Topic Review
Stomatal density, spacing, and patterning greatly influence the efficiency of gas exchange, photosynthesis, and water economy. They are regulated by a complex of extracellular and intracellular factors through the signaling pathways. After binding the extracellular epidermal patterning factor 1 (EPF1) and 2 (EPF2) as ligands, the receptor-ligand complexes activate by phosphorylation through the MAP-kinase cascades, regulating basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, and FAMA.
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  • 24 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Chemical Enzymology of Monoamine Oxidase
Monoamine oxidase (E.C. enzymes MAO A and MAO B are FAD-containing proteins located on the outer face of the mitochondrial inner membrane, retained there by hydrophobic interactions and a transmembrane helix. The redox co-factor (FAD) is covalently attached to a cysteine and buried deep inside the protein behind an aromatic cage that aligns substrates towards the flavin. MAO metabolizes neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the nervous system so is a target for drugs to modify amine levels. MAO also metabolizes a wide range of biogenic amines in all tissues. Current accumulated evidence, particularly from theoretical modelling, supports hydride transfer as the chemical mechanism. The long active site cavity accommodates a wide chemical variety of small molecules designed as inhibitors, including coumarins, chromones, triazoles, and more. Inactivators that bind covalently to MAO include hydrazines, cyclopropylamines and propargylamines. This entry is an extract adapted from a review outlining the remaining uncertainties in the understanding of this key drug target.
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  • 19 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Biological Functions of Coffee
Coffee is a Rubiaceae coffee plant ranked as the first of the three most important beverages in the world, with effects including lowering blood sugar, protecting the liver, and protecting the nerves. Coffee contains many chemical components, including alkaloids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and so on. Chemical components in coffee are the basis of its biological function and taste.
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  • 20 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Sleep Health Promotion Interventions
Sleep health promotion is the public health field that is concerned with improving sleep health in primarily healthy populations. Good sleep health is characterized by subjective satisfaction, appropriate timing, adequate duration, high efficiency, and sustained alertness during waking hours (Buysse,2014). As in the last decade evidence has been mounting that good sleep is crucial for health, sleep health promotion is receiving increasing attention in public health. In this contribution, an overview is provided of the sleep health promotion interventions that have been described in reviews. 
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  • 31 May 2021
Topic Review
Major Cell Death Pathways
Programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis is an important form of cell-autonomous immune control over intracellular pathogens. PCD is mainly responsible for regulating animal development and tissue homeostasis, which regularly occurs in a broad range of human diseases, including immunological, developmental problems, neurodegeneration, and cancer.
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  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Milk Proteins
Milk and colostrum have high biological potential, and due to their natural origin and non-toxicity, they have many uses in cosmetics and dermatology. Research is ongoing on their potential application in other fields of medicine, but there are still few results; most of the published ones are included in this entry. These natural products are especially rich in proteins, such as casein, β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and growth factors, and possess various antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anticancer, antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties, etc. 
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  • 22 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Oral Melanosis
Oral melanosis is a benign pigmented lesion arising in the oral cavity. Oral pigmentation is asymptomatic and does not usually cause any alteration to the texture or thickness of the affected area. The colour can be uniform or speckled and can appear solitary or as multiple lesions. Depending on the site, depth, and quantity of pigment, the appearance can vary considerably. Oral pigmentation is found in the following places: Oral pigmentation affects about 3% of the population and is most likely seen in those with dark skin; however people with light skin have, on average, 30 local pigmented areas and in some circumstances will present intra-orally. They are more often found in females than males and the typical age at presentation is 40 years although they can appear at any age. Diagnosis of oral pigmentation is by a complete history taken by the clinican followed by a thorough clinical examination. Management of such lesions is typically by close clinical monitoring, photographs and measuring tools. A biopsy may be indicated where the following features are present: large or new-pigmented lesions and those with a papular appearance or irregular colouration.
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  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Equine Endometrium Morphology
Mares are seasonal polyestric. The morphology of the healthy equine endometrium is influenced by the season of the year, the stage of the endometrial cycle, as well as the presence of endometrial diseases. The latter have an impact on the wellbeing of individual mares and can also inflict major financial losses for the horse breeding industry. The microscopic examination of an endometrial biopsy is an important diagnostic tool, since it can also detect subclinical diseases. This review provides an overview about morphological and molecular features of the healthy and diseased equine endometrium. It reviews the diagnostic findings of inflammatory and degenerative endometrial disease of mares, as well as the current state of knowledge regarding their cellular and molecular pathogenesis. It further shows that the comparative evaluation of morphological features and molecular characteristics of the healthy and diseased equine endometrium is an important prerequisite for the identification of disease-associated molecular markers, which in turn will facilitate the development of diagnostic and predictive biomarkers, as well as novel prophylactic and therapeutic options. Although currently numerous molecular data are already available, future studies are required to establish their translation into clinical practice.
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  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Hypermethioninemia is an excess of a particular protein building block (amino acid), called methionine, in the blood. This condition can occur when methionine is not broken down (metabolized) properly in the body.
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  • 23 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Toll-like receptor 4 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TLR4 gene. TLR4 is a transmembrane protein, member of the toll-like receptor family, which belongs to the pattern recognition receptor (PRR) family. Its activation leads to an intracellular signaling pathway NF-κB and inflammatory cytokine production which is responsible for activating the innate immune system. TRL4 expressing cells are myeloid (erythrocytes, granulocytes, macrophages) rather than lymphoid (T-cells, B-cells, NK cells). Most myeloid cells also express high levels of CD14, which facilitates activation of TLR4 by LPS. It is most well known for recognizing lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component present in many Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. Neisseria spp.) and selected Gram-positive bacteria. Its ligands also include several viral proteins, polysaccharide, and a variety of endogenous proteins such as low-density lipoprotein, beta-defensins, and heat shock protein. Palmitic acid is also a TLR4 agonist. TLR4 has also been designated as CD284 (cluster of differentiation 284). The molecular weight of TLR4 is approximately 95 kDa.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
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