Topic Review
Epigenetics and Probiotics Application in Fish Reproductive Performance
Fish represent an excellent source of animal protein as well as a biomedical research model as a result of their evolutionary relatedness and similarity with the human genome. Commercial and ornamental fish culture has achieved popularity, but reproductive dysfunctions act as a limiting factor for quality fry production, interfering with the sustainability of the aquaculture industry. Fish reproduction is crucial for any species’ existence, and reproductive performance can potentially be improved through applications of epigenetics and probiotics. Epigenetics is a highly sensitive molecular approach that includes chromatin structure and function alteration, DNA methylation, and modification of non-coding RNA molecules for the transfer of desired information from parents to offspring. DNA methyltransferase improves reproductive cyp11a1, esr2b, and figla gene expression and feminizes zebrafish (Danio rerio). Moreover, epigenetics also contributes to genome stability, environmental plasticity, and embryonic development. However, methylation of specific genes can negatively affect sperm quality, resulting in poor fertilization. Probiotic administration is able to induce responsiveness of incompetent follicles to maturation-inducing hormones and can change oocyte chemical composition during vitellogenic development. The positive role of probiotics on testicular cells is validated by upregulating the transcription levels of leptin, bdnf, and dmrt1 genes facilitating the spermatogenesis.
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  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Carnitine Acyl-carnitine Carrier
The SLC25A20 transporter, also known as carnitine acyl-carnitine carrier (CAC), catalyzes the transport of short, medium and long carbon chain acyl-carnitines across the mitochondrial inner membrane in exchange for carnitine. The 30-year story of the protein responsible for this function started with its purification from rat liver mitochondria. 
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  • 07 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Technologies for Seaweed Polysaccharides Extraction
Algal metabolites possess nutritional properties, but they also exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiviral activities, which allow them to be involved in several pharmaceutical applications. Seaweeds have been incorporated since ancient times into diets as a whole food. With the isolation of particular seaweed compounds, it would be possible to develop new types of food with therapeutically properties. Polysaccharides make up the majority of seaweed biomass, which has triggered an increase in interest in using seaweed for commercial purposes, particularly in the production of agar, carrageenan, and alginate. The bio-properties of polysaccharides are strictly dependent to their chemical characteristics and structure, which varies depending on the species, their life cycles, and other biotic and abiotic factors. 
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  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal. It is distinct from sepsis, which is the host response to the bacteria. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream as a severe complication of infections (like pneumonia or meningitis), during surgery (especially when involving mucous membranes such as the gastrointestinal tract), or due to catheters and other foreign bodies entering the arteries or veins (including during intravenous drug abuse). Transient bacteremia can result after dental procedures or brushing of teeth. Bacteremia can have several important health consequences. The immune response to the bacteria can cause sepsis and septic shock, which has a high mortality rate. Bacteria can also spread via the blood to other parts of the body (which is called hematogenous spread), causing infections away from the original site of infection, such as endocarditis or osteomyelitis. Treatment for bacteremia is with antibiotics, and prevention with antibiotic prophylaxis can be given in high risk situations.
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  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Lindera Obtusiloba
Lindera, a core genus containing more than 100 species, is a member of the Litseeae tribe under the Lauraceae family. Plants of the Lindera genus are widely distributed all over the world, particularly in the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of Asia and midwestern America. Plants from the Lindera genus are considered a rich source of essential oils and are often used in the production of aromatic cosmetic products such as soap and lubricants for their elegant fragrance. Most importantly, throughout history, many Lindera plants have been used in traditional medicine for their healing and curing capabilities for several health-related implications, such as pain, cold, urinary tract disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, gastric ulcer, abdominal pain, cholera, and beriberi.
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  • 11 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Physical Exercise in NAFLD
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a major health problem, and its prevalence has increased in recent years. Diet and exercise interventions are the first-line treatment options. The goal is to understand the complex pathophysiology underlying exercise interventions with the potential to prevent and treat NAFLD.
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  • 26 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Design of Gold Nanoparticle Vertical Flow Assays
Vertical flow assays (VFAs) or flow-through assays have emerged as an alternate type of paper-based assay due to their faster detection time, larger sample volume capacity, and significantly higher multiplexing capabilities compared to lateral flow assays (LFAs).  VFA can be used for detecting important biomarkers in diagnostic medicine, particularly when VFA is paired with gold nanoparticle conjugation.
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  • 10 May 2022
Topic Review
The sweet drink amazake is a fermented food made from Aspergillus oryzae and related koji molds in Japan. There are two types of drinks called amazake, one made from koji (koji amazake) and the other made from sake lees, a by-product of sake (sakekasu amazake). 
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  • 21 Jun 2021
Arthur Eddington
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington OM FRS[1] (28 December 1882 – 22 November 1944) was an English astronomer, physicist, and mathematician. He was also a philosopher of science and a populariser of science. The Eddington limit, the natural limit to the luminosity of stars, or the radiation generated by accretion onto a compact object, is named in his honour. Around 1920, he anticipated the discover
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  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
For many years, the dogma has been that insulin resistance precedes the development of hyperinsulinemia. However, recent data suggest a reverse order and place hyperinsulinemia mechanistically upstream of insulin resistance. Genetic background, consumption of the “modern” Western diet and over-nutrition may increase insulin secretion, decrease insulin pulses and/or reduce hepatic insulin clearance, thereby causing hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia disturbs the balance of the insulin–GH–IGF axis and shifts the insulin : GH ratio towards insulin and away from GH. This insulin–GH shift promotes energy storage and lipid synthesis and hinders lipid breakdown, resulting in obesity due to higher fat accumulation and lower energy expenditure. Hyperinsulinemia is an important etiological factor in the development of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature mortality.
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  • 02 Aug 2021
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