-4,6-Diamine Activity
Quinazoline derivatives are a large pool of natural and synthetic compounds. The first derivatives of quinazoline were synthesized at the end of the 19th century. one quinazoline derivative (4-N-[2-(4-phenoxyphenyl)ethyl]quinazoline-4,6-diamine)—EVP4593 (also marked as QNZ) was originally synthesized in 2003 as a modulator of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signal transduction pathway. Since that time, EVP4593 has been widely used as a blocker of NF-κB signaling (Sigma-Aldrich, cat #481417). Further it has been reported the ability of EVP4593 to affect store-operated calcium channels.
  • 527
  • 21 Dec 2022
Topic Review
The Molecular Identity of Plant Callus Tissues
In response to different degrees of mechanical injury, certain plant cells re-enter the division cycle to provide cells for tissue replenishment, tissue rejoining, de novo organ formation, and/or wound healing. The intermediate tissue formed by the dividing cells is called a callus. Callus formation can also be induced artificially in vitro by wounding and/or hormone (auxin and cytokinin) treatments. The callus tissue can be maintained in culture, providing starting material for de novo organ or embryo regeneration and thus serving as the basis for many plant biotechnology applications. Due to the biotechnological importance of callus cultures and the scientific interest in the developmental flexibility of somatic plant cells, the initial molecular steps of callus formation have been studied in detail. It was revealed that callus initiation can follow various ways, depending on the organ from which it develops and the inducer, but they converge on a seemingly identical tissue. However, the common molecular signature that the various pathways converge on and define calli, regardless of their variable origin, as the same tissue has not yet been revealed.
  • 217
  • 13 Dec 2023
Topic Review
The Molecular Basis of Fragile X-Premutation-Associated Conditions
The premutation of the fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 (FMR1) gene is characterized by an expansion of the CGG trinucleotide repeats (55 to 200 CGGs) in the 5’ untranslated region and increased levels of FMR1 mRNA. Molecular mechanisms leading to fragile X-premutation-associated conditions (FXPAC) include cotranscriptional R-loop formations, FMR1 mRNA toxicity through both RNA gelation into nuclear foci and sequestration of various CGG-repeat-binding proteins, and the repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN)-initiated translation of potentially toxic proteins.
  • 540
  • 28 Sep 2023
Topic Review
The Molecular Basis for Zinc Bioavailability
As an essential micronutrient with a nearly ubiquitous presence in nature, zinc is needed for all known aspects of life. Based on the quantification of putative zinc protein binding domains, it is estimated that one-tenth of all human proteins require zinc as a structural element or for an enzyme active site. The structural, catalytic, and regulatory roles of zinc provide the foundation for a broad array of basic cellular functions. Consequently, zinc deficiency affects numerous critical functions, including metabolic, immune, and neurological processes. With zinc nutriture underlying a public health burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, human zinc deficiency is estimated to be the most prevalent nutrient deficiency worldwide. The etiology of human zinc deficiency has historically been attributed to diets with low zinc bioavailability, e.g., the proportion of dietary zinc available for zinc-dependent functions, with primary attention to diets low in zinc and high in phytic acid.
  • 386
  • 10 Apr 2023
Topic Review
The Mitotic Spindle
During cell division, the mitotic spindle, a macromolecular structure primarily comprised of microtubules, drives chromosome alignment and partitioning between daughter cells. Mitotic spindles can sense cellular dimensions in order to adapt their length and mass to cell size.
  • 2.0K
  • 29 Jan 2022
Topic Review
The Mitochondrial Genome
Mitochondria are powerhouses of the cell and implement oxidative phosphorylation processes. Similar to plastids, mitochondria are endosymbionts of a pro-eukaryotic cell, have their own genome, and their own transcriptional and translational machinery.
  • 1.1K
  • 12 Jan 2023
Topic Review
The Mitochondrial Calcium Channel Discovery
The notion of the active role of mitochondria in the decoding and shaping of intracellular Ca2+ signals dates back at the end of the 19th century. However, the identity of the molecule(s) involved in Ca2+ ion transport into mitochondria remained elusive for decades. Only in the last ten years, the factors, and the relative coding genes, mediating Ca2+ entry in mitochondria started to be genetically and biochemically described. The gene for the pore-forming unit of the mitochondrial Ca2+ channel was discovered in 2011, and its product was named mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter or MCU. The mitochondria Ca2+ uptake regulator 1 gene, MICU1, was cloned one year before, in 2010. The increasing interest of the scientific community towards mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling and metabolism in the subsequent  years led to the identification of many other MCU components and to the description of their 3D structure and physiological role. Here, we will present a brief overview of the land marking discoveries in the history of mitochondrial Ca2+ studies. 
  • 650
  • 28 Jun 2021
Topic Review
The Mitochondrial ATP Synthase/IF1 Axis in Cancer Progression
Mitochondria are central hubs in cellular physiology integrating cellular metabolism, bioenergetics, the execution of cell death and signaling through different effectors like Ca2+, reactive oxygen species (mtROS), mtDNA and different metabolites. Studies have summarized the different functions that the mitochondrial ATP synthase and its inhibitor protein, Inhibitory Factor 1 (IF1), play in cellular biology and in cancer progression. It has overviewed the mechanism by which the ATP synthase/IF1 axis contributes to metabolic reprogramming to an enhanced glycolytic phenotype, both in cancer cells and in the maintenance of stemness, and its potential both as biomarkers of prognosis and as targets for therapy. Moreover, it have highlighted how the ATP synthase/IF1 axis contributes to the signaling of cell-type specific programs that allow the adaptation of the cell/organisms to different changing cues, and finally, how the ATP synthase/IF1 axis also participates in preventing the execution of cell death and hence, in therapeutic resistance of the carcinomas. It has emphasized that the relative low activity of mitochondrial metabolic pathways, such as oxidation of pyruvate coupled to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and β-oxidation in lung adenocarcinomas, contribute to cancer progression.
  • 399
  • 03 Aug 2023
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