Topic Review
Treatment for Diabetes Complications
Diabetes mellitus is a common disease affecting more than 537 million adults worldwide. The microvascular complications that occur during the course of the disease are widespread and affect a variety of organ systems in the body. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common long-term complications, which include, amongst others, endothelial dysfunction, and thus, alterations in the blood-retinal barrier (BRB). This particularly restrictive physiological barrier is important for maintaining the neuroretina as a privileged site in the body by controlling the inflow and outflow of fluid, nutrients, metabolic end products, ions, and proteins. In addition, people with diabetic retinopathy (DR) have been shown to be at increased risk for systemic vascular complications, including subclinical and clinical stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and nephropathy. 
  • 381
  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Treating the Retinal Diseases with Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Retinal diseases are major causes of irreversible vision loss and blindness. Despite extensive research into their pathophysiology and etiology, pharmacotherapy effectiveness and surgical outcomes remain poor. Based largely on numerous preclinical studies, administration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a therapeutic strategy for retinal diseases holds great promise, and various approaches have been applied to the therapies. 
  • 465
  • 09 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Treat COVID-19 through Mass Spectrometry and Next-Generation Sequencing
COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The difficulty in containing SARS-CoV-2 has underscored the need for techniques such as mass spectrometry in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Mass spectrometry-based methods have been employed in several studies to detect changes in interactions among host proteins, and between host and viral proteins in COVID-19 patients. The methods have also been used to characterize host and viral proteins, and analyze lipid metabolism in COVID-19 patients. Information obtained using the above methods are complemented by high-throughput analysis of transcriptomic and epigenomic changes associated with COVID-19, coupled with next-generation sequencing.
  • 610
  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Treacher Collins Syndrome
Treacher Collins syndrome is a condition that affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face.
  • 409
  • 23 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Travis (Chimpanzee)
Travis (October 21, 1995 – February 16, 2009) was a male common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who, in February 2009, mauled his owner's friend in Stamford, Connecticut. He blinded her, severed several body parts and lacerated her face. He was shot dead by a police officer. As an animal actor, Travis had appeared in several television shows and commercials, including spots for Pepsi and Old Navy. He had also appeared on The Maury Povich Show, The Man Show, and a television pilot that featured Sheryl Crow and Michael Moore.
  • 4.6K
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Traveling Across Life Sciences with Acetophenone
Each metabolite, regardless of its molecular simplicity or complexity, has a mission or function in the organism biosynthesizing it.  The biological, allelochemical, and chemical properties of acetophenone, as a metabolite involved in multiple interactions with various (mi-cro)organisms.
  • 735
  • 28 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most devastating diseases and results in severe motor and sensory dysfunction below the level of injury.
  • 572
  • 10 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Traumatic Memories
The management of traumatic memories is important when treating mental health disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder. Traumatic memories can cause life problems even to individuals who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for a mental health disorder. They result from traumatic experiences, including natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis; violent events such as kidnapping, terrorist attacks, war, domestic abuse and rape. Traumatic memories are naturally stressful in nature and emotionally overwhelm people's existing coping mechanisms. When simple objects such as a photograph, or events such as a birthday party, bring traumatic memories to mind people often try to bar the unwanted experience from their minds so as to proceed with life, with varying degrees of success. The frequency of these reminders diminish over time for most people. There are strong individual differences in the rate at which the adjustment occurs. For some the number of intrusive memories diminish rapidly as the person adjusts to the situation, whereas for others intrusive memories may continue for decades with significant interference to their mental, physical and social well being. Several psychotherapies have been developed that change, weaken, or prevent the formation of traumatic memories. Pharmacological methods for erasing traumatic memories are currently the subject of active research. The ability to erase specific traumatic memories, even if possible, would create additional problems and so would not necessarily benefit the individual.
  • 989
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery with Photobiomodulation
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a significant global health challenge, lacking effective pharmacological treatments. This shortcoming is attributable to TBI's heterogenous and complex pathophysiology. Photobiomodulation (PBM), which employs specific red to near infrared light wavelengths to modulate brain functions, may be a promising therapy to address TBI's complex pathophysiology in a single intervention. PBM's potential for success could be further fulfilled by optimizing the parameters such as pulse frequencies. 
  • 136
  • 28 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (commonly known as TRAPS) is a condition characterized by recurrent episodes of fever.
  • 777
  • 23 Dec 2020
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