Topic Review
Therapeutic Approaches of Radioresistance in NSCLC
Survival in unresectable locally advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients remains poor despite chemoradiotherapy. Adjuvant immunotherapy improved survival for these patients but it is still far from curing most of the patients with only a 57% survival remaining at 3 years. This poor survival is due to the resistance to chemoradiotherapy, local relapses, and distant relapses. Several biological mechanisms have been found to be involved in the chemoradioresistance such as cancer stem cells, cancer mutation status, or the immune system. New drugs to overcome this radioresistance in NSCLCs have been investigated such as radiosensitizer treatments or immunotherapies. Different modalities of radiotherapy have also been investigated to improve efficacity such as dose escalation or proton irradiations.
  • 347
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Therapeutic Approaches for Parkinson’s Disease and Gut Microbiota
The bidirectional interaction between the gut microbiota (GM) and the Central Nervous System, the so-called gut microbiota brain axis (GMBA), deeply affects brain function and has an important impact on the development of neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), gastrointestinal symptoms often precede the onset of motor and non-motor manifestations, and alterations in the GM composition accompany disease pathogenesis. Several studies have been conducted to unravel the role of dysbiosis and intestinal permeability in PD onset and progression, but the therapeutic and diagnostic applications of GM modifying approaches remain to be fully elucidated. 
  • 510
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Therapeutic Approach of Flavonoid
Flavonoids are one of the most diverse families of bioactive phytochemicals, with over 9000 different compounds. According to IUPAC Recommendations (2017), the term “flavonoid” refers to compounds that have the basic structure of phenyl-substituted propylbenzene derivatives with C15 skeleton, C16 skeleton, and flavonolignans with C6–C3 lignan precursors. Flavonoids are divided into six subclasses; isoflavones, flavones, flavanols, flavonols, flavanones, and anthocyanins, are abundant in plants and their metabolic routes have been thoroughly explored using biochemical and molecular approaches.
  • 979
  • 10 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Therapeutic Applications of Nano-Phytopharmaceuticals
Phytopharmaceuticals have been widely used globally since ancient times and acknowledged by healthcare professionals and patients for their superior therapeutic value and fewer side effects compared to modern medicines. Dose reduction, improved bioavailability, receptor-selective binding, and targeted delivery of phytopharmaceuticals can be likely achieved by molding them into specific nano-formulations. 
  • 830
  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Therapeutic Applications of Bacteriophages in the Gut Microbiota
Bacteriophages (phages) are nano-sized viruses characterized by their inherent ability to live off bacteria. They utilize diverse mechanisms to absorb and gain entry into the bacterial cell wall via the release of viral genetic material, which uses the replication mechanisms of the host bacteria to produce and release daughter progeny virions that attack the surrounding host cells. They possess specific characteristics, including specificity for particular or closely related bacterial species. They have many applications, including as potential alternatives to antibiotics against multi-resistant bacterial pathogens and as control agents in bacteria-contaminated environments. They are ubiquitously abundant in nature and have diverse biota, including in the gut. Gut microbiota describes the community and interactions of microorganisms within the intestine. As with bacteria, parasitic bacteriophages constantly interact with the host bacterial cells within the gut system and have obvious implications for human health.
  • 399
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Therapeutic Applications for Oncolytic Self-Replicating RNA Viruses
Self-replicating RNA viruses have become attractive delivery vehicles for therapeutic applications. They are easy to handle, can be rapidly produced in large quantities, and can be delivered as recombinant viral particles, naked or nanoparticle-encapsulated RNA, or plasmid DNA-based vectors. The self-replication of RNA in infected host cells provides the means for generating much higher transgene expression levels and the possibility to apply substantially reduced amounts of RNA to achieve similar expression levels or immune responses compared to conventional synthetic mRNA. Alphaviruses and flaviviruses, possessing a single-stranded RNA genome of positive polarity, as well as measles viruses and rhabdoviruses with a negative-stranded RNA genome. Particularly, oncolytic self-replicating RNA viruses have demonstrated tumor growth inhibition, tumor eradication and cure in animal tumor models. Stable disease and prolonged overall survival have been reported from clinical trials with oncolytic self-replicating RNA viruses. 
  • 651
  • 15 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Therapeutic Application of Betalains
Anthocyanins, betalains, riboflavin, carotenoids, chlorophylls and caramel are the basic natural food colorants used in modern food manufacture. Betalains, which are composed of red–violet betacyanin and yellow betaxanthins, are water-soluble pigments that color flowers and fruits. Betalains are pigments primarily produced by plants of the order Caryophyllales. Because of their anti-inflammatory, cognitive impairment, anticancer and anti-hepatitis properties, betalains are useful as pharmaceutical agents and dietary supplements. Betalains also exhibit antimicrobial and antimalarial effects, and as an example, betalain-rich Amaranthus spinosus displays prominent antimalarial activity. Studies also confirmed the antidiabetic effect of betalains, which reduced glycemia by 40% without causing weight loss or liver impairment. These findings show that betalain colorants may be a promising alternative to the synthetic dyes currently used as food additives
  • 1.3K
  • 21 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Theory of Addiction
Drug addiction is characterized by a loss of control over drug-seeking and -consumption, despite the profound negative consequences this has on the individual’s life [1]. While the acute effects of a substance depend on its psychoactive properties, the progression of addiction converges into a series of problems that are common and severely impact all spheres of the individual’s life, compromising interpersonal, economic, and health status. Thus, in chronic drug users it is common to present several physical problems including brain damage and atrophy, circulatory system issues, premature aging, among others. From a socio-economic perspective, common problems include homelessness, criminal behavior, unemployment, social isolation, and dependence.
  • 183
  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Theoretical Prediction Strategies to the Antioxidant Activity Assessment
Theoretical examination of the antioxidant activity of the individual or selected compounds identified in a matrix can be a green mid-tool for their prioritization regarding antioxidant behavior before seeking experimental in vitro or in vivo data.
  • 395
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Theoretical Evaluations for Designing/Engineering Metalloproteins
Almost half of all known proteins contain metal co-factors. Crucial for the flawless performance of a metalloprotein is the selection with high fidelity of the cognate metal cation from the surrounding biological fluids. Therefore, elucidating the factors controlling the metal binding and selectivity in metalloproteins is of particular significance. The knowledge thus acquired not only contributes to better understanding of the intimate mechanism of these events but, also, significantly enriches the researcher’s toolbox that could be used in designing/engineering novel metalloprotein structures with pre-programmed properties. A powerful tool in aid of deciphering the physical principles behind the processes of metal recognition and selectivity is theoretical modeling of metal-containing biological structures.
  • 277
  • 08 Mar 2023
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